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Created April 28, 2019 14:17
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def predict(test_source_text=None):
# If test sentence is not provided
# randomly pick up one from the training data
if test_source_text is None:
test_source_text = raw_data_en[np.random.choice(len(raw_data_en))]
# Tokenize the test sentence to obtain source sequence
test_source_seq = en_tokenizer.texts_to_sequences([test_source_text])
en_output = encoder(tf.constant(test_source_seq))
de_input = tf.constant([[fr_tokenizer.word_index['<start>']]], dtype=tf.int64)
out_words = []
while True:
de_output = decoder(de_input, en_output)
# Take the last token as the predicted token
new_word = tf.expand_dims(tf.argmax(de_output, -1)[:, -1], axis=1)
# The next input is a new sequence
# contains both the input sequence and the predicted token
de_input = tf.concat((de_input, new_word), axis=-1)
# End if hitting <end> or length exceeds 14
if out_words[-1] == '<end>' or len(out_words) >= 14:
print(' '.join(out_words))
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