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Last active February 1, 2024 11:38
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A Current Listing of Libraries

Cats Anchored

Cats Instances for Java Time

Cats Instances for Scalacheck

Generica Semigroups for Scala

Generic Monoids for Scala

Transforming subsets of values within a functor.

Cats-Effect Anchored

Pure Randomness in Scala

Java Time for Cats-Effect

Functional Circuit Breaker implementation

Cooperative Cancelation for Cats-Effect

A Keyed Pool Implementation for Scala

Keyed Semaphore Implementation

Unique functional values for scala

Type-safe, persistent storage for values of arbitrary types

Refs optimized around maps

Synchronous resource access


Logging tools for interaction with cats-effect

  • log4cats-core - Primary Abstractions
  • log4cats-slf4j - Slf4j Support
  • log4cats-noop - Noop Implementation
  • log4cats-testing - Testing Loggers
  • log4cats-mtl - Provide for MTL support
  • log4cats-log4s - Log4s Support
  • log4cats-scribe - Scribe Support

Functional UUID's for Scala

  • fuuid
  • fuuid-circe - Circe Support
  • fuuid-doobie - Doobie Support
  • fuuid-http4s - Http4s Support
  • fuuid-annotation - Automatically create an inner Id tagged FUUID type with convenient methods for its creation.
  • fuuid-annotation-doobie - Annotation Created Types Automatically Support Derived Doobie Instances

CSV Handling Library for FP

  • cormorant-core - Core Data
  • cormorant-parser - Atto Powered Parser for Cormorant
  • cormorant-generic - Shapeless Auto-Derived Instances for Cormorant
  • cormorant-fs2 - Streamed Parsing
  • cormorant-http4s - Entity Encoder/Decoder for Http4s CSV's
  • cormorant-refined - Automatically Dervice Cormorants Types for Refined Types

Epimetheus Ecosystem



  • mules - Core Abstractions
  • mules-caffeine - Caffeine Support
  • mules-noop - NoOp Caches
  • mules-reload - Automatically Reloading Caches
  • mules-http4s - Http4s Caching Implementation for Caching Servers and Client Http Interactions According to the Http Spec.
  • mules-redis - Redis Support
  • mules-http4s-redis Distributed Http Caching Support

Github Integration for Scala

Remote Dictionary Client, that's hysterical. (Redis Client)

Dynamic Path Parsing

Automatically checks semver binary compatibility

Generalized attoparsec with Cats

Test Containers Support for Specs2

Docker Daemon Integration

Library Starter Template


  • progressbar - Functional ProgressBar
  • rank3 - Rank3 Transformations - Probably want cats-tagless instead
  • doobie-pool - Doobie Pooling Mechanism in Pure FP, no Hikari.
  • iork - Higher Kinded Ior
  • bank - Concurrent Vault Management
  • read - Read Typeclass
  • ancient-concurrent Cats-effect concurrent for cats-effect 0.10, please upgrade cats-effect.
  • system-effect - Console and Environment Simple Tools

Examples (often outdated)


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