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Last active February 6, 2023 11:21
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  • Save ChuaJingYong/251e8ea54550c6bdfa35c9b224d88034 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ChuaJingYong/251e8ea54550c6bdfa35c9b224d88034 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"Beginner Workshop",
"Thursday Jumpstarter session",
"Meet up with Fidly"
"Intermediate Workshop",
"Friday Jumpstarter session",
"Meet up with Naman"
"Frontend Workshop",
"Jumpstarter session",
"Meet up with JY",
"Study budy session"
"userName": "Jing Yong",
"Beginner Workshop",
"Thursday Jumpstarter session",
"Meet up with Fidly"
"Intermediate Workshop",
"Friday Jumpstarter session",
"Meet up with Naman"
"todoList":[["Task A",true],["Task B",false],["Task C",true]],
"courseModule": {
"Coding Basics Experience (Free)":{
"chapters": [
"Day 0: Setting Up",
"Day 1: HTML Essentials",
"Day 2: CSS Essentials 1",
"Day 3: CSS Essentials 2",
"Day 4: Tailwind CSS",
"Day 5: Practice & Challenges",
"Day 6: Build Personal Portfolio Website",
"Day 7: Build Airbnb Clone",
"What's next?"
"topics": [
"Guiding Principles",
"Course Methodology",
"Support System",
"Learning Mindset & Strategy",
"What Makes Us Different",
"What Will You Build",
"Why Are We Doing This?",
"Extra note",
"Using This App",
"Asking For Help",
"Any Issues?",
"All Warmed Up?",
"Here's The Flow",
"Progress Update",
"Intro: Rethinking Coding Education",
"Day 0: Setting Up",
"Install a Code Editor",
"Visual Studio Code Extensions",
"GitHub Account",
"How Does The Internet Work?",
"How Do Websites Actually Work?",
"Front End, Back End, Full Stack?",
"\nProgress Update\n",
"Day 1: HTML Essentials",
"Introduction to HTML",
"HTML Page Structure & Anatomy",
"HTML Elements",
"HTML Text-based Elements",
"HTML Inline & Block Elements",
"Building Structure",
"HTML Hyperlinks",
"HTML Comments",
"HTML Lists",
"HTML Medias",
"HTML Forms",
"HTML Tables",
"Project: Structure the Basic Portfolio Website",
"HTML Images",
"HTML Best Practices",
"HTML Practice 1",
"HTML Practice 2 [Instructions]",
"HTML Practice 2 [Solutions]",
"\nProgress Update\n",
"Day 2: CSS Essentials 1",
"Introduction to CSS",
"CSS Classes",
"Linking Up CSS",
"The Cascade",
"CSS Hierachy of Specificity",
"Common CSS Property Values",
"CSS Comments",
"CSS Texts",
"CSS Buttons",
"CSS Box Model",
"CSS Inheritance",
"CSS Overflow",
"CSS Positioning",
"Project: Style the Portfolio Website",
"\nProgress Update\n",
"Day 3: CSS Essentials 2",
"Getting Started",
"CSS Flexbox 1",
"CSS Flexbox 2",
"CSS Flexbox 3",
"CSS Flexbox 4",
"CSS Media Queries 101",
"CSS Media Queries 102",
"Assignment: Flexbox",
"Assignment: Media Queries",
"Project: Layout Replication",
"Project: User Profile Card",
"\nProgress Update\n",
"Day 4: Tailwind CSS",
"Getting Started",
"Utility-First Fundamentals",
"Handling Hover, Focus and Other States",
"Responsive Design",
"Flexbox with Tailwind CSS",
"Grid with Tailwind CSS",
"Project: Build a Blog Card",
"\nProgress Update\n",
"Day 5: Practice & Challenges",
"Practice: Recreate HTML Structure",
"CSS Challenge: 404 Page",
"CSS Challenge: Banner",
"Tailwind CSS Challenge: Breadcrumb",
"Tailwind CSS Challenge: Tabs",
"Challenge: Shoes Website Layout Clone",
"\nProgress Update\n",
"Day 6: Build Personal Portfolio Website",
"Getting Started",
"General Styling",
"Header Section",
"Home Section",
"About Section",
"Experience Section",
"Work Section",
"Contact Section",
"Footer Section",
"Deploy Your App",
"\nProgress Update\n",
"Day 7: Build Airbnb Clone",
"Getting Started",
"Navigation Menu",
"Header: Banner",
"Section: Explore Nearby",
"Section: Live Anywhere",
"Section: The Greatest Outdoors Banner",
"Footer: Menu Links",
"Deploy Your App",
"\nProgress Update\n",
"What's next?",
"Thank you",
"Leave your feedback so we can improve!",
"We need your support!",
