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Last active April 19, 2024 06:13
Xeph Grammar -> Draft 1

Xeph.ebnf contains the first draft of the Xeph non-pure functional language. A prototype of Xeph, compiled targeting GNU C, is at works.

EDIT: It is currently the second revision. I have added meta programming, and a lot of other imporvements.

However, the definition is weak, and it needs your feedback to be refined.

The ADTs in Xeph are taken from Zephyr ASDL (which there are many implementations of, like mine) and the rest are 'original', that is, taken from ML, Haskell, and Scheme.

This is not the final version of the grammar. The implementation at the moment is focusing on the backend and semantics. The grammar of a functional language is its most important aspect, and it can't be taken lightly.

Please opine on it, and tell me what you think. You can reach me via:

chubakbidpaa [at] riseup [dot] net

.chubak on Discord

Remember this is just the first draft. Your input is appreciated.

PS: Reading EBNF ->

  • { and } mark a sequence, for example, "a" { "b" } means abbbbbbbbbb....
  • [ and ] mark optional rulese, for example, [ 'a' ] could mean a or an empty language (sigma).
  • ( and ) mark a group.
  • Text between two ? is free description in English.
  • Terminals are enclosed in quotes.
  • Non-terminals are assigned by ::=.
  • Different cases are altered by |.


