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Last active May 16, 2024 11:36
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EBNF Grammar for JavaScript (aka ECMAScript)

I needed to write some sort of 'syntax transformer' for my job, long story, but genrally I needed to have a tree in the style that I wanted. A halway between an abstract syntax tree, and an 'style definition' tree. So I needed to capture the comments, the style of variables, etc. Neither Babel, nor ESPrima, and not Acorn, none of them were any help. On the other hand, I was not a master of JS, so I decided to peruse through ECMA-262 and write the EBNF grammar. I hope to feed this grammar to various AI models, and have them make tree specs and parser genrators with it.

Meanwhile I will release this grammar under the Unlicense so people can use it for whatever they want, maybe do similar things I wish to do with it.

Don't bother looking for an old-timy parser generator that accepts EBNF. AI models have opened a vast array of optiions on how EBNF can be utilized, that goes beyond the usage that tools like BNFC offer.


How to Read EBNF Gramamrs

It's pretty simple.

  • Ellipses mark ranges,
  • Text between two question marks mean it's a free-style 'whatever goes' type of rule,
  • Rules between parethensis mark grouping,
  • Curly braces mean sequence
  • Brackets mean optional

Thanks bascialyl it.

# Syntactic Grammar for ECMAScript
ecma-script-module ::= { top-level | ignorable }
top-level ::= statement
| function-declaration
| class-declaration
function-declaration ::= [ "async" ] "function" identifier function-params-postfix compound-statement
class-declaration ::= "class" identifier [ "extends" comma-separated-expressions ] class-body
class-body ::= '{' { class-member } '}'
class-member ::= [ "static"
| "getter"
| "setter"
| "public"
| "private" ] ( class-method | class-property )
class-property ::= [ '#' ] null-join identifier [ '=' expression ] [ ';' ]
class-method ::= [ '#' ] null-join identifier function-params-postfix compound-statement
compound-statement ::= '{' { statement } '}'
statement ::= expression-statement
| declaration-statement
| if-statement
| switch-statement
| for-statement
| for-in-statement
| for-of-statement
| do-while-statement
| control-flow-statement
| try-catch-finally-statement
| label-statement
| export-statement
| import-statement
export-statement ::= "export" [ "default" ] declaration-statement [ ';' ]
| "export" module-element "from" module-element [ ';' ]
import-statement ::= "import" module-element [ ';' ]
| "import" paren-enclosed-string [ ';' ]
| "import" module-element "from" module-element [ ';' ]
label-statement ::= identifier ':' { statement }
with-statement ::= "with" '(' expression ')' compound-statement
try-catch-finally-statemnt ::= "try" compound-statement
[ "catch" [ '(' expression ')' ] compound-statement ]
[ "finally" compound-statement ]
control-flow-statement ::= "break" [ ';' ]
| "continue" [ ';' ]
| "return" expression [ ';' ]
| "throw" expression [ ';' ]
do-while-statement ::= "do" compound-statement "while" '(' expression ')' [ ';' ]
for-of-stetement ::= "for" '(' expression "of" expression ')' compound-statement
for-in-statement ::= "for" '(' expression "in" expression ')' compound-statement
for-statement ::= "for" '(' declaration-statement ';' expression ';' expression ')' compound-statement
switch-statement ::= "switch" '(' expression ')' { case-clause }
case-clause ::= "case" expression ':' { statement }
| "defualt" ':' { statement }
if-statement ::= "if" '(' expression ')'
compound-statement [ { "else" if-statement } | "else" compound-statement ]
declaration-statement ::= ( "var" | "let" | "const" | "static" ) lvalue '=' expression [ ';' ]
lvalue ::= identifier
| destructure-target
destructure-target ::= object-literal
| array-literal
expression-statement ::= expression ';'
expression ::= ternary-expression
| binary-expression
| unary-expression
| primary-expression
| assignment-expression
assignment-expression ::= primary-expression '=' expression
| primary-expression "+=" expression
