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Last active March 11, 2018 06:45
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move = False
rotate = True
def hyperbolicTiling(n_sides, n_order):
assert 1/2 + 1/n_sides + 1/n_order < 1
class tiling(object):
sides = n_sides
order = n_order
def __init__(self, cell = ()):
#todo: use Aho-Corasick algorithm
cell = list(cell)
i = 0
while i < len(cell):
if cell[i:i+2] == [move, move]:
cell[i:i+2] = []
elif cell[i:i+tiling.sides] == [rotate] * tiling.sides:
cell[i:i+tiling.sides] = []
elif cell[i:i+2*tiling.order] == [rotate,move] * tiling.order:
cell[i:i+2*tiling.order] = []
i += 1
self.__cell = tuple(cell)
def cell(self):
return self.__cell
def __repr__(self):
rep = ""
for c in self.cell:
if c: rep += 'R'
else: rep += 'M'
if rep == "": rep = "<origin>"
return rep
def __eq__(self,other):
assert type(self) == type(other), "tiling.__eq__: must be from the same tiling"
return self.cell == other.cell
def sameCell(self,other):
assert type(self) == type(other), "tiling.__sameCell__: must be from the same tiling"
return self in [other.rotated(i) for i in xrange(tiling.sides)]
def moved(self):
return tiling((move,) + self.cell)
def rotated(self,steps=1):
return tiling(((rotate,) * (steps % tiling.sides)) + self.cell)
#todo: position of center of cell and position of endpoints of edge in some model of hyperbolic geometry
return tiling
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