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Created April 7, 2021 20:58
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Valve Index config
"device" : {
"eye_target_height_in_pixels" : 1600,
"eye_target_width_in_pixels" : 1440,
"first_eye" : "eEYE_LEFT",
"hidden_area_mesh" : 5,
"last_eye" : "eEYE_RIGHT",
"num_windows" : 1
"device_class" : "hmd",
"device_pid" : 8192,
"device_serial_number" : "LHR-E8CC625B",
"device_vid" : 10462,
"direct_mode_edid_pid" : "91A8",
"direct_mode_edid_vid" : "VLV",
"display_edid" : [ "", "" ],
"expected_bases" : 2,
"expected_controllers" : 2,
"head" : {
"plus_x" : [ -1, 0, 0 ],
"plus_z" : [ 0, -0, -1 ],
"position" : [ 0, 0, -0.01092000026255846 ]
"imu" : {
"acc_bias" : [ 0.0599321127, -0.090968214, 0.0213420279 ],
"acc_scale" : [ 0.999978423, 1.00012457, 1.00079083 ],
"gyro_bias" : [ 0.0086673107, -0.00931411888, 0.0259303432 ],
"plus_x" : [ 3.4228541778702493e-08, -0.99999996577145822, -0 ],
"plus_z" : [ 0, -0, 1 ],
"position" : [ -0.053339999169111252, 0.0370200015604496, 0.057069998234510422 ]
"ipd" : {
"enable" : true,
"high_mm" : 70,
"low_mm" : 58.0000076,
"minstep_mm" : 2
"lighthouse_config" : {
"channelMap" : [ 13, 14, 15, 4, 12, 3, 11, 16, 10, 5, 6, 2, 9, 7, 8, 1, 0, 28, 20, 27, 29, 30, 19, 31, 26, 17, 18, 21, 25, 24, 22, 23 ],
"modelNormals" : [
[ 0.778691828, 0.622605145, -0.0774715245 ],
[ 9.79999968e-05, 0.667682767, 0.74444592 ],
[ 0.000722999976, 0.988561928, -0.150813654 ],
[ 0.123117998, 0.553260148, 0.82385987 ],
[ 0.332606047, 0.903485119, -0.270348072 ],
[ 0.344565004, 0.381300271, 0.857837379 ],
[ 0.86151129, 0.384554148, -0.33153674 ],
[ 0.898183763, 0.216545999, -0.382588267 ],
[ 0.962244749, 0.00692530815, -0.272097528 ],
[ 0.92692101, -0.179479823, -0.329551786 ],
[ 0.751371026, -0.627331793, -0.204686329 ],
[ 0.647259951, -0.00111135992, 0.762268603 ],
[ 0.330946028, -0.918073952, -0.218208492 ],
[ 0.511129141, -0.835072577, -0.203471959 ],
[ 0.00573800039, -0.999502659, -0.0310112145 ],
[ 0.0516760014, -0.299966991, 0.952548921 ],
[ 0, -0.356254667, 0.934388876 ],
[ -0.00573800039, -0.999502659, -0.0310112145 ],
[ -0.0516760014, -0.299966991, 0.952548921 ],
[ -0.330946028, -0.918073952, -0.218208492 ],
[ -0.511129141, -0.835072577, -0.203471959 ],
[ -0.751371026, -0.627331793, -0.204686329 ],
[ -0.647259951, -0.00111135992, 0.762268603 ],
[ -0.92692101, -0.179479823, -0.329551786 ],
[ -0.962244749, 0.00692530815, -0.272097528 ],
[ -0.123117998, 0.553260148, 0.82385987 ],
[ -0.344565004, 0.381300271, 0.857837379 ],
[ -0.898183763, 0.216545999, -0.382588267 ],
[ -0.86151129, 0.384554148, -0.33153674 ],
[ -0.332606047, 0.903485119, -0.270348072 ],
[ -0.000722999976, 0.988561928, -0.150813654 ],
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"modelPoints" : [
[ 0.0243149325, 0.0512222052, 0.0396306291 ],
[ -0.000188856808, 0.0536793806, 0.0502441563 ],
[ 0.0494549312, 0.0474195816, 0.0497572497 ],
[ 0.0503145643, 0.0445493869, 0.0608914569 ],
[ 0.0771109015, 0.0422157273, 0.0317859091 ],
[ 0.0791444778, 0.0419322141, 0.0549124032 ],
[ 0.0829417855, 0.0345950127, 0.0272869598 ],
[ 0.0894366279, 0.0349139534, 0.0432945676 ],
[ 0.0868074149, -0.00163943646, 0.0228785202 ],
[ 0.0921600983, -0.00882383622, 0.0407226346 ],
[ 0.0891362652, -0.0183107536, 0.0465508699 ],
[ 0.0886690244, -0.0149095049, 0.0568645485 ],
[ 0.066359356, -0.046103809, 0.0357925482 ],
[ 0.0744439811, -0.0462763496, 0.0528056733 ],
[ 0.0431860872, -0.050443124, 0.0587027073 ],
[ 0.0384469964, -0.0386423133, 0.0728416815 ],
[ -0.000276108884, -0.040569745, 0.073141709 ],
[ -0.0430479385, -0.0506853834, 0.0590838045 ],
[ -0.0382269509, -0.0384488516, 0.0732016042 ],
[ -0.0664111227, -0.0461586118, 0.0355501287 ],
[ -0.0745682269, -0.0462332927, 0.0521429852 ],