| primary-expression "-=" expression
| primary-expression "*=" expression
| primary-expression "/=" expression
| primary-expression "%=" expression
| primary-expression "**=" expression
| primary-expression ">>=" expression
| primary-expression "<<=" expression
| primary-expression ">>>=" expression
| primary-expression "&=" expression
| primary-expression "^=" expression
| primary-expression "|=" expression
| primary-expression "&&=" expression
| primary-expression "||=" expression
| primary-expression "??=" expression
ternary-expression ::= binary-expression '?' binary-expression ':' binary-expression
binary-expression ::= nullish-binary-expression
nullish-binary-expression ::= logical-or-binary-expression "??" nullish-binary-expression
logical-or-binary-expression ::= logical-and-binary-expression "||" logical-or-binary-expression
logical-and-binary-expression ::= bitwise-xor-binary-expression "&&" logical-and-binary-expression
bitwise-or-binary-expression ::= bitwise-xor-binary-expression '|' bitwise-or-binary-expression
bitwise-xor-binary-expression ::= bitwise-and-binary-expression '^' bitwise-xor-binary-expression
bitwise-and-binary-expression ::= equality-binary-expression '&' bitwise-and-binary-expression
equality-binary-expression ::= relational-binary-expression "==" equality-binary-expression
| relational-binary-expression "===" equality-binary-expression
| relational-binary-expression "!=" equality-binary-expression
| relational-binary-expression "!==" equality-binary-expression
relational-binary-expression ::= bitwise-shift-binary-expression '<' relational-binary-expression
| bitwise-shift-binary-expressipn "<=" relational-binary-expression
| bitwise-shift-binary-expression '>' relational-binary-expression
| bitwise-shift-binary-expression ">=" relational-binary-exression
| bitwise-shift-binary-expresssion "??" relational-binary-expression
bitwise-shift-binary-expression ::= additive-binary-expression ">>" bitwise-shift-binary-expression
| additive-binary-expression "<<" bitwise-shift-binary-expression
| additive-binary-expression ">>>" bitwise-shift-binary-expression
additive-binary-expression ::= multiplicative-binary-expression '+' additive-binary-expression
| multiplicative-binary-expression '-' additive-binary-expression
multiplicative-binary-expression ::= unary-expression '*' multiplicative-binary-expression
| unary-expression '/' multiplicative-binary-expression
| unary-expression '%' multiplicative-binary-expression
| unary-expression "**" multiplicative-binary-expression
unary-expression ::= prefix-expression | postfix-expression
postfix-expression ::= primary-expression null-join property-access-postifx
| primary-expression function-call-postfix
| primary-expression null-join "++"
| primary-expression null-join "--"
| primary-expression null-join template-literal
| primary-expression null-join '?'
prefix-expression ::= '+' null-join primary-expression
| '-' null-join primary-expression
| "++" null-join primary-expression
| "--" null-join primary-expression
| '!' null-join primary-expression
| '~' null-join primary-expression
| "..." null-join expression
| "typeof" expression
| "void" expression
| "delete" expression
| "await" exprssion
| "new" expression
primary-expression ::= lexical-literal
| syntactic-literal
| paren-enclosed-expression
| class-expression
| function-expression
| arrow-expression
| "this"
| identifier
| typcons-name
arrow-expression ::= [ "async" ] arrow-expression-params "=>" arrow-expression-body
arrow-expression-body ::= compound-statement-block
| expression
arrow-expression-params ::= function-call-expression
| identifier
class-expression ::= "class" class-body
function-expression ::= [ "async" ] "function" function-params-postfix compound-statement
paren-enclosed-expression ::= '(' [ expression ] ')'
syntactic-literal ::= template-literal
| object-literal
| array-literal
template-literal ::= '`' { printable | template-expression } '`'
template-expression ::= "${" [ expression ] '}'
object-literal ::= '{' [ comma-separated-properties ] '}'
comma-separated-properties ::= property { ',' property }
