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D^3CTF 2019 Crypto - Noise
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from os import urandom
import signal
def getrandbits(bit):
return int.from_bytes(urandom(bit >> 3), "big")
def main():
secret = getrandbits(1024)
print("Listen...The secret is...M2@...f*#...z()I!(...3;J..."
"Hello?...really noisy here...God bless you get it...")
for i in range(50):
op = input().strip()
num = input().strip()
if not str.isnumeric(num):
num = int(num)
if op == 'god':
print((num + getrandbits(1000)) % secret)
elif op == 'bless':
if num == secret:
import random
import socket
class Socket:
def __init__(self, host, port):
self.s = socket.socket()
self.s.connect((host, port))
def send(self, m, output=True, end=b'\n'):
if isinstance(m, str):
m = m.encode('Latin1')
m += end
if output:
print("send:", m)
def recv(self, rec_bytes=2048, output=True):
m = self.s.recv(rec_bytes).decode('Latin1')
if output:
return m
NUM_BIT = 1024
NOISE_BIT = 1000
scope = 1 << NOISE_BIT
s = Socket('localhost', 23334)
cnt = 0
def oracle(num, op='god'):
global cnt
cnt += 1
if cnt > 50:
print("Not very lucky ... try it again")
resp = s.recv().strip()
if op == 'god':
return int(resp)
return resp
def check(L, R):
t = (L - scope - 1) // (R - L)
I = random.randint(t * R, (t + 1) * L - scope - 1)
assert (I // L == t)
assert (I // R == t)
out = oracle(I)
LL = I - out
RR = I - out + scope
ans_L, ans_R = (LL + t - 1) // t, RR // t
return ans_L, ans_R
L = 0
R = 1 << NUM_BIT
while True:
if L * 2 >= R + scope + 1:
mid = (L + R) >> 1
if oracle(mid) > mid:
# mid < mid + r < n
L = mid + 1
# n <= mid + r <= mid + scope
R = min(R, mid + scope)
while L < R:
L, R = check(L, R)
for i in range(L, R + 1):
if "CONGRATULATIONS" in oracle(i, op='bless'):
print("total:", cnt)

Noise Writeup

D^3CTF 2019 Crypto - Noise




$n$ is an unknown constant integer (1024 bits). You can interactive with an oracle for less than 50 times: given a non-negative integer $x$, return $f(x) = (x + r) \bmod n$ where $r$ is an inconstantly random integer (1000 bits). Retrieve the $n$.


One natural way is the binary search. In this way, we can get only one bit each round and it doesn't work when the length of the range of the $n$ is close to the noise. However, maybe it's a good idea for breaking through the problem to start from a rough range and make it smaller.

Assumes that we have already known a rough integer interval $[L, R]$ satisfying $n \in [L, R]$. If we can find a pair of integer $(I, t)$ where the following equation holds for all possible $n$ and $r$:

$$f(I) = (I + r) \bmod n = I + r - tn$$

in other words,

$$tn = I - f(I) + r$$

Obviously $I - f(I) + r$ is a multiple of $t$ and its range is only related to the $r$. Thus a different range of $n$ comes out:

$$n = \frac{I - f(I) + r}{t} \in \left [ \frac{I - f(I) + r_{\min}}{t} , \frac{I - f(I) + r_{\max}}{t} \right ]$$

The $r$ ranges in $\left [0, 2^{1000} \right ]$. Let $s = r_{\max} = 2^{1000}$ and the length of the above range of $n$ is around $\frac{s}{t}$.

Now the problem is how to choose a proper pair $(I, t)$ and make the $t$ as large as possible to get a small range of $n$. Look back to the assumption,

$$\forall r \in [0, s], n \in [L, R], \quad tn \leq I + r < (t+1)n$$

in other words,

$$(tn - r){\max} \leq I < ((t + 1)n - r){\min}$$


$$(tn - r){\max} = tR \quad < \quad ((t + 1)n - r){\min} = (t + 1)L - s$$

$$\Leftrightarrow \quad tR \leq (t + 1)L - s - 1$$

$$\Leftrightarrow \quad t \leq \frac{L - s - 1}{R-L}$$

The $I$ always exists as long as the $t$ satisfies this inequation. Besides, the $t$ has a lower bound $t\geq 1$ such that the division makes sense. So we have requirements for the $L, R$:

$$1 \leq t \leq \frac{L - s - 1}{R-L} \quad \Rightarrow \quad 2L\geq R + s + 1$$

There are two ways to pick out valid $[L, R]$ at the beginning:

  1. Assumes that the $n$ ranges in $\left [2^{1023}, 2^{1024} \right ]$. (the possibility is about 50%, so take more tries if unlucky)
  2. Binary search. (it's trivial and see more detail in the exp script)

