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Created March 13, 2016 20:36
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  • Save ChristBKK/b38cdbf6c74e3d279979 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ChristBKK/b38cdbf6c74e3d279979 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[[[[[ ~/Dropbox/Coding/Sisterandme/SisterandMe ]]]]]
=> Started proxy.
=> Started MongoDB.
I20160314-03:36:20.523(7)? ** You've set up some data subscriptions with Meteor.publish(), but
I20160314-03:36:20.525(7)? ** you still have autopublish turned on. Because autopublish is still
I20160314-03:36:20.526(7)? ** on, your Meteor.publish() calls won't have much effect. All data
I20160314-03:36:20.526(7)? ** will still be sent to all clients.
I20160314-03:36:20.526(7)? **
I20160314-03:36:20.526(7)? ** Turn off autopublish by removing the autopublish package:
I20160314-03:36:20.527(7)? **
I20160314-03:36:20.527(7)? ** $ meteor remove autopublish
I20160314-03:36:20.527(7)? **
I20160314-03:36:20.527(7)? ** .. and make sure you have Meteor.publish() and Meteor.subscribe() calls
I20160314-03:36:20.527(7)? ** for each collection that you want clients to see.
W20160314-03:36:20.529(7)? (STDERR) WARNING:
W20160314-03:36:20.529(7)? (STDERR) cfs:graphicsmagick could not find "graphicsMagic" or "imageMagic" on the
W20160314-03:36:20.529(7)? (STDERR) system.
W20160314-03:36:20.529(7)? (STDERR)
W20160314-03:36:20.529(7)? (STDERR) I just checked PATH to see if I could find the GraphicsMagick or ImageMagic
W20160314-03:36:20.530(7)? (STDERR) unix/mac os/windows binaries on your system, I failed.
W20160314-03:36:20.530(7)? (STDERR)
W20160314-03:36:20.530(7)? (STDERR) Why:
W20160314-03:36:20.530(7)? (STDERR) 1. I may be blind or naive, help making me smarter
W20160314-03:36:20.530(7)? (STDERR) 2. You havent added the path to the binaries
W20160314-03:36:20.530(7)? (STDERR) 3. You havent actually installed GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick
W20160314-03:36:20.530(7)? (STDERR)
W20160314-03:36:20.530(7)? (STDERR) *** Make sure "$PATH" environment is configured "PATH:/path/to/binaries" ***
W20160314-03:36:20.530(7)? (STDERR)
W20160314-03:36:20.530(7)? (STDERR) Installation hints:
W20160314-03:36:20.531(7)? (STDERR) * Mac OS X "brew install graphicsmagick" or "brew install imagemagick"
W20160314-03:36:20.531(7)? (STDERR) * Linux download rpm or use packagemanager
W20160314-03:36:20.531(7)? (STDERR) * Centos "yum install GraphicsMagick"* Windows download the installer and run
W20160314-03:36:21.218(7)? (STDERR)
W20160314-03:36:21.218(7)? (STDERR) /Users/Chris/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/.
W20160314-03:36:21.218(7)? (STDERR) throw(ex);
W20160314-03:36:21.218(7)? (STDERR) ^
W20160314-03:36:21.226(7)? (STDERR) Error: [Can't apply helpers to 'users' a transform function already exists!]
W20160314-03:36:21.226(7)? (STDERR) at [object Object].Mongo.Collection.helpers (packages/dburles_collection-helpers/collection-helpers.js:5:1)
W20160314-03:36:21.226(7)? (STDERR) at collections/
W20160314-03:36:21.226(7)? (STDERR) at collections/
W20160314-03:36:21.226(7)? (STDERR) at /Users/Chris/Dropbox/Coding/Sisterandme/SisterandMe/.meteor/local/build/programs/server/boot.js:242:10
W20160314-03:36:21.226(7)? (STDERR) at Array.forEach (native)
W20160314-03:36:21.226(7)? (STDERR) at Function._.each._.forEach (/Users/Chris/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/.
W20160314-03:36:21.227(7)? (STDERR) at /Users/Chris/Dropbox/Coding/Sisterandme/SisterandMe/.meteor/local/build/programs/server/boot.js:137:5
=> Exited with code: 8
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