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Last active September 1, 2021 21:58
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IOLocal Based Invisible Trace
object Test extends ResourceApp.Simple {
def run = for {
ep <- Jaeger.entryPoint("server")(_ => IO(Configuration.fromEnv().getTracerBuilder().build()))
root <- ep.root("run")
ioLocal <- Resource.eval(IOLocal(root))
trace = MyTrace.fromIOLocal(ioLocal)
spanning = MyServer.ioTraceOverride(ep, ioLocal)
_ <- MyServer.inF(spanning)(Async[IO], trace)
} yield ()
object MyServer {
// Equivalent to you normal app
def inF[F[_]: Async: natchez.Trace](spanning: org.http4s.server.HttpMiddleware[F]): Resource[F,Unit] = {
val app = spanning(myApp[F]).orNotFound
def myApp[F[_]: Monad: natchez.Trace] = {
val dsl = Http4sDsl[F]; import dsl._
case GET -> Root / "foo" => natchez.Trace[F].span("Woot")(Ok("bar"))
def ioTraceOverride(
ep: EntryPoint[IO],
local: IOLocal[Span[IO]]
): HttpMiddleware[IO] = http => Kleisli{ req =>
val kernel = Kernel( => ( -> h.value)).toMap)
val spanR: Resource[IO, Span[IO]] = ep.continueOrElseRoot(req.uri.path.toString, kernel)
OptionT(spanR.use(span =>
Resource.make(local.set(span))(_ => local.reset).use(_ =>
object MyTrace {
// Proves this can all be done without FiberLocal if we are ok
// being precisely IO at the end of the world.
def fromIOLocal(local: IOLocal[Span[IO]]): natchez.Trace[IO] =
new natchez.Trace[IO] {
def put(fields: (String, TraceValue)*): IO[Unit] =
local.get.flatMap(_.put(fields: _*))
def kernel: IO[Kernel] =
def span[A](name: String)(k: IO[A]): IO[A] =
local.get.flatMap { parent =>
parent.span(name).flatMap { child =>
Resource.make(local.set(child))(_ => local.set(parent))
} .use { _ => k }
def traceId: IO[Option[String]] =
def traceUri: IO[Option[URI]] =
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