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Created August 8, 2016 09:24
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
This is the main entry point for the multi label correlation coefficient
microservice which listens to RPC calls for applications which need to work
with computed data about the label correlation coefficients, i.e. data viz
in dashboards and such. The data is fetched from a MySQL database.
import Data.Word
import Data.List.Split
import System.Environment as SE
import Control.Exception
import System.IO.Error
import Database.MySQL.Simple
import Database.MySQL.Simple.QueryResults
import Database.MySQL.Simple.Result
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.MessagePack
import Network.MessagePack.Server
import Statistics.Matrix
import Statistics.Correlation
data Label = Label { jointLabels :: String } deriving Show
instance QueryResults Label where
convertResults [fa] [va] = Label { jointLabels = a }
where a = convert fa va
convertResults fs vs = convertError fs vs 2
Transforms a label as returned from the database to an array of binary
indicators, one for each label.
toArray :: Label -> [Double]
toArray l = (\x -> read x :: Double)
$ splitOn "," (jointLabels l)
This function fetches the labels from the database.
fetchLabels :: Connection -> IO [Label]
fetchLabels conn = query_ conn
"select joint_labels from annotated_search_labels"
This function filters rows from a matrix which can be interpreted as a
constant function.
The background is that the pearson correlation (as defined by
`pearsonMatByRow`) where each row is a random variable is undefined for
constant functions and therefore returns NaN. This ought to be prevented.
filterLabels :: [[Double]] -> [[Double]]
filterLabels = filter (\x -> 0 < sum x && sum x < fromIntegral (length x))
Computes the pearson correlation of a matrix where each column represents
a random variable.
For n columns a matrix of `(n,n)` is returned.
pearsonMatByCol :: Matrix -> Matrix
pearsonMatByCol = transpose . pearsonMatByRow . transpose
Implements correlation coefficients between columns of a matrix. Each row
represents an observation, whereas a column represents a variable.
correlationCoefficients :: Connection -> IO [[Double]]
correlationCoefficients conn = do
labels <- query_ conn "select joint_labels from annotated_search_labels"
let arr = toArray labels;
let mat = fromRowLists arr;
return (toRowLists $ pearsonMatByCol mat)
Convenience wrapper to generate a ConnectInfo object from variables
provided by the environment
getConnectInfo :: String -> Word16 -> String -> String -> String -> ConnectInfo
getConnectInfo host port user pass db = ConnectInfo { connectHost = host,
connectPort = port,
connectUser = user,
connectPassword = pass,
connectDatabase = db,
connectOptions = [],
connectPath = "",
connectSSL = Nothing }
add :: Int -> Int -> Server Int
add x y = return $ x + y
main :: IO ()
main = do
host <- SE.getEnv "MYSQL_HOST"
-- supplied as String, needed as Int
port <- read <$> SE.getEnv "MYSQL_PORT"
user <- SE.getEnv "MYSQL_USER"
pass <- SE.getEnv "MYSQL_PASS"
db <- SE.getEnv "MYSQL_DB"
--res <- fetchLabels conn
conn <- connect $ getConnectInfo host port user pass db
let fn = correlationCoefficients conn
--let labels = filterLabels $ toArray res
--print $ show (fromRowLists labels)
--print . pearsonMatByCol $ fromRowLists labels
putStrLn "listening on"
serve 18800 [ method "correlationCoefficients"
(correlationCoefficients conn) ]
-- serve 18800 [ method "add" add ]
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