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Last active August 13, 2018 22:43
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  • Save ChrisWhealy/e1c4b2477d2f703074d6b40f11f9fdb5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ChrisWhealy/e1c4b2477d2f703074d6b40f11f9fdb5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Read a CSV file (with optional header line) and transform it into an object array
const compose = fn1 => fn2 => val => fn2(fn1(val))
// Remove only the start and end double quotes in a string
const stripQuotes = str => str.replace(/(^")|("$)/g,"")
// Remove commas that might occur inside names
const removeCommas = str => str.replace(/,/g,"")
const cleanTxt = compose(stripQuotes)(removeCommas)
// Reject null entries
const notNull = el => el !== null
* Read a CSV file (with an optional header line) and transform it into an array of objects.
* The properties of the object are supplied in the array prop_list. The number and order of the names in prop_list
* must match the number and order of the columns in the CSV file
* To understand how the sequence of processing works in the following function, read the comments in numerical order
* where 1) is at the end!
const csv_to_object_array = (filename, prop_list, hasHdr) =>
((lineArray => // 2) Arg "lineArray" is the CSV file now as an array of lines
(hasHdr ? (lineArray.slice(1)) : lineArray) // 3) Optionally remove the header line
.map( // 4) For each line in the CSV file...
line => // "line" is the arg to the mapper function
(line.length > 0) // 5) Check for an empty line
? line.split(/,(?=(?:(?:[^"]*"){2})*[^"]*$)/) // 6) Split line using positive lookahead to ignore quoted commas
.reduce( // 7) Transform array of fields into new object using a...
(acc, el, idx) => // 8) Reducer function
(_ => acc) // 11) Inner fn ignores its arg value and returns the accumulator
(acc[prop_list[idx]] = cleanTxt(el)) // 10) Add new prop/value to acc and pass to inner, anonymous fn
, {} // 9) Accumulator starts as an empty array
) //
: null // 12) Empty lines become null (will be filtered out next)
) //
.filter(notNull)) // 13) Finally, filter accumulator to remove null entries
) //
((fs.readFileSync(filename, "utf-8")).split(/\r?\n/)) // 1) Read CSV file, split into lines & pass to anonymous inner fn
// Define the names of the columns in the CSV file. These names become the property names of the generated object
const airports_props = [
"id", "name", "city", "country", "iata", "icao", "lat", "lng"
, "elevation", "tz", "dst", "olson_tz_name", "type", "source"
// Assuming you have already downloaded airports.dat from, convert this CSV files to an object array
var openflights_airports = csv_to_object_array("airports.dat", airports_props, false)
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