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Created May 30, 2023 22:55
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This is an implementation of timestamp key-value store that allows historical record of values inserted for a key in a db. This implementation uses a sorted set of timestamps to make sure that the db meets its constraints.
class TimeStampDB{
constructor (){
this.db = {}
set(key, timestamp, value){
this.db[key] = this.db[key] || {}
this.db[key][timestamp] = value
this.db[key]['timestamps'] = this.db[key]['timestamps'] || []
// find insert position for sorted set of timestamps array
const position = this.binary_search(timestamp, this.db[key]['timestamps'], 0, this.db[key]['timestamps'].length )
// convert timestamps to set so as de-duplicate timestamps
this.db[key]['timestamps'] = Array.from(new Set(this.db[key]['timestamps'].slice(0, position).concat([timestamp]).concat(this.db[key]['timestamps'].slice(position))))
get(key, timestamp = null){
throw new Error('Key does not exist')
// return the last timestamp item inserted into db when timestamp isn't provided
return this.db[key][this.db[key]['timestamps'][ this.db[key]['timestamps'].length -1]]
return this.db[key][timestamp]
const next_greater = this.binary_search(timestamp, this.db[key].timestamps, 0, this.db[key].timestamps.length)
return this.db[key][this.db[key]['timestamps'][next_greater - 1]]
binary_search(item, array, start = 0, end = 4){
let mid = Math.floor((end + start) / 2)
if(start >= end){
return start
if(array[mid] == item) {
return mid
if(item < array[mid]){
return this.binary_search(item, array, start, mid)
else if(item > array[mid]){
return this.binary_search(item, array, mid+1, end)
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