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Christopher King ChristopherKing42

  • Milky Way Galaxy
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--Roughly based on by Gabriel Gonzalez et al.
data Expr = Star | Box | Var Int | Lam Int Expr Expr | Pi Int Expr Expr | App Expr Expr deriving (Show, Eq)
subst v e (Var v') | v == v' = e
subst v e (Lam v' ta b ) | v == v' = Lam v' (subst v e ta) b
subst v e (Lam v' ta b ) = Lam v' (subst v e ta) (subst v e b )
subst v e (Pi v' ta tb) | v == v' = Pi v' (subst v e ta) tb
subst v e (Pi v' ta tb) = Pi v' (subst v e ta) (subst v e tb)
subst v e (App f a ) = App (subst v e f ) (subst v e a )

This gives a proof of correctness of the algorithm at Unless otherwise specified, lowercase letters are used for variables for single symbols and group generators, and uppercase letters are used for variables for strings and group elements. 1 is the empty string or the identity element of a group. X$Y means every symbol of A commutes with every symbol of B (as group generators).

Let G be a right-angled coxeter group over the set of generators S. This just means that G is a group presented by aa = 1 for each a in S and any set of equations of the form ab = ba (or equivalently abab = 1) for a ≠ b. In addition, there is a linear order < over S.

The algorithm rewrites strings of the form Xa into a canonical form, assuming X is already in

import Data.Array
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Text.Printf
newtype Puzzle = Puzzle (Array (Int,Int) Int) deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Puzzle where
show (Puzzle arr) = unlines [concat [printf "%02d " $ arr ! (x,y) | y <- [0..3]] | x <- [0..3]]
blank = 0
win = Puzzle $ listArray ((0,0),(3,3)) $ [1..15] ++ [0]
ChristopherKing42 /
Last active January 6, 2021 03:05
Insane HyperRogue Community Quotes

Note: Links were not in the original, but added to help the reader

  • I want every possible Turing machine running in H2xE in an arrangement that allows me to always navigate to the desired Turing machine. (The 3rd dimension is for the tape).

    - bengineer8

  • I'm surprised by how rare the googol mutant ivy kills achievement is

- Lily

from opensimplex import OpenSimplex
from PIL import Image
import random
from heapq import *
mtns = OpenSimplex(seed = random.getrandbits(32))
hills = OpenSimplex(seed = random.getrandbits(32))
bumps = OpenSimplex(seed = random.getrandbits(32))
def terrain((x,y)):
Thou art denceis, and the speak
Hos most every and these for his blest constort thee army
As I do many of the seavers,
That an the manst hould have a ther cause
That the world and more than dones,
The gons, I bet my wears in the every litte.
These thing is and the morses of men with all their martis with
ChristopherKing42 / GitCoin
Last active April 5, 2018 23:11
A new "cryptocurrency"
/u/TheKing01: 25 git coins
/u/Chiron1991: 10 git coins
/u/polypeptide147: 10 git coins
/u/benderjacob: 5 git coins
sides = 7
order = 3
F.<rotate,move> = FreeGroup(2)
G = F/[rotate**sides, move**2, (rotate*move)**order]
k = G.rewriting_system()
print k
print [(x.Tietze(), y.Tietze()) for x,y in k.rules().items()]
move = False
rotate = True
def hyperbolicTiling(n_sides, n_order):
assert 1/2 + 1/n_sides + 1/n_order < 1
class tiling(object):
sides = n_sides
order = n_order
def __init__(self, cell = ()):
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import random
born = [3,6,7,8]
die = [0,1,2,5]
size = 30
def neighbors((x,y),g):