"Now, the real journey begins!",
"\nProgress Update\n"
"content": [
"chapter": "Overview",
"topics": []
"topics": []
"chapter": "General",
"topics": [
"title": "Introduction",
"status": true
"title": "Guiding Principles",
"status": true
"title": "Course Methodology",
"status": true
"title": "Support System",
"status": true
"title": "Learning Mindset & Strategy",
"status": true
"title": "What Makes Us Different",
"status": true
"title": "What Will You Build",
"status": true
"title": "Why Are We Doing This?",
"status": false
"title": "Extra note",
"status": false
"title": "Using This App",
"status": false
"title": "Asking For Help",
"status": false
"title": "Any Issues?",
"status": false
"title": "All Warmed Up?",
"status": false
"title": "Here's The Flow",
"status": true
"title": "Progress Update",
"status": false
"title": "Intro: Rethinking Coding Education",
"status": false
"chapter": "Day 0: Setting Up",
"topics": [
"title": "Install a Code Editor",
"status": true
"title": "Visual Studio Code Extensions",
"status": false
"title": "GitHub Account",
"status": false
"title": "How Does The Internet Work?",
"status": false
"title": "How Do Websites Actually Work?",
"status": true
"title": "Front End, Back End, Full Stack?",
"status": false
"title": "\nProgress Update\n",
"status": false
"chapter": "Day 1: HTML Essentials",
"topics": [
"title": "Introduction to HTML",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Page Structure & Anatomy",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Elements",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Text-based Elements",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Inline & Block Elements",
"status": false
"title": "Building Structure",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Hyperlinks",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Comments",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Lists",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Medias",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Forms",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Tables",
"status": false
"title": "Project: Structure the Basic Portfolio Website",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Images",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Best Practices",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Practice 1",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Practice 2 [Instructions]",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Practice 2 [Solutions]",
"status": false
"title": "Summary",
"status": false
"title": "\nProgress Update\n",
"status": false
"chapter": "Day 2: CSS Essentials 1",
"topics": [
"title": "Introduction to CSS",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Classes",
"status": false
"title": "Linking Up CSS",
"status": false
"title": "The Cascade",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Hierachy of Specificity",
"status": false
"title": "Common CSS Property Values",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Comments",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Texts",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Buttons",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Box Model",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Inheritance",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Overflow",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Positioning",
"status": false
"title": "Project: Style the Portfolio Website",
"status": false
"title": "\nProgress Update\n",
"status": false
"chapter": "Day 3: CSS Essentials 2",
"topics": [
"title": "Getting Started",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Flexbox 1",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Flexbox 2",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Flexbox 3",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Flexbox 4",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Media Queries 101",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Media Queries 102",