property ::= [ identifier ':' ] expression
array-literal ::= '[' [ comma-separated-expressions ] ']'
property-access-postfix ::= bracket-notation-property | dot-notation-property
bracket-notation-property ::= { bracket-enclosed-expressions }
bracket-enclosed-expression ::= '[' expression ']'
dot-notation-property ::= '.' null-join dot-separated-expressions
dot-separated-expressions ::= expression { '.' null-join expression }
function-call-postfix ::= '(' [ comma-separated-expressions ] ')'
comma-separated-expressions ::= expression { ',' expression }
function-params-postfix ::= '(' [ comma-separated-function-params ] ')'
comma-separated-function-params ::= function-parameter { ',' function-parameter }
function-parameter ::= identifier [ '=' expression ]
| object-literal
module-element ::= module-names
| curly-enclosed-module-names
paren-enclosed-string ::= '(' string-literal ')'
curly-enclosed-module-name ::= '{' comma-separated-module-names '}'
comma-separated-module-names ::= module-names { ',' module-names }
module-names ::= identifier
| identifier-as-another
| string-literal
identifier-as-another ::= identifier "as" identifier
# Lexical Grammar for ECMAScript
identifier ::= underscore-fix-ident
| asterisk-fix-ident
| snakecase-ident
| camelcase-ident
| mixedcase-ident
asterisk-fix-ident ::= '*' [ identifier ]
underscore-fix-ident ::= '_' [ identifier ]
mixedcase-ident ::= letter { letter | digit | '_' }
snakecase-ident ::= lower { lower | digit | '_' }
camelcase-ident ::= lower { letter | digit | '_' }
pascalcase-ident ::= upper { letter | digit | '_' }
lexical-literal ::= bigint-literal
| null-literal
| boolean-literal
| float-literal
| integer-literal
| string-literal
| regex-literal
regexp-literal ::= '/' regexp-pattern '/' { regex-flags }
regexp-flags ::= 'g' | 'i' | 'm' | 's' | 'u' | 'y' | 'd'
regexp-pattern ::= ? any valid js regexp pattern ?
bigint-literal ::= { digit } 'n'
null-literal ::= "null" | "undefined"
boolean-literal ::= "true" | "false"
float-literal ::= scientific-notation | rational-number
integer-literal ::= { digit }
| bin-prefix { bin-digit }
| oct-prefix { oct-digit }
| hex-prefix { hex-digit }
string-literal ::= single-quoted-string
| double-quoted-string
scientific-notation ::= { digit } ( 'e' | 'E' ) [ '-' | '+' ] { digit }
rational-number ::= [ { digit } ] '.' { digit }
single-quoted-string ::= "'" { printable } "'"
double-quoted-string ::= '"' { printable } '"'
printable ::= letter | digit | punctuation | whitespace
oct-prefix ::= '0' ( 'o' | 'O' )
hex-preix ::= '0' ( 'x' | 'X' )
bin-prefix ::= '0' ( 'b' | 'B' )
hex-digit ::= digit | hex-lower | hex-upper
hex-lower ::= 'a' | ... | 'f'
hex-upper ::= 'A' | ... | 'F'
oct-digit ::= '0' | ... | '7'
bin-digit ::= '0' | '1'
digit ::= '0' | '1' | '2' | ... | '7' | '8' | '9'
punctuation ::= '!'| '"' | '#' | '$' | '%' | '&' | "'"
| '(' | ')' | '*' | '+' | ',' | '-' | '.' | '/'
| ':' | ';' | '<' | '=' | '>' | '?' | '@'
| '[' | '\\' | ']' | '^' | '_' | '`'
| '{' | '|' | '}' | '~'
letter ::= uppper | lower
upper ::= 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | ... | 'X' | 'Y' | 'Z'
lower ::= 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | ... | 'x' | 'y' | 'z'
escape-sequence ::= '\' char-escape
| '\' unicode-escape
| '\' hex-escape
| '\' unicode-point-escape
| '\' newline
char-escape ::= "'" | '"' | '\' | 'n' | 'r' | 't' | 'b' | 'f' | 'v' | '0'
unicode-escape ::= 'u' { hex-digit }
hex-escape ::= 'x' { hex-digit }
unicode-point-escape ::= 'u' '{' { hex-digit } '}'
ignorable ::= whitespace
| comment
comment ::= single-line-comment | multi-line-comment
multi-line-comment ::= "/*" { no-star-slash } "*/"
no-star-slash ::= ? any character except star and forward slash ?
single-line-comment ::= "// " { no-newline } newline
no-newline ::= ? any chacter except newline ?
null-join ::= ? matching nothing, a nil token, used to denote zero-with joins ?
whitespace ::= newline
| space
| tabulator
space ::= ? literal space character ?
tabulator ::= ? literal horizontal tab character ?
newline ::= ? lietal newline character ?
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