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Created October 2, 2016 06:29
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Week 2 of C++ for C Programmers
* Compile this file by C++11, e.g., g++ --std=c++11 <filename.cpp>
#include <cstdint> // For using fixed width integer types and part of
// C numeric limits interface:
// std::int8_t
#include <iostream> // For input and output fundamentals:
// std::cout
// endl
// ostream
#include <string> // For C++ standard string classes and templates:
// std::string
using std::int8_t; // used as the underlying type of enum.
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::ostream; // for << operator overloading.
using std::string;
#define DEBUG false
void log(string s) {
DEBUG && (cout << "[" << __FILE__ << "] " << s << endl);
// A scoped enumerations DAY whose underlying type is int8_t.
// (Unscoped enumeration has no keyword `class`.)
enum class DAY:int8_t {
// Overwrite the increment of enum DAY.
DAY& operator++(DAY& d) // Prefix operator: ++DAY
log("Prefix ++");
// Wrap around to 0 if the result after increment reaches 7.
d = static_cast<DAY>((static_cast<int>(d) + 1) % 7);
return d;
DAY operator++(DAY& d, int) // Postfix operator: DAY++
log("Postfix ++");
// Create a temporary variable with our current value.
DAY beforeOperation = d;
// Use prefix operator to increase.
// Return temporary result.
return beforeOperation;
// Overwrite the decrement of enum DAY.
DAY& operator--(DAY& d) // Prefix operator: --DAY
log("Prefix --");
// Wrap round to 6 if the result after decrement is -1.
d = static_cast<DAY>((static_cast<int>(d) + 6) % 7);
return d;
DAY operator--(DAY& d, int) // Postfix operator: DAY--
log("Postfix --");
// Create a temporary variable with our current value.
DAY beforeOperation = d;
// Use prefix operator to decrease.
// Return temporary result.
return beforeOperation;
// Overwrite the output stream of enum DAY.
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const DAY& d)
std::string name[] = {
out << name[static_cast<int>(d)];
return out;
int main() {
cout << day << endl; // output: Saturday ( day is Saturday )
cout << ++day << endl; // output: Sunday ( day is Sunday )
cout << day++ << endl; // output: Sunday ( day is Monday )
cout << day << endl; // output: Monday ( day is Monday )
cout << day-- << endl; // output: Monday ( day is Sunday )
cout << day << endl; // output: Sunday ( day is Sunday )
cout << --day << endl; // output: Saturday ( day is Saturday )
return 0;
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::ostream;
using std::string;
#define DEBUG false
void log(string s) {
DEBUG && (cout << "[" << __FILE__ << "] " << s << endl);
class Point
// Constructor
Point(double aX, double aY)
: mX(aX)
, mY(aY)
// Deconstructor
friend Point operator+(const Point& aP1, const Point& aP2)
return Point(aP1.mX + aP2.mX, aP1.mY + aP2.mY);
// Overwrite the output stream
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Point& p)
out << "(" << p.mX << ", " << p.mY << ")";
return out;
double mX;
double mY;
int main() {
Point a(1.2, 3.4);
cout << a << endl; // (1.2, 3.4)
Point b(5.6, 7.8);
cout << b << endl; // (5.6, 7.8)
Point c = a + b;
cout << c << endl; // (6.8, 11.2)
return 0;
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