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Last active January 6, 2021 00:22
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Simple Redis Based Rate Limiter Implementation
package io.chrisdavenport.rediculous.ratelimiter
import cats.syntax.all._
import io.chrisdavenport.rediculous.{RedisConnection, RedisTransaction}
import io.chrisdavenport.rediculous.RedisCommands.{zremrangebyscore, zadd, zcard, zrange, pexpire, ZAddOpts}
import cats.effect.Concurrent
import io.chrisdavenport.rediculous.RedisTransaction.TxResult.{Aborted, Success, Error}
import cats.Applicative
import scala.concurrent.duration._
trait RateLimiter[F[_]]{
def get(id: String): F[RateLimiter.RateLimitInfo]
def getAndDecrement(id: String): F[RateLimiter.RateLimitInfo]
def rateLimit(id: String): F[RateLimiter.RateLimitInfo]
object RateLimiter {
case class RateLimitInfo(
remaining: Long, // Remaining attempts
total: Long, // max rate allowed for interval
reset: FiniteDuration, // Time until all permits have reset
case class RateLimited(namespace: String, info: RateLimitInfo) extends Throwable(s"RateLimiter with namespace $namespace failed") with scala.util.control.NoStackTrace
def create[F[_]: Concurrent](
connection: RedisConnection[F],
max: Long = 2500,
duration: FiniteDuration = 3600000.milliseconds, // milliseconds
namespace : String = "rediculous-rate-limiter"
): RateLimiter[F] = new RateLimiter[F] {
def getInternal(id: String, remove: Boolean): F[RateLimitInfo] = Concurrent[F].suspend{
val key = s"${namespace}:${id}"
val now = System.currentTimeMillis()
val start = (now.millis - duration)
val random = java.util.UUID.randomUUID() // UUID means we avoid overlap at matching milli precision
val possibleAdd: RedisTransaction[Unit] =
if (remove) zadd[RedisTransaction](key, List((now.toDouble, now.toString ++ "-" ++ random.toString())), ZAddOpts(None, false, false)).void
else Applicative[RedisTransaction].unit
val operations =
zremrangebyscore[RedisTransaction](key, 0, start.toMillis.toDouble),
zrange[RedisTransaction](key, 0, 0),
zrange[RedisTransaction](key, -max, -max),
pexpire[RedisTransaction](key, duration.toMillis)
case (_, _, count, oldest, oldestInRange, _) =>
val resetMillis =
oldestInRange.headOption // Oldest value is the set accepted, since both numbers are same, list can only be empty or 1
.orElse(oldest.headOption) // Or the oldest of any value
.map(_.dropRight(37)) // Remove UUID salt
.map(_ + duration.toMillis)
val remaining = if (count < max) max - count else 0
val reset = resetMillis.millis - now.millis
val total = max
remaining, // Rate Limit Remaining
total, // Total Permits
reset, // Time to reset
case Success(value) => value.pure[F]
case Aborted => Concurrent[F].raiseError(new Throwable("Transaction Aborted"))
case Error(value) => Concurrent[F].raiseError(new Throwable(s"Transaction Raised Error $value"))
def get(id: String): F[RateLimitInfo] = getInternal(id, false)
def getAndDecrement(id: String): F[RateLimitInfo] = getInternal(id, true)
def rateLimit(id: String): F[RateLimitInfo] = get(id).flatMap{
case r@RateLimitInfo(0, _, _) => RateLimited(namespace, r).raiseError[F, RateLimitInfo]
case _ => getAndDecrement(id)
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