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Last active July 3, 2023 12:01
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Save ChristianOellers/80f00761334437d34affc61108a85ba8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Symfony + Vagrant settings - VM configuration, aliases and snippets for speedy workflows.
# Utility aliases to call from within running Vagrant box. Speed up fixing common, recurring issues during development.
# @todo - Adjust paths and commands as needed.
# - Symfony
# - Logs
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Symfony
# Run from server root
# Caches
alias sfcache="php /vagrant/bin/console cache:pool:clear cache.global_clearer;"
alias sfcache="php /vagrant/bin/console cache:clear --env=prod; sudo chown -R --preserve-root www-data:www-data /vagrant/var/cache/;"
# Logs
# 1. Log all errors, infos, deprecations, debug
# 2. Log important only (e.g. ignore deprecations)
alias sflogall="tail -f /vagrant/var/log/dev.log;"
alias sflogmin="tail -f /vagrant/var/log/dev.log | grep -Ev '_wdt|assets|Deprecated|doctrine.DEBUG';"
# Permissions
# - Useful after running rsync of files from server to Vagrant box,
# issues appear in certain occasions only
alias sfuser="sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /vagrant;"
alias sflog="sudo chmod -R 777 /vagrant/var/log/;"
alias sfperm="sfuser; sflog;"
# Fix - SQL mode
# - Might be relevant in rare issue cases, but can be fixed in `Vagrantfile`.
# - Use: Append arbitrary query, e.g.: "SET GLOBAL sql_mode=(SELECT REPLACE(@@sql_mode,'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY',''));"
#alias sfsql="sudo mysql -u root -e"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Logs
# nginx
alias logng="tail -f /var/log/nginx/;"
# Xdebug
alias logxd="tail -f /var/log/xdebug/xdebug.log;"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYSTEM
# Examples
alias cls="clear"
# How to use:
# - Run from Vagrantfile or inside the box, if the first option gives issues (sudo sh
# - Adjust as needed, given example and stack might differ for other applications.
apt update -y
apt upgrade -y
# Server
apt install -y nginx
if ! [ -L /var/www/html ]; then
rm -rf /var/www/html
ln -fs /vagrant /var/www/html
systemctl enable nginx.service
systemctl start nginx.service
apt install -y mysql-server
systemctl enable mysql.service
systemctl start mysql.service
# PHP packages
# Anything needed ...
#apt -y install php~ xdebug~ ...
# XDebug - Setup + Config.
# -
# -
# Checks
# - Gateway (remote_host) : route -nee | awk '{ print $2 }' | sed -n 3p
# - Added to PHP : php -i | grep xdebug.remote_host
# - Module loaded : php -m | grep -i xdebug
xdebug.remote_enable = 1
xdebug.remote_connect_back = 1
xdebug.remote_port = 9000
xdebug.max_nesting_level = 512
xdebug.remote_autostart = true
xdebug.remote_host =
xdebug.remote_log = /var/log/xdebug/xdebug.log
sudo mkdir /var/log/xdebug
sudo mv /var/log/xdebug.log xdebug/
sudo chmod 666 /var/log/xdebug/xdebug.log
# Adjust to own PHP version
#sudo bash -c "printf \"$XDEBUG_CONFIG\" > /etc/php/~/mods-available/xdebug.ini"
# PHP + nginx
#systemctl enable php~-fpm.service
#systemctl start php~-fpm.service
#systemctl restart nginx.service
# Composer
php -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');"
php composer-setup.php --install-dir=/usr/bin --filename=composer
php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"
# Redis
apt install -y redis-server
systemctl enable redis-server.service
systemctl start redis-server.service
# Filter (Symfony) log messages
# - Include only 'example' messages (arbitrary example)
# - Exclude any deprecation, debug messages
tail -f var/log/dev.log | grep -E 'example' | grep -Eiv 'Deprecated|Debug';
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
$ip = ""
$memory = 2048
$cpus = 4
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "ubuntu/bionic64" "private_network", ip: $ip
# Alternative type: "nfs"
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", type: "rsync",
rsync__chown: false,
rsync__rsync_ownership: false,
rsync__exclude: [".git/", ".idea/", ".vagrant/", ".vscode/", "node_modules/", "var/"]
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
vb.memory = $memory
vb.cpus = $cpus
# Optional: Custom library setup and OS config
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "vagrant/"
# Optional: Copy custom config files into Vagrant (demo for aliases)
# - Adjust paths as needed (just an example)
#config.vm.provision "shell", run: "always", inline: "cp /vagrant/vagrant/vagrant.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/"
config.vm.provision "shell", run: "always", inline: "cp /vagrant/vagrant/aliases ~/.bash_aliases"
config.vm.provision "shell", run: "always", inline: "source ~/.bashrc"
config.vm.provision "shell", run: "always", inline: "service nginx restart"
config.vm.provision "shell", run: "always", inline: "chown -R www-data:www-data /vagrant/"
# Fix SQL mode issue (can happen, rarely).
# Would need different escaping with Ruby!
$fixSqlMode = <<-SCRIPT
sudo mysql -u root -e "SET GLOBAL sql_mode=(SELECT REPLACE(@@sql_mode,'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY',''));"
config.vm.provision "shell", run: "always", inline: $fixSqlMode
# For convenience
config.vm.provision "shell", run: "always", inline: "printf 'VAGRANT STARTED, view web app: http://" + $ip + "'"
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