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Created February 26, 2024 13:24
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Split import from splitwise
import { getPrisma } from '@/lib/prisma'
import { Prisma } from '@prisma/client'
import { randomId, getCategories } from '@/lib/api'
import { Client } from 'pg'
import { default as csv } from 'csv-parser'
import { createReadStream } from 'fs'
async function writeData(groupName: string, currency: string, data: any) {
const prisma = await getPrisma()
// Get map of category name to ID
const categoryMapping: Record<string, number> = {}
const categories = await getCategories()
for (const categoryRow of categories) {
categoryMapping[] =
// Create the Group
const groupId = randomId()
const group: Prisma.GroupCreateInput = {
id: groupId,
name: groupName,
currency: currency,
createdAt: new Date(),
const participantIdsMapping: Record<string, string> = {}
const participants: Prisma.ParticipantCreateManyInput[] = []
// Find Participants and add
const participantList = Object.keys(data[0]).slice(5)
for (const participant of participantList) {
const id = randomId()
participantIdsMapping[participant] = id
groupId: groupId,
name: participant,
// Iterate expense data and add expenses
const expenses: Prisma.ExpenseCreateManyInput[] = []
const expenseParticipants: Prisma.ExpensePaidForCreateManyInput[] = []
for (const expenseRow of data) {
const id = randomId()
let paidBy:string = ""
// replace the "other" category names. e.g. "Entertainment - other" -> "Entertainment"
const expenseCategory = expenseRow.Category.toLowerCase().replace(" - other", "")
// Find the remaining amount for the paying participant
const totalAmt = participantList.reduce((sum, participant) => sum + (expenseRow[participant] < 0 ? Math.abs(expenseRow[participant]) : 0),0)
const paidByShare = Math.round((expenseRow.Cost - totalAmt)*100)
for (const participant of participantList) {
const participantShare = expenseRow[participant]
const absShare = Math.abs(participantShare*100)
if (participantShare > 0) {
paidBy = participant
if (expenseCategory == "payment") {
// This is a repayment so expenseParticipants is any other
// group participant that has a negative amount in the row.
// This should generally just be one other participant.
if (participantShare < 0) {
expenseId: id,
participantId: participantIdsMapping[participant],
shares: absShare
} else if (participantShare != 0) {
// This group participant is part of this expense
expenseId: id,
participantId: participantIdsMapping[participant],
shares: (paidBy == participant) ? paidByShare : absShare
if (paidBy !== "") {
amount: Math.round(Number(expenseRow.Cost) * 100),
groupId: groupId,
title: expenseRow.Description,
expenseDate: new Date(expenseRow.Date),
categoryId: expenseCategory === "payment" ? 2 : categoryMapping[expenseCategory] ?? 1,
createdAt: new Date(),
isReimbursement: expenseCategory === "payment",
paidById: participantIdsMapping[paidBy],
splitMode: "BY_AMOUNT"
console.log('Creating group:', group)
await{ data: group })
console.log('Creating participants:', participants)
await prisma.participant.createMany({ data: participants })
console.log('Creating expenses:', expenses)
await prisma.expense.createMany({ data: expenses })
console.log('Creating expenseParticipants:', expenseParticipants)
await prisma.expensePaidFor.createMany({data: expenseParticipants })
async function main() {
const groupName = "Test Group"
const currency = "£"
const fileName = "./test-group_export.csv"
withClient(async (client) => {
// Load CSV
const data:any = []
.on('data', (r) => {
// console.log(r);
.on('end', async () => {
// console.log(data);
await writeData(groupName, currency, data)
async function withClient(fn: (client: Client) => void | Promise<void>) {
const client = new Client({
connectionString: process.env.POSTGRES_PRISMA_URL,
ssl: false,
await client.connect()
try {
await fn(client)
} finally {
await client.end()
// Run using: npx ts-node ./src/scripts/import.ts
// Need to downgrade nanoid to 3.3.4 to avoid import errors
// npm uninstall nanoid
// npm install nanoid@3.3.4
Date Description Category Cost Currency Participant A Participant B
2020-04-26 Test Even Split Decimal General 12.10 GBP 6.05 -6.05
2020-09-17 Test Even Split General 69 GBP -34.5 34.5
2020-09-19 Test Round Up General 169.25 GBP -84.62 84.62
2020-09-20 Test round down General 10.13 GBP 5.06 -5.06
2020-10-01 Test A owes B General 100.00 GBP -100 100
2020-10-02 Participant A. pays Participant B. Payment 208.01 GBP 208.01 -208.01
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