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The POSIX Shell Grammar

In POSIX-Shell.ebnf you can find the EBNF grammar for POSIX shell. I wrote it for my own Shell (Marsh).

This covers both the snytactic grammar, and the lexical grammar. Lexical grammar means 'token by token' and syntactic grammar means 'construct by construct'. For example, in English, <word> + ly is a lexical rule denoting adverbs, whereas <pronoun> <verb> <adverb> is a syntactic rule. In the world of Chomsky grammars, Lexical gramars are Type 3 or regular, and Syntactic grammars are Type 2 or context-free.

How do to Read EBNF Grammars?

It's pretty simple:

  • Every non-terminal is separated from its contents by ::=. This non-terminal is later referred in the document, like a variable;
  • Rules between [ and ] are optional;
  • Rules between ( and ) belong to the same group;
  • Rules between { and } are a sequence;
    • rule { rule } is kleene plus (once-or-more);
    • { rule } is kleene star (zero-or-more);
  • ? and ? marks a 'free capture', anything goes.
  • | marks alternation (just like a bitwise or, --- or in ML, Yacc etc)
  • When we say <non-terminal> - <rule> we mean 'exclude rule from non-terminal'.

I don't terminate my rules here, but in my newer grammars, I do that. Ruls are usually terminated by ; or ..

What is a Non-Terminal and What is a Terminal?

A non-terminal is, as I alluded to, a construct that belongs to the syntactic grammar. A terminal is something that belongs to the lexical grammar. These are very 'stiff' definitions though. If you are at all interested in these stuff, you can read Parsing Techniques [2008] by Grune and Jacobs. Let's give an example:

$(echo 222)

echo and 222 are terminals, the whole thing is a non-terminal.

BONUS: The ebnf.vim is the Vim syntax file for EBNF. You can use it with Vim or NeoVim or similar editors.


