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Created March 15, 2016 22:38
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{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, GADTs, LambdaCase #-}
data Stream a res where
Head :: Stream a a
Tail :: Stream a (CoData (Stream a))
newtype CoData con = CoD {unCoD :: forall r. con r -> r}
appendList :: [a] -> CoData (Stream a) -> CoData (Stream a)
appendList [] s = s
appendList (x:xs) s = CoD $ \case
Head -> x
Tail -> appendList xs s
cycle :: [a] -> CoData (Stream a)
cycle xs = let r = appendList xs r in r
toList :: CoData (Stream a) -> [a]
toList (CoD f) = f Head : toList (f Tail)
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