"status": false
"title": "Assignment: Flexbox",
"status": false
"title": "Assignment: Media Queries",
"status": false
"title": "Project: Layout Replication",
"status": false
"title": "Project: User Profile Card",
"status": false
"title": "\nProgress Update\n",
"status": false
"chapter": "Day 4: Tailwind CSS",
"topics": [
"title": "Getting Started",
"status": false
"title": "Utility-First Fundamentals",
"status": false
"title": "Handling Hover, Focus and Other States",
"status": false
"title": "Responsive Design",
"status": false
"title": "Flexbox with Tailwind CSS",
"status": false
"title": "Grid with Tailwind CSS",
"status": false
"title": "Project: Build a Blog Card",
"status": false
"title": "\nProgress Update\n",
"status": false
"chapter": "Day 5: Practice & Challenges",
"topics": [
"title": "Practice: Recreate HTML Structure",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Challenge: 404 Page",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Challenge: Banner",
"status": false
"title": "Tailwind CSS Challenge: Breadcrumb",
"status": false
"title": "Tailwind CSS Challenge: Tabs",
"status": false
"title": "Challenge: Shoes Website Layout Clone",
"status": false
"title": "\nProgress Update\n",
"status": false
"chapter": "Day 6: Build Personal Portfolio Website",
"topics": [
"title": "Getting Started",
"status": false
"title": "General Styling",
"status": false
"title": "Header Section",
"status": false
"title": "Home Section",
"status": false
"title": "About Section",
"status": false
"title": "Experience Section",
"status": false
"title": "Work Section",
"status": false
"title": "Contact Section",
"status": false
"title": "Footer Section",
"status": false
"title": "Deploy Your App",
"status": false
"title": "\nProgress Update\n",
"status": false
"chapter": "Day 7: Build Airbnb Clone",
"topics": [
"title": "Getting Started",
"status": false
"title": "Navigation Menu",
"status": false
"title": "Header: Banner",
"status": false
"title": "Section: Explore Nearby",
"status": false
"title": "Section: Live Anywhere",
"status": false
"title": "Section: The Greatest Outdoors Banner",
"status": false
"title": "Footer: Menu Links",
"status": false
"title": "Deploy Your App",
"status": false
"title": "\nProgress Update\n",
"status": false
"chapter": "What's next?",
"topics": [
"title": "Thank you",
"status": false
"title": "Leave your feedback so we can improve!",
"status": false
"title": "We need your support!",
"status": false
"title": "Now, the real journey begins!",
"status": false
"title": "\nProgress Update\n",
"status": false
"completedTopics": [
"chapter": "General",
"topic": "Introduction"
"chapter": "General",
"topic": "Guiding Principles"
"chapter": "General",
"topic": "Course Methodology"
"chapter": "General",
"topic": "Support System"
"chapter": "General",
"topic": "Learning Mindset & Strategy"
"chapter": "General",
"topic": "What Makes Us Different"
"chapter": "General",
"topic": "What Will You Build"
"chapter": "General",
"topic": "Here's The Flow"
"chapter": "Day 0: Setting Up",
"topic": "Install a Code Editor"
"chapter": "Day 0: Setting Up",
"topic": "How Do Websites Actually Work?"
"progress": 8.2
"CSDP | Coding Fundamentals (Level 1)":"dummyData"}
"userName": "Yuven",
"Beginner Workshop",
"Thursday Jumpstarter session",
"Meet up with Fidly"
"Intermediate Workshop",
"Friday Jumpstarter session",
"Meet up with Naman"
"todoList":[["Task D",true],["Task E",false],["Task F",true]],
"courseModule": {
"Coding Basics Experience (Free)":{
"chapters": [
"Day 0: Setting Up",
"Day 1: HTML Essentials",
"Day 2: CSS Essentials 1",
"Day 3: CSS Essentials 2",
"Day 4: Tailwind CSS",
"Day 5: Practice & Challenges",
"Day 6: Build Personal Portfolio Website",
"Day 7: Build Airbnb Clone",
"What's next?"
