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Created June 8, 2024 08:26
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Save Chubek/65220b27f5dcc0cd696b84e166b8ab90 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. ISO Pascal's syntax formalized in OCaml type system

I have been a lot into formalism lately, and I am trying to sort out my thoughts. Let's just say I am not the sharpest crayon in lil jimmy's lunchbox (which his over-worked mom filled with crayons!). is an OCaml interface file (which is akin to C's .h files) that defines the syntax of ISO Pascal. You can download the standard from here:

ISO Pascal differs from widely-used dialects of Pascal (all of which FPC supports!) in a way that it does not support objects, but that is not the only thing it does not support!

Pascal's author, Niklaus Wirth died just a few years ago. It's really sad to see Pascal forgotten. I aim to create a Pascal compiler, or interpreter, or even a translator to another algorithmic language (people often call these 'transpilers' but this is obviously folk colliqualism1).

I think what I can offer would be verification. Or maybe partial evalution, meta-tracing. I shall decide.

This will of course be used to create an AST, or in the parser/lexer.

I am a beginner in all this ('this' meaning life, but also everything else). Please let me know. I am not very apt at ML-like syntax.

chubakbidpaa [at] riseup [dot] net

I am .chubak ( [dot] chubak ) on Discord.


(* Formalism for ISO-7185:1990 "Pascal" Syntax *)
(* These will be extended into an AST *)
(* ISO Pascal is different from Delphi *)
(* Please submit your comments to chubakbidpaa [at] riseup [dot] net *)
type pas_kw = And | Array | Begin | Case | Const
| Div | Do | Downto | Else | End
| File | For | Function | Goto
| If | In | Label | Mod | Nil
| Not | Of | Or | Packed | Procedure
| Program | Record | Repeat | Set
| Then | To | Until | Var | While | With
and pas_val =
Number of float | CharString of string | Id of string
and pas_type_val =
| SimpleType of pas_simple_type
| OrginalType of pas_ordinal_type
| StructuredType of pas_structured_type * bool
| PointerType of string
| FuncType of pas_func_type
| Alias of string
and pas_simple_type = IntegerType | RealType | BoolType | CharType
and pas_ordinal_type =
| Enumerated of string list | Range of (int * int) list
and pas_structured_type =
| Array of pas_array_unit list
| Record of {
fixed_part: pas_rec_fixed_part list option;
variant_part: pas_rec_variant_part list option;
| Set of pas_type_val
| File of pas_type_val
and pas_array_unit =
{ index_type: pas_type_val; component_type: string; }
and pas_rec_fixed_part = { names: string list;
typs: pas_type_val list; }
and pas_rec_variant_part = { selector: (string * string option);
variants: (string list * pas_type_val) list; }
and pas_func_type = { name: string;
params: pas_param list;
result_type: pas_type_val; }
and pas_param = { name: string option; typ: pas_type_val; }
and pas_block = LabelDecl of pas_label list
| ConstDecl of pas_const list
| TypeDecl of pas_type list
| VarDecl of pas_var list
| ProcDecl of pas_proc list
| FuncDecl of pas_func list
| StmtDecl of pas_stmt list
and pas_label = { name: string; value: int }
and pas_const = { name: string; value: pas_val; typ: pas_type_val; }
and pas_var = | Basic of { name: string; points: bool; index: pas_val list; }
| Long of pas_var list
and pas_type = { name: string; value: pas_type_val; }
and pas_proc = { name: string; params: pas_param list; body: pas_stmt list; }
and pas_func = { typ: pas_func_type; body: pas_stmt list; }
and pas_stmt = | BlockStmt of pas_block
| Expression of pas_expr
| Controlflow of pas_control
| Assignment of pas_var * pas_expr
and pas_expr = | Var of pas_var
| Call of pas_var * pas_val list
| Infix of { left: pas_expr list;
right: pas_expr list;
operator: pas_infixop; }
| Prefix of pas_prefixop * pas_expr
and pas_infixop = Add | Sub | Mul | Div | IDiv | Mod | Eq | Ne | Lt | Le
| Gt | Ge | BitAnd | BitOr | Xor | And | Or | Union
| Diff | Inter | SymDiff | Incl | Cat
and pas_prefixop = UMin | UPos | BitNot | Deref | AddrOf
and pas_control = | If of { cond: pas_expr;
branches: (pas_expr * pas_block) list;
clause: pas_block }
| Case of { disc: pas_expr;
clauses: (pas_expr * pas_block);
default: pas_block; }
| Loop of { starter: pas_stmt;
ender: pas_stmt;
ranger: pas_kw;
block: pas_block;
| While of { cond: pas_expr;
block: pas_block; }
| RepeatUntil of { block: pas_block; cond: pas_expr; }
| With of { var: pas_var; block: pas_block; }
| Goto of string
and pas_program = { name: string; blocks: pas_block list; }
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