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Last active August 21, 2018 08:32
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[Prime Numbers] 1a. A superfast prime number generator that lists all primes up to and including N. 1b. A JavaScript prime number generating one-liner. 2. A fast integer factorisation handler that utilises the prime number generator. #AppleScript #JavaScript #primes #lists #math #integers #factorisation
to factorise(x)
property lim : x ^ 0.5
property P : primes(lim) & getNextPrime(lim)
property L : {}
end script
tell the result
repeat with p0 in its P
repeat until (x mod p0) ≠ 0
set end of its L to p0
set x to x / p0
end repeat
if x = 1 then exit repeat
end repeat
if x ≠ 1 then set end of its L to x as integer
contents of its L
end tell
end factorise
to getNextPrime(x)
local x
if x < 2 then return 2
property P : primes(x)
on isPrime(n)
local n
set lim to n ^ 0.5
repeat with p0 in P
if (n mod p0) = 0 then return false
if p0 > lim then exit repeat
end repeat
end isPrime
end script
tell the result
set x to end of its P
set x to x + 1
if isPrime(x) then exit repeat
end repeat
end tell
end getNextPrime
on primes(N)
local N
if N < 2 then return
script P -- The list of integers to be sieved
on Array(N) -- Generate a list of integers from 1 to n
local N
if N < 1 then return {}
script A
property L : {}
end script
repeat with x from 1 to N
set end of A's L to x
end repeat
A's L
end Array
script Q
property fn : Array
property L : my fn(N)
end script
property L : rest of Q's L
end script
tell P to repeat with i from 1 to (N ^ 0.5)
set d to item i of its L
if d ≠ null then repeat with j from ¬
(i + d) to the length of its L by d
set item j of its L to null
end repeat
end repeat
numbers of P's L
end primes
primes = N => Array.apply(null,Array(N))
.map((x,y) => y)
.filter(i => (i > 1) && Array.apply(null,Array(1 + ~~Math.sqrt(i)))
.every((x,y) => (y < 2) || (i % y !== 0)))
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