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Last active May 9, 2018 03:25
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A script to produce an unique list of the Linux kernel headers used by the given source files.
""" The purpose of this script is to produce an unique list of the Linux kernel headers used by the given source files."""
import os.path
class Header:
bLocal = False
sLocalPath = ""
incPath = ""
pathMap = {"asm": "asm-generic"}
specialChars = ["\"", "<", ">"]
def __init__(self, incPath, incUserPath):
if incPath.count("\"") == 2:
self.bLocal = True
self.sLocalPath = os.path.split(incUserPath)[0] + "/"
for char in self.specialChars:
incPath = incPath.replace(char, "")
self.incPath = self.sLocalPath + incPath
def toAbsPath(self):
res = self.incPath
for k, v in self.pathMap.items():
res = res.replace(k, v)
if not self.bLocal:
res = "include/" + res
return res
class Headers:
_headers = []
def __init__(self, lHeaders):
for h in lHeaders:
def listIncPaths(self):
return [i.incPath for i in self._headers]
def listAbsIncPaths(self):
return [i.toAbsPath() for i in self._headers]
def append(self, oHeader):
if not oHeader.incPath in self.listIncPaths():
#print oHeader.toAbsPath()
class File:
_path = ""
_headers = []
def __init__(self, sPath):
INCLUDE = "#include "
headers = [i[INCLUDE_LEN:] for i in open(sPath).readlines() if i.startswith(INCLUDE)]
self._headers = [(i[:-1] if i[-1] == "\n" else i) for i in headers]
self._path = sPath
if __name__ == "__main__":
files_paths = ["C:/tests/dev.c", "C:/tests/skbuff.c"] # put paths to files here
files = [File(i) for i in files_paths if os.path.exists(i)]
all_headers = []
for file in files:
all_headers += [Header(h, file._path) for h in file._headers]
headers = Headers(all_headers)
print headers.listAbsIncPaths()
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