"topics": [
"Guiding Principles",
"Course Methodology",
"Support System",
"Learning Mindset & Strategy",
"What Makes Us Different",
"What Will You Build",
"Why Are We Doing This?",
"Extra note",
"Using This App",
"Asking For Help",
"Any Issues?",
"All Warmed Up?",
"Here's The Flow",
"Progress Update",
"Intro: Rethinking Coding Education",
"Day 0: Setting Up",
"Install a Code Editor",
"Visual Studio Code Extensions",
"GitHub Account",
"How Does The Internet Work?",
"How Do Websites Actually Work?",
"Front End, Back End, Full Stack?",
"\nProgress Update\n",
"Day 1: HTML Essentials",
"Introduction to HTML",
"HTML Page Structure & Anatomy",
"HTML Elements",
"HTML Text-based Elements",
"HTML Inline & Block Elements",
"Building Structure",
"HTML Hyperlinks",
"HTML Comments",
"HTML Lists",
"HTML Medias",
"HTML Forms",
"HTML Tables",
"Project: Structure the Basic Portfolio Website",
"HTML Images",
"HTML Best Practices",
"HTML Practice 1",
"HTML Practice 2 [Instructions]",
"HTML Practice 2 [Solutions]",
"\nProgress Update\n",
"Day 2: CSS Essentials 1",
"Introduction to CSS",
"CSS Classes",
"Linking Up CSS",
"The Cascade",
"CSS Hierachy of Specificity",
"Common CSS Property Values",
"CSS Comments",
"CSS Texts",
"CSS Buttons",
"CSS Box Model",
"CSS Inheritance",
"CSS Overflow",
"CSS Positioning",
"Project: Style the Portfolio Website",
"\nProgress Update\n",
"Day 3: CSS Essentials 2",
"Getting Started",
"CSS Flexbox 1",
"CSS Flexbox 2",
"CSS Flexbox 3",
"CSS Flexbox 4",
"CSS Media Queries 101",
"CSS Media Queries 102",
"Assignment: Flexbox",
"Assignment: Media Queries",
"Project: Layout Replication",
"Project: User Profile Card",
"\nProgress Update\n",
"Day 4: Tailwind CSS",
"Getting Started",
"Utility-First Fundamentals",
"Handling Hover, Focus and Other States",
"Responsive Design",
"Flexbox with Tailwind CSS",
"Grid with Tailwind CSS",
"Project: Build a Blog Card",
"\nProgress Update\n",
"Day 5: Practice & Challenges",
"Practice: Recreate HTML Structure",
"CSS Challenge: 404 Page",
"CSS Challenge: Banner",
"Tailwind CSS Challenge: Breadcrumb",
"Tailwind CSS Challenge: Tabs",
"Challenge: Shoes Website Layout Clone",
"\nProgress Update\n",
"Day 6: Build Personal Portfolio Website",
"Getting Started",
"General Styling",
"Header Section",
"Home Section",
"About Section",
"Experience Section",
"Work Section",
"Contact Section",
"Footer Section",
"Deploy Your App",
"\nProgress Update\n",
"Day 7: Build Airbnb Clone",
"Getting Started",
"Navigation Menu",
"Header: Banner",
"Section: Explore Nearby",
"Section: Live Anywhere",
"Section: The Greatest Outdoors Banner",
"Footer: Menu Links",
"Deploy Your App",
"\nProgress Update\n",
"What's next?",
"Thank you",
"Leave your feedback so we can improve!",
"We need your support!",
"Now, the real journey begins!",
"\nProgress Update\n"
"content": [
"chapter": "Overview",
"topics": []
"topics": []
"chapter": "General",
"topics": [
"title": "Introduction",
"status": true
"title": "Guiding Principles",
"status": true
"title": "Course Methodology",
"status": true
"title": "Support System",
"status": true
"title": "Learning Mindset & Strategy",
"status": true
"title": "What Makes Us Different",
"status": true
"title": "What Will You Build",
"status": true
"title": "Why Are We Doing This?",
"status": true
"title": "Extra note",
"status": true
"title": "Using This App",
"status": false
"title": "Asking For Help",
"status": false
"title": "Any Issues?",
"status": false
"title": "All Warmed Up?",
"status": false
"title": "Here's The Flow",
"status": true
"title": "Progress Update",
"status": false
"title": "Intro: Rethinking Coding Education",
"status": false
"chapter": "Day 0: Setting Up",
"topics": [
"title": "Install a Code Editor",
"status": true
"title": "Visual Studio Code Extensions",
"status": false
"title": "GitHub Account",
"status": false
"title": "How Does The Internet Work?",
"status": false
"title": "How Do Websites Actually Work?",
"status": true
"title": "Front End, Back End, Full Stack?",
"status": false
"title": "\nProgress Update\n",
"status": false
"chapter": "Day 1: HTML Essentials",
"topics": [
"title": "Introduction to HTML",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Page Structure & Anatomy",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Elements",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Text-based Elements",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Inline & Block Elements",
"status": false
"title": "Building Structure",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Hyperlinks",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Comments",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Lists",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Medias",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Forms",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Tables",
"status": false
