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  • Save ChristianOellers/e95a884fd8ca6d3c5d6ea447ce087a68 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Magento E-Commerce CE - Reset directory CHMOD recursively to defaults
# Repair or restore Magento shop CHMOD settings.
# There are some custom files and issue fixes incorporated.
# Tested with Magento CE -
# Run this script with 'chmod o+x' applied.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Select folder, Startup info
WD=`dirname "$0"`; # Working directory
cd $WD;
ls -al;
echo -n "
Globally change all Magento web CHMOD settings.
find . -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} \;
find . -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \;
chmod o+w app/etc var var/.htaccess;
chmod o+w var/backups var/cache var/connect;
chmod o+w var/export var/log var/session var/report;
chmod o+w var/minifycache;
chmod -R o+w media;
chmod -R o+w share;
chmod 0550 lib/PEAR
chmod 0745;
chmod 0745 cron.php;
chmod 0600 app/etc/local.xml;
chmod o+x mage;
Continue? [y,N]";
read answer;
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run
if [ "$answer" = "y" -o "$answer" = "Y" ]
find . -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} \;
find . -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \;
chmod o+w app/etc var var/.htaccess;
chmod o+w var/backups var/cache var/connect;
chmod o+w var/export var/log var/session var/report;
chmod o+w var/minifycache;
chmod -R o+w media;
chmod -R o+w share;
chmod 0550 lib/PEAR
chmod 0745;
chmod 0745 cron.php;
chmod 0600 app/etc/local.xml;
chmod o+x mage;
ls -al;
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