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Last active October 30, 2023 12:55
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  • Save ChristianIvicevic/d57993c2177b15acb4846f47f7c8f572 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ChristianIvicevic/d57993c2177b15acb4846f47f7c8f572 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use s3::{creds::Credentials, Bucket, Region};
use scraper::{Html, Selector};
use serde::Serialize;
use vercel_runtime::{run, Body, Error, Request, Response, StatusCode};
const WOTC_URL: &str = "";
struct Embed {
title: Option<String>,
description: Option<String>,
color: Option<String>,
url: Option<String>,
async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
pub async fn handler(request: Request) -> Result<Response<Body>, Error> {
let auth_bearer_token = format!("Bearer {}", std::env::var("CRON_SECRET")?);
let header = request.headers().get("authorization");
if header.is_none() || header.unwrap().to_str().unwrap() != auth_bearer_token {
return Ok(Response::builder()
let http_response = reqwest::get(WOTC_URL).await?.text().await?;
let document = Html::parse_document(&http_response);
let anchors = document
.filter_map(|it| it.attr("href"))
// We're assuming there is only a single .txt file linked
let href = anchors.first().unwrap();
let file_name = href.split('/').last().unwrap().replace(' ', "");
let bucket = Bucket::new(
Region::R2 {
account_id: std::env::var("R2_ACCOUNT_ID")?,
if bucket.head_object(&file_name).await.is_ok() {
"Bucket already contains file with name `{}`. Nothing to upload.",
return Ok(Response::builder().status(StatusCode::OK).body(().into())?);
let file_content = reqwest::get(*href).await?.text().await?;
bucket.put_object(&file_name, file_content.as_ref()).await?;
if let Ok(webhook_url) = std::env::var("DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL") {
[Embed {
title: Some("MTG Comprehensive Rules have been updated".to_string()),
description: Some(format!(
"The new rulings file `{}` has been successfully uploaded to the bucket.",
color: None,
// For some reason WOTC uses spaces in their filenames and we need to manually escape them...
url: Some(href.replace(' ', "%20").to_string()),
} else {
tracing::warn!("The DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL environment variable is missing.");
import * as cheerio from 'cheerio'
import { PutObjectCommand, S3Client } from '@aws-sdk/client-s3'
import { getSignedUrl } from '@aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner'
import { configDotenv } from 'dotenv'
const r2 = new S3Client({
region: 'auto',
endpoint: process.env.R2_ENDPOINT,
credentials: {
accessKeyId: process.env.R2_ACCESS_KEY_ID ?? '',
secretAccessKey: process.env.R2_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY ?? ''
async function main() {
const httpResponse = await fetch('')
const httpContent = await httpResponse.text()
const $ = cheerio.load(httpContent)
const link = $('a')
.filter((_, el) => $(el).attr('href')?.endsWith('.txt') ?? false)
if (!link) return
const fileName = link.split('/').at(-1)?.replace(' ', '-')
if (!fileName) return
const signedUrl = await getSignedUrl(
new PutObjectCommand({
Bucket: process.env.R2_BUCKET_NAME,
Key: fileName
{ expiresIn: 60 }
const fileResponse = await fetch(link)
const fileContent = await fileResponse.text()
await fetch(signedUrl, {
method: 'PUT',
body: fileContent
if (process.env.DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL) {
await fetch(process.env.DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
embeds: [
title: 'MTG Comprehensive Rules have been updated',
description: `The new rulings file has been successfully uploaded to \`${fileName}\`.`,
color: null,
url: link
void main()
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