" ebnf.vim - Syntax highlighting for EBNF
" Improved by: Your Name Here
" Original Author: Chubak Bidpaa (
if exists("b:current_syntax")
" Define regions for comments (adjust according to EBNF variant)
syntax region ebnfComment start=/\v\#.*$/ end=/$/ keepend
" Improved definitions for terminal strings to avoid matching operators inside
syntax region ebnfMultiCharTerminal start=/\v"/ end=/\v"/
syntax region ebnfSingleCharTerminal start=/\v'/ end=/\v'/
" Capture patterns (optional, depends on EBNF variant)
syntax region ebnfCapture start=/\v\s*\?/ end=/\v\s*\?$/ keepend
" Match non-terminal identifiers more accurately
syntax match ebnfNonTermIdent /\v[-_a-zA-Z][-_a-z0-9]*/
" Highlight LHS identifiers uniquely (assuming they start at the line's beginning)
syntax match ebnfLhsIdent /\v^[-_a-zA-Z][-_a-z0-9]*/
syntax match ebnfOperator "::="
syntax match ebnfOperator "[{}()\[\]|/,]"
syntax match ebnfOperator ";"
syntax match ebnfOperator "-"
syntax match ebnfSpecial "\.\.\."
syntax match ebnfQuantifier "[?*+]"
" Linking highlights
highlight link ebnfComment Comment
highlight link ebnfMultiCharTerminal String
highlight link ebnfSingleCharTerminal Character
highlight link ebnfNonTermIdent Identifier
highlight link ebnfLhsIdent Underlined
highlight link ebnfOperator Operator
highlight link ebnfSpecial Special
highlight link ebnfQuantifier SpecialChar
highlight link ebnfCapture Statement
let b:current_syntax = "ebnf"
# Lexical and Syntactic EBNF Grammar for POSIX Shell (Non-Attributed)
# Authored by Chubak Bidpaa (
# Written For the Marsh Shell (
# This grammar is based on POSIX specs (
# This document is released under `Unlicense` Public Domain License Agreement | (C) 2024 Chubak Bidpaa | No Warranty
# A: Lexical Grammar for POSIX Shell
## A.0: Ignorable
newline ::= ? newline character on system ?
tabulator ::= ? tab character on system ?
whitespace ::= ' ' | tabulator
skip-newline ::= '\' newline
no-newline ::= ? anything but newline ?
comment ::= '#' { no-newline } newline
ignorable ::= whitespace | comment | skip-newline
## A.1: Basics
digit ::= '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9'
natural-digit ::= digit - '0'
upper-case ::= 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'E' | 'F' | 'G' | 'H' | 'I' | 'J'
| 'K' | 'L' | 'M' | 'N' | 'O' | 'P' | 'Q' | 'R' | 'S' | 'T'
| 'U' | 'V' | 'W' | 'X' | 'Y' | 'Z'
lower-case ::= 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | 'd' | 'e' | 'f' | 'g' | 'h' | 'i' | 'j'
| 'k' | 'l' | 'm' | 'n' | 'o' | 'p' | 'q' | 'r' | 's' | 't'
| 'u' | 'v' | 'w' | 'x' | 'y' | 'z'
punctuation ::= '.' | ',' | ';' | ':' | '!' | '?' | '-' | '_' | '(' | ')'
| '{' | '}' | '[' | ']' | '"' | "'" | '`' | '@' | '#'
| '$' | '%' | '^' | '&' | '*' | '+' | '=' | '<' | '>'
| '/' | '|' | '~' | '\'
alphabetic ::= upper-case | lower-case
alphanumeric ::= alphabetic | digit
printable ::= punctuation | alphanumeric | whitespace
escape-character ::= '\' ( '$' | '`' | '"' | '\' | newline )
## A.2: Integer & Identifier
identifier-prefix ::= alphabetic | '_'
identifier-suffix ::= alphanumeric | '_'
identifier ::= identifier-prefix { identifier-suffix }
integer ::= { digit }
# B: Syntactc Grammar for POSIX Shell
## B.1: Quoting
literal ::= { printable }
single-quote ::= "'" { literal } "'"
double-quote ::= '"' { word } '"'
quoted-literal ::= single-quote | double-quote
## B.2: Positional Parameters
positional-parameter ::= { natural-digit }
## B.3: Special Parameters
special-param-all-pos-a ::= '@'
special-param-all-pos-b ::= '*'
special-param-pos-num ::= '#'
special-param-last-exit ::= '?'
special-param-async-job ::= '!'
special-param-proc-id ::= '$'
special-param-flag-opts ::= '-'
special-param-env-name ::= '0'
special-param-ifs ::= "IFS"
special-parameters ::= (
| special-param-all-pos-b
| special-param-pos-num
| special-param-last-exit
| special-param-asyncp-job
| special-param-proc-id
| special-param-flag-opts
| special-param-env-name
| special-param-ifs
## B.4: Variable
variable-parameter ::= identifier
## B.5: Parameters
parameter ::= variable-parameter | special-parameter | positional-parameter
invoked-parameter ::= '$' parameter
## B.5: Tilde Expansion
tilde-expansion ::= '~'
## B.6: Pathname Expansion
pathname-expansion ::= ? expand globs ?
## B.7: Field Splitting
field-splitting ::= ? split fields based on IFS ?
## B.8: Parameter Expansion
param-expand-simple ::= "${" parameter '}'
param-expand-default ::= "${" parameter [ ':' ] '-' [ word ] '}'
param-expand-assign ::= "${" parameter [ ':' ] '=' [ word ] '}'
param-expand-error ::= "${" parameter [ ':' ] '?' [ word ] '}'
param-expand-alt ::= "${" parameter [ ':' ] '+' [ word ] '}'
param-expand-strlen ::= "${" '#' parameter '}'