# EBNF Grammar for Xeph, a non-pure functional language based on Zephyr ASDL
# History:
# Apr 19 - Revision Draft 1
# Apr 19 - Revision Draft 2
pattern ::= [ con-id ] factor "begin" expr-list "end"
factor ::= name-id
| symbol-literal
| long-name-id
| numeric-literal
| text-literal
| list-literal
| function-lambda
| tacit-arg
| '(' expr ')'
name-id ::= lowercase { letter | digit | '_' | "'" | '?' }
con-id ::= uppercase { letter | digit }
any-character ::= ? any character that the native system supports ?
operator-sym ::= ? up to 4 punctuation marks, except [?:;,'"] ?
uppercase ::= 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | ... | 'Z'
lowercase ::= 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | ... | 'z'
letter ::= uppercase | lowercase
digit ::= '0' | '1' | '2' | ... | '9'
long-name-id ::= name-id { '.' name-id | ".[" expr ']' }
numeric-literal ::= integer
| float
| scientific
| complex
integer ::= digit { digit }
float ::= digit { digit } '.' { digit }
scientific ::= ( digit { digit } '.' { digit } | integer ) 'e' [ '+' | '-' ] digit { digit }
complex ::= ( integer | float ) 'i'
tacit-arg ::= '$' integer
text-literal ::= character-literal
| string-literal
| unescaped-string-literal
| regex-literal
character-literal ::= "#\" ( any-character | name-id )
string-literal ::= [ "u8" ] '"' { any-character } '"'
unescaped-literal ::= [ "u8" ] "'" { any-character } "'"
regex-literal ::= '/' { any-character - '/' } '/'
symbol-literal ::= ':' name-id
symbolic-id ::= name-id
| symbol-literal
list-literal ::= basic-list | associative-list
basic-list ::= '[' [ expr { ';' expr } ] ']'
associative-list ::= '{' [ symbolic-id ':' expr { ';' symbolic-id ':' expr } ] '}'
function-lambda ::= "fn" [ name-id { ',' name-id } ] "begin" expr-list "end"
mk-exception ::= "exception" symbolic-id [ string-literal ] ';'
mk-infix ::= ( "infix" | "infixr" ) operator-sym
mk-postfix ::= "postfix" operator-sym
mk-prefix ::= "prefix" operator-sym
force-prefix ::= "<-" '(' operator-sym ')'
prefix-expr ::= ( force-prefix | operator-sym ) factor
postfix-expr ::= factor operator-sym
unary-expr ::= prefix-expr | postfix-expr
binary-expr ::= expr operator-sym expr
op-expr ::= unary-expr | binary-expr
concat-expr ::= op-expr { ( "<|" | "|>" ) op-expr } ';'
cond-expr ::= "if" expr "begin" expr-list "end"
loop-expr ::= "while" expr "begin" expr-list "end"
match-expr ::= "match" expr "with" "begin" alt-expr "end"
alt-expr ::= pattern { '|' pattern }
call-expr ::= name-id { expr }
bind-expr ::= "let" name-id "in" "begin" expr-list "end"
function-expr ::= "fun" "begin" alt-expr "end"
local-expr ::= "local" expr "in" "begin" exp-list "end"
where-expr ::= "begin" expr-list "end" "where" expr
try-except-expr ::= "try" "begin" expr-list "end" "except" [ pattern ] "begin" expr-list "end"
failwith-expr ::= "failwith" name-id
runtime-eval-expr ::= "eval" concat-expr
compiletime-eval-expr ::= "eval!" concat-expr
eval-expr ::= runtime-eval-expr
| compiletime-eval-expr
import-expr ::= "import" name-id [ "as" name-id ] { ',' name-id [ "as" name-id ] } [ "from" string-literal ]
export-expr ::= "export" name-id [ "as" name-id ] { ',' name-id [ "as" name-id ] }
module-expr ::= "module" name-id "begin" top-level "end"
expr ::= unary-expr
| binary-expr
| alt-expr
| call-expr
| bind-expr
| function-expr
| loop-expr
| cond-expr
| match-expr
| local-expr
| where-expr
| concat-expr
| try-except-expr
| failwith-expr
| eval-expr
| import-expr
| export-expr
| module-expr
expr-list ::= expr { { "and" | "then" | "also" } expr }
builtin-type-int ::= "int" | "uint"
| "int8" | "uint8"
| "int16" | "uint16"
| "int32" | "uint32"
| "int64" | "uint64"
| "size" | "usize"
| "byte" | "ubyte"
builtin-type-float ::= "float" | "double"
builtin-type-txt ::= "char" | "uchar" | "string"
builtin-type-id ::= "symbol" | "exn"
builtin-type-coll ::= "map" | "list" | "array"
builtin-type ::= builtin-type-int
| builtin-type-float
| builtin-type-txt
| builtin-type-coll
type-id ::= lower { lower | '_' }
type-name ::= type-id
| builtin-type
type-name-ref ::= type-name
| '[' type-name ']'
field-item ::= type-name-ref [ '*' | '?' ] name-id
field ::= '(' field-item { ',' field-item } ')'
variant ::= con-id [ field ]
sum-type ::= variant { '|' variant }
product-type ::= field
adt-body ::= sum-type
| product-type
curry-sig ::= type-name-ref { "->" type-name-ref }
subscribes ::= ':' | ":>" sig-ref [ where-clause ]
where-clause ::= "where" clause-binding { ',' clause-binding }
clause-binding ::= name-id '=' name-id
| type-name '=' type-name-ref
type-decl ::= "type" type-name ';'
value-decl ::= "val" name-id ':' curry-sig ';'
structure-decl ::= "struct" con-id [ subscribes ] ';'
declarations ::= type-decl
| value-decl
| structure-decl
type-defn ::= "type" type-name "::=" adt-body
value-defn ::= "val" name-id { factor } [ ':' curry-sig ] "::=" "begin" expr-list "end"
structure-defn-func ::= "struct" con-id "::=" cond-id '(' con-id ')' where-clause
structure-defn-mod ::= "struct" con-id [ subscribes ( con-id | sig-defn-inline ) ] "begin" { definitions } "end"
structure-defn-inline ::= "struct" { inline-definitions } "end"
signature-defn-inline ::= "sig" { inline-declarations } "end"
signature-defn-mod ::= "sig" con-id "begin" { declarations } "end"
definitions ::= struct-defn-mod
| struct-defn-inline
| sig-defn-mod
| sig-defn-func
| sig-defn-inline
inline-declarations ::= ? applying inline rules to 'declarations' ?
inline-definitions ::= ? applying inline rules to 'definitions' ?
top-level-non-meta ::= { definitions | declarations }
syntax-chunk-literal ::= ? a chunk of Xeph syntax, enclosed in "'''" or '`' ?
syntax-chunk ::= ? a syntax chunk, with optional string-only infix operators ?
meta-tacit ::= '#' integer
meta-quote ::= ( "quote'" | 'quote"' ) syntax-chunk
meta-expr ::= expr | meta-quote | meta-tacit
meta-expr-list ::= meta-expr { ';' meta-expr }
meta-id ::= letter { letter | digit | '_' }
runtime-macro ::= "macro" meta-id { meta-id } "::=" "begin" meta-expr-list "end"
compiletime-macro ::= "macro!" meta-id { meta-id } "::=" "begin" meta-expr-list "end"
runtime-alias ::= "alias" meta-id "begin" meta-expr-list "end"
compiletime-alias ::= "alias!" meta-id "begin" meta-expr-list "end"
macro ::= runtime-macro | compiletime-macro
alias ::= runtime-alias | compiletime-alias
top-level-meta ::= { macro | alias }
top-level ::= [ attrs ] { top-level-meta | top-level-non-meta | top-level-ffi } [ "fin." ]
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