"title": "Project: Structure the Basic Portfolio Website",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Images",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Best Practices",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Practice 1",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Practice 2 [Instructions]",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Practice 2 [Solutions]",
"status": false
"title": "Summary",
"status": false
"title": "\nProgress Update\n",
"status": false
"chapter": "Day 2: CSS Essentials 1",
"topics": [
"title": "Introduction to CSS",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Classes",
"status": false
"title": "Linking Up CSS",
"status": false
"title": "The Cascade",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Hierachy of Specificity",
"status": false
"title": "Common CSS Property Values",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Comments",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Texts",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Buttons",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Box Model",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Inheritance",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Overflow",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Positioning",
"status": false
"title": "Project: Style the Portfolio Website",
"status": false
"title": "\nProgress Update\n",
"status": false
"chapter": "Day 3: CSS Essentials 2",
"topics": [
"title": "Getting Started",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Flexbox 1",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Flexbox 2",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Flexbox 3",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Flexbox 4",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Media Queries 101",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Media Queries 102",
"status": false
"title": "Assignment: Flexbox",
"status": false
"title": "Assignment: Media Queries",
"status": false
"title": "Project: Layout Replication",
"status": false
"title": "Project: User Profile Card",
"status": false
"title": "\nProgress Update\n",
"status": false
"chapter": "Day 4: Tailwind CSS",
"topics": [
"title": "Getting Started",
"status": false
"title": "Utility-First Fundamentals",
"status": false
"title": "Handling Hover, Focus and Other States",
"status": false
"title": "Responsive Design",
"status": false
"title": "Flexbox with Tailwind CSS",
"status": false
"title": "Grid with Tailwind CSS",
"status": false
"title": "Project: Build a Blog Card",
"status": false
"title": "\nProgress Update\n",
"status": false
"chapter": "Day 5: Practice & Challenges",
"topics": [
"title": "Practice: Recreate HTML Structure",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Challenge: 404 Page",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Challenge: Banner",
"status": false
"title": "Tailwind CSS Challenge: Breadcrumb",
"status": false
"title": "Tailwind CSS Challenge: Tabs",
"status": false
"title": "Challenge: Shoes Website Layout Clone",
"status": false
"title": "\nProgress Update\n",
"status": false
"chapter": "Day 6: Build Personal Portfolio Website",
"topics": [
"title": "Getting Started",
"status": false
"title": "General Styling",
"status": false
"title": "Header Section",
"status": false
"title": "Home Section",
"status": false
"title": "About Section",
"status": false
"title": "Experience Section",
"status": false
"title": "Work Section",
"status": false
"title": "Contact Section",
"status": false
"title": "Footer Section",
"status": false
"title": "Deploy Your App",
"status": false
"title": "\nProgress Update\n",
"status": false
"chapter": "Day 7: Build Airbnb Clone",
"topics": [
"title": "Getting Started",
"status": false
"title": "Navigation Menu",
"status": false
"title": "Header: Banner",
"status": false
"title": "Section: Explore Nearby",
"status": false
"title": "Section: Live Anywhere",
"status": false
"title": "Section: The Greatest Outdoors Banner",
"status": false
"title": "Footer: Menu Links",
"status": false
"title": "Deploy Your App",
"status": false
"title": "\nProgress Update\n",
"status": false
"chapter": "What's next?",
"topics": [
"title": "Thank you",
"status": false
"title": "Leave your feedback so we can improve!",
"status": false
"title": "We need your support!",
"status": false
"title": "Now, the real journey begins!",
"status": false
"title": "\nProgress Update\n",
"status": false
"completedTopics": [
"chapter": "General",
"topic": "Introduction"
"chapter": "General",
"topic": "Guiding Principles"
"chapter": "General",
"topic": "Course Methodology"
"chapter": "General",
"topic": "Support System"
"chapter": "General",
"topic": "Learning Mindset & Strategy"
"chapter": "General",
"topic": "What Makes Us Different"
"chapter": "General",
"topic": "What Will You Build"
"chapter": "General",
"topic": "Why Are We Doing This?"