param-expand-rm-prefix ::= "${" parameter [ '%' ] '%' [ word ] '}'
param-expand-rm-suffix ::= "${" parameter [ '#' ] '#' [ word ] '}'
parameter-expansion ::= param-expand-simple
| param-expand-default
| param-expand-assign
| param-expand-error
| param-expand-alt
| param-expand-strlen
| param-expand-rm-prefix
| param-expand-rm-suffix
## B.9: Command Substitution
enclosed-substitute ::= "$(" command ')'
backtick-substitue ::= '`' command '`'
command-substitution ::= enclosed-substitute | backtick-substitute
## B.10: Arithmetic Expansion
arithmetic-expression ::= word '+' word
| word '-' word
| word '*' word
| word '/' word
| word '%' word
| word '|' word
| word '&' word
| word '^' word
| word "**" word
| word ">>" word
| word "<<" word
arithmetic-expansion ::= "$((" arithmetic-expression ')'
## B.11: Expansion
quote-removal ::= ? remove escaped quotes ?
visible-expansion ::= tilde-expansion
| command-substitution
| arithmetic-expansion
| parameter-expansion
word-expansion ::= tilde-expansion
| pathname-expansion
| field-splitting
| parameter-expansion
| command-substitution
| arithmetic-expansion
| quote-removal
## B.12: File Descriptor
fdesc-in ::= '0'
fdesc-out ::= '1'
fdesc-err ::= '2'
fdesc-unspec ::= '-'
fdesc-high ::= '3' | ... | '9'
fdesc ::= fdesc-in
| fdesc-out
| fdesc-err
| fdesc-unspec
| fdesc-high
## B.13: Input Redirect
redirect-input ::= [ fdesc ] '<' word
## B.13: Output Redirect
redirect-output ::= [ fdesc ] '>' word
redirect-output-forced ::= [ fdesc ] ">|" word
## B.14: Append Redirected Output
append-redirect-output ::= [ fdesc ] ">>" word
## B.15: Here Document
io-here-delimiter ::= word
io-here-start ::= [ fdesc ] ( "<<" | "<<-" ) word
io-here ::= io-here-start { printable | newline } io-here-delimiter
## B.16: Duplicating File Descriptors
duplicate-input-fdesc ::= [ fdesc ] "<&" word
duplicate-output-fdesc ::= [ fdesc ] ">&" word
## B.17: Open for Reading and Writing
open-file-for-rw ::= [ fdesc ] "<>" word
## B.18: IO Redirection
redirection ::= redirect-input
| redirect-output
| redirect-output-forced
| append-redirect-output
| io-here
| duplicate-input-fdesc
| duplicate-output-fdesc
| open-file-for-rw
## B.19: Shell Glob Pattern
glob-literal-char ::= printable
glob-match-many ::= '*'
glob-match-one ::= '?'
glob-bracket-pos ::= '[' { printable } ']'
glob-bracket-neg ::= ( "[!" | "[^" ) { printable } ']'
glob-bracketet ::= glob-brack-pos | glob-brack-neg
glob-char ::= glob-literal-char
| glob-match-many
| glob-match-one
glob-element ::= glob-char | glob-bracket
glob-word ::= { glob-element }
## B.20: Shell Word
word ::= word-expansion
| invoked-parameter
| glob-word
| identifier
| quoted-literal
| literal
## B.21: Simple Commands
simple-command ::= word { word } [ redirection ]
## B.22: Pipelines
pipeline ::= [ '!' ] simple-command { '|' simple-command }
## B.23: Lists
asnyc-list ::= compound-list { '&' compound-list }
sequential-list ::= compound-list { ';' compound-list }
and-list ::= compound-list { "&&" compound-list }
or-list ::= compound-list { "||" compound-list }
newline-list ::= compound-list { newline compound-list }
compound-list ::= pipeline
| async-list
| sequential-list
| and-list
| or-list
| newline-list
| compound-command
## B.24: Grouped Compound Commands
subshell-compound-cmd ::= '(' compound-list ')'
sameshell-compound-cmd ::= '{' compound-list ';' '}'
grouped-compound-cmd ::= subshell-compound-cmd | sameshell-compound-cmd
## B.25: Looped Compound Commands
for-compound-cmd ::= "for" identifier [ "in" { word } ] [ ';' ] "do" compound-list [ ';' ] "done"
while-compound-cmd ::= "while" compound-list [ ';' ] "do" compound-list [ ';' ] "done"
until-compound-cmd ::= "while" compound-list [ ';' ] "do" compound-list [ ';' ] "done"
looped-compound-cmd ::= for-compound-cmd | while-compound-cmd | until-compound-cmd
## B.26: Conditional Compound Commands
glob-alt-list ::= glob-word { '|' glob-word }
case-condition ::= glob-alt-list ')' compound-list ";;"
case-compound-cmd ::= "case" word [ ';' ] "in" { case-condition } [ ';' ] "esac"
elif-alt ::= "elif" compound-list [ ';' ] "then" compound-list
else-alt ::= "else" compound-list
if-compound-cmd ::= "if" compound-list [ ';' ] "then" compound-list [ ';' ] { elif-alt } [ ';' ] else-alt [ ';' ] "fi"
condition-compound-cmd ::= case-compound-cmd | if-compound-cmd
## B.27: Function Definition Compound Command
funcdef-compound-cmd ::= identifier "()" compound-command [ redirection ]
## B.28: Compound Command and Command
compound-command ::= grouped-compound-cmd
| looped-compound-cmd
| condition-compound-cmd
| funcdef-compound-cmd
command ::= simple-command | pipeline | compound-command
## B.29: Shell
posix-shell ::= { command | ignorable }
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