[ -0.0892851353, -0.0185174868, 0.0462496392 ],
[ -0.0888718292, -0.0150167756, 0.0572486483 ],
[ -0.0922916085, -0.0089373216, 0.0407582074 ],
[ -0.0871191472, -0.00175328157, 0.0230103973 ],
[ -0.0500472449, 0.0447937064, 0.0609168597 ],
[ -0.0794981793, 0.0422389507, 0.0549913645 ],
[ -0.0892375857, 0.0347220302, 0.043194782 ],
[ -0.0827467069, 0.0345337018, 0.0271344371 ],
[ -0.0766051188, 0.0421212278, 0.0322538726 ],
[ -0.0493417867, 0.0471722968, 0.0498814583 ],
[ -0.0241645426, 0.051670704, 0.039278999 ]
"manufacturer" : "Valve",
"mfg_build_info" : {
"rootserial" : "AUAB038103A8"
"model_number" : "Utah MP",
"resource_root" : "utah",
"revision" : 9,
"tracked_cameras" : [
"cal_method" : "tz",
"extrinsics" : {
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"intrinsics" : {
"center_x" : 480.22319189158384,
"center_y" : 487.40038029680528,
"distort" : {
"coeffs" : [ 0.19352878172551474, 0.021987852179867606, -0.19471263389396828, 0.077891205831156968 ],
"focal_x" : 416.30976030080581,
"focal_y" : 416.72371444040652,
"height" : 960,
"interface" : "",
"width" : 960
"name" : "left",
"white_balance" : [ 1.36121809, 1.00072491, 1.54245198, 0 ]
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"plus_x" : [ -0.99690462758726994, -0.0033671800635993177, -0.078548493997058821 ],
"plus_z" : [ 0.078484320373479355, 0.016185060216101981, -0.99678397639337013 ],
"position" : [ -0.067489996552467346, -0.032940000295639038, 0.068810001015663147 ]
"intrinsics" : {
"center_x" : 482.94268197964857,
"center_y" : 506.79538180573633,
"distort" : {
"coeffs" : [ 0.19200242546330049, 0.024458127303619886, -0.19240981437254812, 0.075796637372166076 ],
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"focal_y" : 417.10236895466227,
"height" : 960,
"interface" : "",
"width" : 960
"name" : "right",
"white_balance" : [ 1.28994334, 1.00115824, 1.5377593, 0 ]
"tracking_to_eye_transform" : [
"distortion" : {
"center_x" : 0.012858093234322136,
"center_y" : -0.0010350458847581321,
"coeffs" : [ -0.24571149479425955, -0.010815400366844426, -0.034810748691225579, -0.001092292025081802 ],
"distortion_blue" : {
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"center_y" : -0.0010350458847581321,
"coeffs" : [ -0.26076424245007179, 0.0021654516568185831, -0.045549516278188221, 0.0059358533456773267 ],
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"center_y" : -0.0010350458847581321,
"coeffs" : [ -0.24329182031063448, -0.0067862463472918239, -0.035049439887787914, -0.005575937312600923 ],
"eye_to_head" : [
[ 0.99619472, 0, 0.0871557444 ],
[ 0, 1, 0 ],
[ -0.0871557444, 0, 0.99619472 ]
"grow_for_undistort" : 0.600000024,
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[ 1.2631892, 0, -0.0128580928 ],
[ 0, 1.13551915, -0.000931541319 ],
[ 0, 0, -1 ]
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"distortion" : {
"center_x" : -0.02086730327102515,
"center_y" : -0.00014447702827643147,
"coeffs" : [ -0.24228923488583148, -0.017288053089485091, -0.031360277524884912, -0.00081630514521740247 ],
"distortion_blue" : {
"center_x" : -0.021330219937691828,
"center_y" : -0.00014447702827643147,
"coeffs" : [ -0.25629684919793883, -0.0058514649525774499, -0.041298235837868326, 0.0062762150040365939 ],
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"center_x" : -0.020404344937691752,
"center_y" : -0.00014447702827643147,
"coeffs" : [ -0.23811970173808161, -0.016604925502115828, -0.029919472340280615, -0.0049923774303624845 ],
"eye_to_head" : [
[ 0.99619472, 0, -0.0871557444 ],
[ 0, 1, 0 ],
[ 0.0871557444, 0, 0.99619472 ]
"grow_for_undistort" : 0.600000024,
"intrinsics" : [
[ 1.26298463, 0, 0.020867303 ],
[ 0, 1.13561177, -0.000130029322 ],
[ 0, 0, -1 ]
"undistort_r2_cutoff" : 1.31772077
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