"chapter": "General",
"topic": "Extra note"
"chapter": "General",
"topic": "Here's The Flow"
"chapter": "Day 0: Setting Up",
"topic": "Install a Code Editor"
"chapter": "Day 0: Setting Up",
"topic": "How Do Websites Actually Work?"
"progress": 9.8
"CSDP | Coding Fundamentals (Level 1)":"dummyData2"}
"userName": "Harghun",
"Beginner Workshop",
"Thursday Jumpstarter session",
"Meet up with Fidly"
"Intermediate Workshop",
"Friday Jumpstarter session",
"Meet up with Naman"
"todoList":[["Task G",true],["Task H",false],["Task I",true]],
"courseModule": {
"Coding Basics Experience (Free)":{
"chapters": [
"Day 0: Setting Up",
"Day 1: HTML Essentials",
"Day 2: CSS Essentials 1",
"Day 3: CSS Essentials 2",
"Day 4: Tailwind CSS",
"Day 5: Practice & Challenges",
"Day 6: Build Personal Portfolio Website",
"Day 7: Build Airbnb Clone",
"What's next?"
"topics": [
"Guiding Principles",
"Course Methodology",
"Support System",
"Learning Mindset & Strategy",
"What Makes Us Different",
"What Will You Build",
"Why Are We Doing This?",
"Extra note",
"Using This App",
"Asking For Help",
"Any Issues?",
"All Warmed Up?",
"Here's The Flow",
"Progress Update",
"Intro: Rethinking Coding Education",
"Day 0: Setting Up",
"Install a Code Editor",
"Visual Studio Code Extensions",
"GitHub Account",
"How Does The Internet Work?",
"How Do Websites Actually Work?",
"Front End, Back End, Full Stack?",
"\nProgress Update\n",
"Day 1: HTML Essentials",
"Introduction to HTML",
"HTML Page Structure & Anatomy",
"HTML Elements",
"HTML Text-based Elements",
"HTML Inline & Block Elements",
"Building Structure",
"HTML Hyperlinks",
"HTML Comments",
"HTML Lists",
"HTML Medias",
"HTML Forms",
"HTML Tables",
"Project: Structure the Basic Portfolio Website",
"HTML Images",
"HTML Best Practices",
"HTML Practice 1",
"HTML Practice 2 [Instructions]",
"HTML Practice 2 [Solutions]",
"\nProgress Update\n",
"Day 2: CSS Essentials 1",
"Introduction to CSS",
"CSS Classes",
"Linking Up CSS",
"The Cascade",
"CSS Hierachy of Specificity",
"Common CSS Property Values",
"CSS Comments",
"CSS Texts",
"CSS Buttons",
"CSS Box Model",
"CSS Inheritance",
"CSS Overflow",
"CSS Positioning",
"Project: Style the Portfolio Website",
"\nProgress Update\n",
"Day 3: CSS Essentials 2",
"Getting Started",
"CSS Flexbox 1",
"CSS Flexbox 2",
"CSS Flexbox 3",
"CSS Flexbox 4",
"CSS Media Queries 101",
"CSS Media Queries 102",
"Assignment: Flexbox",
"Assignment: Media Queries",
"Project: Layout Replication",
"Project: User Profile Card",
"\nProgress Update\n",
"Day 4: Tailwind CSS",
"Getting Started",
"Utility-First Fundamentals",
"Handling Hover, Focus and Other States",
"Responsive Design",
"Flexbox with Tailwind CSS",
"Grid with Tailwind CSS",
"Project: Build a Blog Card",
"\nProgress Update\n",
"Day 5: Practice & Challenges",
"Practice: Recreate HTML Structure",
"CSS Challenge: 404 Page",
"CSS Challenge: Banner",
"Tailwind CSS Challenge: Breadcrumb",
"Tailwind CSS Challenge: Tabs",
"Challenge: Shoes Website Layout Clone",
"\nProgress Update\n",
"Day 6: Build Personal Portfolio Website",
"Getting Started",
"General Styling",
"Header Section",
"Home Section",
"About Section",
"Experience Section",
"Work Section",
"Contact Section",
"Footer Section",
"Deploy Your App",
"\nProgress Update\n",
"Day 7: Build Airbnb Clone",
"Getting Started",
"Navigation Menu",
"Header: Banner",
"Section: Explore Nearby",
"Section: Live Anywhere",
"Section: The Greatest Outdoors Banner",
"Footer: Menu Links",
"Deploy Your App",
"\nProgress Update\n",
"What's next?",
"Thank you",
"Leave your feedback so we can improve!",
"We need your support!",
"Now, the real journey begins!",
"\nProgress Update\n"
