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Created November 14, 2016 16:01
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* Polygonal Approximation *
/* Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm for polygon simplification */
namespace cv
template<typename T> static int
approxPolyDP_( const Point_<T>* src_contour, int count0, Point_<T>* dst_contour,
bool is_closed0, double eps, AutoBuffer<Range>* _stack )
#define PUSH_SLICE(slice) \
if( top >= stacksz ) \
{ \
_stack->resize(stacksz*3/2); \
stack = *_stack; \
stacksz = _stack->size(); \
} \
stack[top++] = slice
#define READ_PT(pt, pos) \
pt = src_contour[pos]; \
if( ++pos >= count ) pos = 0
#define READ_DST_PT(pt, pos) \
pt = dst_contour[pos]; \
if( ++pos >= count ) pos = 0
#define WRITE_PT(pt) \
dst_contour[new_count++] = pt
typedef cv::Point_<T> PT;
int init_iters = 3;
Range slice(0, 0), right_slice(0, 0);
PT start_pt((T)-1000000, (T)-1000000), end_pt(0, 0), pt(0,0);
int i = 0, j, pos = 0, wpos, count = count0, new_count=0;
int is_closed = is_closed0;
bool le_eps = false;
size_t top = 0, stacksz = _stack->size();
Range* stack = *_stack;
if( count == 0 )
return 0;
eps *= eps;
if( !is_closed )
right_slice.start = count;
end_pt = src_contour[0];
start_pt = src_contour[count-1];
if( start_pt.x != end_pt.x || start_pt.y != end_pt.y )
slice.start = 0;
slice.end = count - 1;
is_closed = 1;
init_iters = 1;
if( is_closed )
// 1. Find approximately two farthest points of the contour
right_slice.start = 0;
for( i = 0; i < init_iters; i++ )
double dist, max_dist = 0;
pos = (pos + right_slice.start) % count;
READ_PT(start_pt, pos);
for( j = 1; j < count; j++ )
double dx, dy;
READ_PT(pt, pos);
dx = pt.x - start_pt.x;
dy = pt.y - start_pt.y;
dist = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if( dist > max_dist )
max_dist = dist;
right_slice.start = j;
le_eps = max_dist <= eps;
// 2. initialize the stack
if( !le_eps )
right_slice.end = slice.start = pos % count;
slice.end = right_slice.start = (right_slice.start + slice.start) % count;
// 3. run recursive process
while( top > 0 )
slice = stack[--top];
end_pt = src_contour[slice.end];
pos = slice.start;
READ_PT(start_pt, pos);
if( pos != slice.end )
double dx, dy, dist, max_dist = 0;
dx = end_pt.x - start_pt.x;
dy = end_pt.y - start_pt.y;
assert( dx != 0 || dy != 0 );
while( pos != slice.end )
READ_PT(pt, pos);
dist = fabs((pt.y - start_pt.y) * dx - (pt.x - start_pt.x) * dy);
if( dist > max_dist )
max_dist = dist;
right_slice.start = (pos+count-1)%count;
le_eps = max_dist * max_dist <= eps * (dx * dx + dy * dy);
le_eps = true;
// read starting point
start_pt = src_contour[slice.start];
if( le_eps )
right_slice.end = slice.end;
slice.end = right_slice.start;
if( !is_closed )
WRITE_PT( src_contour[count-1] );
// last stage: do final clean-up of the approximated contour -
// remove extra points on the [almost] stright lines.
is_closed = is_closed0;
count = new_count;
pos = is_closed ? count - 1 : 0;
READ_DST_PT(start_pt, pos);
wpos = pos;
READ_DST_PT(pt, pos);
for( i = !is_closed; i < count - !is_closed && new_count > 2; i++ )
double dx, dy, dist, successive_inner_product;
READ_DST_PT( end_pt, pos );
dx = end_pt.x - start_pt.x;
dy = end_pt.y - start_pt.y;
dist = fabs((pt.x - start_pt.x)*dy - (pt.y - start_pt.y)*dx);
successive_inner_product = (pt.x - start_pt.x) * (end_pt.x - pt.x) +
(pt.y - start_pt.y) * (end_pt.y - pt.y);
if( dist * dist <= 0.5*eps*(dx*dx + dy*dy) && dx != 0 && dy != 0 &&
successive_inner_product >= 0 )
dst_contour[wpos] = start_pt = end_pt;
if(++wpos >= count) wpos = 0;
READ_DST_PT(pt, pos);
dst_contour[wpos] = start_pt = pt;
if(++wpos >= count) wpos = 0;
pt = end_pt;
if( !is_closed )
dst_contour[wpos] = pt;
return new_count;
void cv::approxPolyDP( InputArray _curve, OutputArray _approxCurve,
double epsilon, bool closed )
Mat curve = _curve.getMat();
int npoints = curve.checkVector(2), depth = curve.depth();
CV_Assert( npoints >= 0 && (depth == CV_32S || depth == CV_32F));
if( npoints == 0 )
AutoBuffer<Point> _buf(npoints);
AutoBuffer<Range> _stack(npoints);
Point* buf = _buf;
int nout = 0;
if( depth == CV_32S )
nout = approxPolyDP_(curve.ptr<Point>(), npoints, buf, closed, epsilon, &_stack);
else if( depth == CV_32F )
nout = approxPolyDP_(curve.ptr<Point2f>(), npoints, (Point2f*)buf, closed, epsilon, &_stack);
CV_Error( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "" );
Mat(nout, 1, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, 2), buf).copyTo(_approxCurve);
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