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Created October 13, 2020 15:27
[Match Safari Tabs Against URL Substring] A fast, efficient tab filter that operates over all tabs in all Safari windows to return a reference to those where the URL contains a given phrase. #AppleScript #Safari #browser #windows #tabs #URL #filter #search
on SafariTabsWhoseURLsContain:(phrase as text)
set text item delimiters to linefeed
tell application id "" to if it ¬
is running then tell every window to if ¬
it exists then tell (it where (index of ¬
tab 1 where phrase is in the URL) is in ¬
index of tabs) to tell (every tab whose ¬
URL contains the phrase) to if (exists) ¬
then return a reference to it
end SafariTabsWhoseURLsContain:
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