Let's take a summary. Try to pick a valid pair $L, R$ as the initial interval of $n$. Then Let the $t$ be the maximum $\frac{L - s - 1}{R-L}$ and select a $I$ from the range $[tR, (t + 1)L - s - 1]$, so

$$n \in \left [ \left \lceil \frac{I - f(I)}{t}\right \rceil, \left \lfloor \frac{I - f(I) + s}{t}\right \rfloor \right ]$$

Let the $[L, R]$ be the new interval and repeat for a couple of times. The range of $n$ shrinks from $\Delta \sim R-L$ to $\Delta' \sim \frac{s}{t}$ where

$$\Delta' \sim \frac{s}{t} \sim \frac{s(R-L)}{L-s-1} \sim \frac{s\Delta}{L-s} \sim \frac{s\Delta}{n}$$

The number of iterations is about $\log_s n$, typically around 45 times. (similarly, take more tries if not lucky enough)

FYI: This is a general solution. You will find some much easier ways to retrieve it if you just make some assumptions (such as assume that the $n$ is in a certain range, let $I = tR$, etc.), simplify the above steps and try a couple of times.


$n$ 是一个未知整数 (1024 bits)。你可以访问一个黑盒函数不超过 50 次:给定一个非负整数 $x$,返回 $f(x) = (x + r) \bmod n$,$r$ 是一个每次都重新生成的随机数 (1000 bits)。 求 $n$


一种比较自然的想法是二分查找,但这样每次只能获取到 1 bit 信息且当区间大小接近噪声大小时就无法再缩小范围了。不过我们可以以这种方式切入,假设已知某个范围并想办法缩小它。

假设我们已有 $[L, R]$ 满足 $n \in [L, R]$。如果我们可以找到一对 $(I, t)$ 对于所有可能的 $n$$r$ 都满足:

$$f(I) = (I + r) \bmod n = I + r - tn$$

$$tn = I - f(I) + r$$

那么显然 $I - f(I) + r$$t$ 的倍数,它的范围只和 $r$ 有关。所以可得 $n$ 的新区间:

$$n = \frac{I - f(I) + r}{t} \in \left [ \frac{I - f(I) + r_{\min}}{t} , \frac{I - f(I) + r_{\max}}{t} \right ]$$

$r$ 的范围是 $\left [0, 2^{1000} \right ]$。令 $s = r_{\max} - r_{\min} = 2^{1000}$,则上述区间长度大约是 $\frac{s}{t}$

现在的问题就转化为如何选取一对合适的 $(I, t)$ 并且 $t$ 尽可能大,这样得到的新区间就尽可能小。回到一开始的假设上,

$$\forall r \in [0, s], n \in [L, R], \quad tn \leq I + r < (t+1)n$$

$$(tn - r){\max} \leq I < ((t + 1)n - r){\min}$$


$$(tn - r){\max} = tR \quad < \quad ((t + 1)n - r){\min} = (t + 1)L - s$$

$$\Leftrightarrow \quad tR \leq (t + 1)L - s - 1$$

$$\Leftrightarrow \quad t \leq \frac{L - s - 1}{R-L}$$

只要 $t$ 满足这个条件,我们就可以找到对应的 $I$。除此之外,因为 $t$ 参与除法,所以还有一个下界 $t\geq 1$,由此我们可以得到对 $L, R$ 的限制条件:

$$1 \leq t \leq \frac{L - s - 1}{R-L} \quad \Rightarrow \quad 2L\geq R + s + 1$$

有两种方法来设置合法的初始 $[L, R]$

  1. 直接假设 $n$ 落在 $\left [2^{1023}, 2^{1024} \right ]$(这样的概率大约是 50%,所以如果假设不成立就多试几次)
  2. 二分查找(这是一种很显然的方法,详见 exp

综上所述,首先选取一对 $L, R$ 作为 $n$ 的初始范围.然后令 $t$ 为最大值 $\frac{L - s - 1}{R-L}$ 并在区间 $[tR, (t + 1)L - s - 1]$ 中选择一个 $I$,由此可得新区间

$$n \in \left [ \left \lceil \frac{I - f(I)}{t}\right \rceil, \left \lfloor \frac{I - f(I) + s}{t}\right \rfloor \right ]$$

更新 $[L, R]$ 的值重复上述过程。$n$ 的范围跨度从 $\Delta \sim R-L$ 缩小到 $\Delta' \sim \frac{s}{t}$,有

$$\Delta' \sim \frac{s}{t} \sim \frac{s(R-L)}{L-s-1} \sim \frac{s\Delta}{L-s} \sim \frac{s\Delta}{n}$$

所以迭代次数大约是 $\log_s n$,一般在 45 次左右(同样如果一次不行,就多试几次)

FYI:这是一般性的做法。如果直接做一些假设(譬如假设 $n$ 落在某个范围,令 $I = tR$ 等等),可以省略掉一些繁琐的步骤得到一些更简单但需要多试几次的做法。

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