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Trung Tran ChunML

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look_left_only_mask = tf.linalg.band_part(tf.ones((seq_len, seq_len)), -1, 0)
look_left_only_mask = tf.constant([[1] * i + [0] * (seq_len - i) for i in range(seq_len)], dtype=tf.float32)
def call(self, query, value, mask=None):
# query has shape (batch, query_len, model_size)
# value has shape (batch, value_len, model_size)
heads = []
for i in range(self.h):
score = tf.matmul(self.wq[i](query), self.wk[i](value), transpose_b=True)
# Here we scale the score as described in the paper
score /= tf.math.sqrt(tf.dtypes.cast(self.key_size, tf.float32))
# score has shape (batch, query_len, value_len)
def call(self, sequence):
embed_out = self.embedding(sequence)
embed_out += pes[:sequence.shape[1], :]
sub_in = embed_out
for i in range(self.num_layers):
sub_out = self.attention[i](sub_in, sub_in)
sub_out = sub_in + sub_out
sub_out = self.attention_norm[i](sub_out)
def call(self, sequence, padding_mask):
# padding_mask will have the same shape as the input sequence
# padding_mask will be used in the Decoder too
# so we need to create it outside the Encoder
embed_out = self.embedding(sequence)
embed_out += pes[:sequence.shape[1], :]
sub_in = embed_out
for i in range(self.num_layers):
What a ridiculous concept !
[[8, 5, 21, 22, 23]]
ce concept ridicule ! <end>
Your idea is not entirely crazy .
[[24, 25, 6, 26, 27, 28, 1]]
votre idee n est pas completement pas . . . <end>
A man s worth lies in what he is .
[[5, 29, 30, 31, 32, 9, 8, 7, 6, 1]]
la valeur d un homme reside dans ce qu il est . <end>
What he did is very wrong .
Epoch 50 Loss 0.0141
Average elapsed time: 4.84s
I can t believe you re giving up .
[[16, 11, 12, 95, 2, 96, 14, 97, 1]]
je n arrive pas a croire que vous abandonniez . <end>
Epoch 60 Loss 0.0063
Average elapsed time: 4.66s
What a ridiculous concept !
[[8, 5, 21, 22, 23]]
Epoch 10 Loss 2.2374
Average elapsed time: 8.79s
He acted like he owned the place .
[[7, 82, 83, 7, 84, 4, 85, 1]]
l vous vous vous vous les les . <end>
Epoch 20 Loss 2.0102
Average elapsed time: 6.29s
Did you plant pumpkins this year ?
[[13, 2, 56, 57, 19, 58, 3]]
start_time = time.time()
for e in range(NUM_EPOCHS):
for batch, (source_seq, target_seq_in, target_seq_out) in enumerate(dataset.take(-1)):
loss = train_step(source_seq, target_seq_in,
print('Epoch {} Loss {:.4f}'.format(
e + 1, loss.numpy()))
def predict(test_source_text=None):
# If test sentence is not provided
# randomly pick up one from the training data
if test_source_text is None:
test_source_text = raw_data_en[np.random.choice(len(raw_data_en))]
# Tokenize the test sentence to obtain source sequence
test_source_seq = en_tokenizer.texts_to_sequences([test_source_text])