"content": [
"chapter": "Overview",
"topics": []
"topics": []
"chapter": "General",
"topics": [
"title": "Introduction",
"status": true
"title": "Guiding Principles",
"status": true
"title": "Course Methodology",
"status": true
"title": "Support System",
"status": true
"title": "Learning Mindset & Strategy",
"status": true
"title": "What Makes Us Different",
"status": true
"title": "What Will You Build",
"status": true
"title": "Why Are We Doing This?",
"status": true
"title": "Extra note",
"status": true
"title": "Using This App",
"status": false
"title": "Asking For Help",
"status": false
"title": "Any Issues?",
"status": false
"title": "All Warmed Up?",
"status": false
"title": "Here's The Flow",
"status": true
"title": "Progress Update",
"status": false
"title": "Intro: Rethinking Coding Education",
"status": false
"chapter": "Day 0: Setting Up",
"topics": [
"title": "Install a Code Editor",
"status": true
"title": "Visual Studio Code Extensions",
"status": false
"title": "GitHub Account",
"status": false
"title": "How Does The Internet Work?",
"status": false
"title": "How Do Websites Actually Work?",
"status": true
"title": "Front End, Back End, Full Stack?",
"status": false
"title": "\nProgress Update\n",
"status": false
"chapter": "Day 1: HTML Essentials",
"topics": [
"title": "Introduction to HTML",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Page Structure & Anatomy",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Elements",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Text-based Elements",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Inline & Block Elements",
"status": false
"title": "Building Structure",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Hyperlinks",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Comments",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Lists",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Medias",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Forms",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Tables",
"status": false
"title": "Project: Structure the Basic Portfolio Website",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Images",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Best Practices",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Practice 1",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Practice 2 [Instructions]",
"status": false
"title": "HTML Practice 2 [Solutions]",
"status": false
"title": "Summary",
"status": false
"title": "\nProgress Update\n",
"status": false
"chapter": "Day 2: CSS Essentials 1",
"topics": [
"title": "Introduction to CSS",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Classes",
"status": false
"title": "Linking Up CSS",
"status": false
"title": "The Cascade",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Hierachy of Specificity",
"status": false
"title": "Common CSS Property Values",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Comments",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Texts",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Buttons",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Box Model",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Inheritance",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Overflow",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Positioning",
"status": false
"title": "Project: Style the Portfolio Website",
"status": false
"title": "\nProgress Update\n",
"status": false
"chapter": "Day 3: CSS Essentials 2",
"topics": [
"title": "Getting Started",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Flexbox 1",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Flexbox 2",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Flexbox 3",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Flexbox 4",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Media Queries 101",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Media Queries 102",
"status": false
"title": "Assignment: Flexbox",
"status": false
"title": "Assignment: Media Queries",
"status": false
"title": "Project: Layout Replication",
"status": false
"title": "Project: User Profile Card",
"status": false
"title": "\nProgress Update\n",
"status": false
"chapter": "Day 4: Tailwind CSS",
"topics": [
"title": "Getting Started",
"status": false
"title": "Utility-First Fundamentals",
"status": false
"title": "Handling Hover, Focus and Other States",
"status": false
"title": "Responsive Design",
"status": false
"title": "Flexbox with Tailwind CSS",
"status": false
"title": "Grid with Tailwind CSS",
"status": false
"title": "Project: Build a Blog Card",
"status": false
"title": "\nProgress Update\n",
"status": false
"chapter": "Day 5: Practice & Challenges",
"topics": [
"title": "Practice: Recreate HTML Structure",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Challenge: 404 Page",
"status": false
"title": "CSS Challenge: Banner",
"status": false
"title": "Tailwind CSS Challenge: Breadcrumb",
"status": false
"title": "Tailwind CSS Challenge: Tabs",
"status": false
"title": "Challenge: Shoes Website Layout Clone",
"status": false
"title": "\nProgress Update\n",
"status": false
"chapter": "Day 6: Build Personal Portfolio Website",
"topics": [
"title": "Getting Started",
"status": false
"title": "General Styling",
"status": false
"title": "Header Section",
"status": false
"title": "Home Section",
"status": false
"title": "About Section",
"status": false
"title": "Experience Section",
"status": false
"title": "Work Section",
"status": false
"title": "Contact Section",
"status": false
"title": "Footer Section",
"status": false
"title": "Deploy Your App",
"status": false
"title": "\nProgress Update\n",
"status": false
"chapter": "Day 7: Build Airbnb Clone",
"topics": [
"title": "Getting Started",
"status": false
"title": "Navigation Menu",
"status": false
"title": "Header: Banner",
"status": false
"title": "Section: Explore Nearby",
"status": false
"title": "Section: Live Anywhere",
"status": false
"title": "Section: The Greatest Outdoors Banner",
"status": false
"title": "Footer: Menu Links",
"status": false
"title": "Deploy Your App",
"status": false
"title": "\nProgress Update\n",
"status": false
"chapter": "What's next?",
"topics": [
"title": "Thank you",
"status": false
"title": "Leave your feedback so we can improve!",
"status": false
"title": "We need your support!",
"status": false
"title": "Now, the real journey begins!",
"status": false
"title": "\nProgress Update\n",
"status": false
"completedTopics": [
"chapter": "General",
"topic": "Introduction"
"chapter": "General",
"topic": "Guiding Principles"
"chapter": "General",
"topic": "Course Methodology"
"chapter": "General",
"topic": "Support System"
"chapter": "General",
"topic": "Learning Mindset & Strategy"
"chapter": "General",
"topic": "What Makes Us Different"
"chapter": "General",
"topic": "What Will You Build"
"chapter": "General",
"topic": "Why Are We Doing This?"
"chapter": "General",
"topic": "Extra note"
"chapter": "General",
"topic": "Here's The Flow"
"chapter": "Day 0: Setting Up",
"topic": "Install a Code Editor"
"chapter": "Day 0: Setting Up",
"topic": "How Do Websites Actually Work?"
"progress": 25
"CSDP | Coding Fundamentals (Level 1)":"dummyData3"}
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