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Last active May 3, 2017 06:16
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Calculation of short path for graph
// Compile: $ g++ -Wall -std=c++14 short_path.cpp
#include <cassert> // For standard debugging tool:
// assert
#include <cstdint> // For using fixed width integer types and part of
// C numeric limits interface:
// std::uint8_t
#include <iomanip> // For facilities to manipulate output formatting:
// std::setw
#include <iostream> // For input and output fundamentals:
// std::cout
// endl
#include <random> // For random number generator
// std::random_device
// mt19937
// uniform_real_distribution
#include <string> // For C++ standard string classes and templates:
// std::to_string
#include <vector> // For using dynamic array
// std::vector
// The usage of vector:
// Although vector here is used to replace array, but it's not passed by
// reference(pointer) by default. It's essentially a template, so it works
// like a object. It will be passed by value unless you specify otherwise
// using the &-operator or *-operator.
// void foo(vector<int> bar); // by value
// void foo(vector<int> &bar); // by reference (to a modifyable vector)
// void foo(vector<int> const &bar); // by const-reference
// void foo(const vector<int> &bar); // by const-reference
// The last two is same. The both 'bar' are references to a const vector.
using std::uint8_t;
using std::setw;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::to_string;
using std::vector;
// Get the max value to represent infinity.
const uint8_t inf = static_cast<uint8_t>(~0);
// Helper Functions
// ===================================
void PrintGraph(const vector < vector<uint8_t> >& aGraph)
// Make sure the graph is not empty.
// The max width of one item is 3 because the max value 255 has 3 digits.
// Column width should be the max width of columns plus one(for space).
uint8_t w = 4;
for (uint8_t i = 0 ; i < aGraph.size(); i++) {
for (uint8_t j = 0 ; j < aGraph[i].size(); j++) {
cout << setw(w) <<
((aGraph[i][j] >= inf) ? "*" : to_string(aGraph[i][j])) << " ";
cout << endl;
std::vector< std::vector<uint8_t> >
GenerateGraph(unsigned int aSize, float aDensity, bool aDirected = true)
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
std::uniform_real_distribution<> dis(0, 1);
std::vector< std::vector<uint8_t> > graph;
for (uint8_t i = 0 ; i < aSize ; ++i) {
for (uint8_t j = i ; j < aSize ; ++j) {
graph[i][j] = (i == j) ? 0 : (dis(gen) < aDensity) ? dis(gen)*10 : inf;
for (uint8_t i = 1 ; i < aSize ; ++i) {
for (uint8_t j = 0 ; j < i ; ++j) {
graph[i][j] = (aDirected) ? (dis(gen) < aDensity) ? dis(gen)*10 : inf :
if (!aDirected) {
for (uint8_t i = 0 ; i < aSize ; ++i) {
for (uint8_t j = 0 ; j < aSize ; ++j) {
assert(graph[i][j] == graph[j][i]);
return graph;
// Floyd-Warshall
// ===================================
vector < vector<uint8_t> > FloydWarshall(const vector < vector<uint8_t> >& aGraph)
// Make sure the graph is not empty.
// Copy a graph;
vector < vector<uint8_t> > graph = aGraph;
for (uint8_t k = 0 ; k < graph.size() ; k++) {
for (uint8_t i = 0 ; i < graph.size(); i++) {
for (uint8_t j = 0 ; j < graph[i].size(); j++) {
// Do nothing with the unconnected nodes.
if (graph[i][k] >= inf || graph[k][j] >= inf) {
// If pathViaK < graph[i][k] or pathViaK < graph[k][j],
// then it means the summation is overflow!
uint8_t pathViaK = graph[i][k] + graph[k][j];
assert(pathViaK >= graph[i][k] &&
pathViaK >= graph[k][j]);
if (pathViaK < graph[i][j]) {
graph[i][j] = pathViaK;
return graph;
// Dijkstra
// ===================================
// Dijkstra calculates the shortest path from one source to multiple destinations.
vector<uint8_t> Dijkstra(const vector < vector<uint8_t> >& aGraph, uint8_t aStart)
// Make sure the graph is not empty.
// To record the shortest distance from start node to other nodes.
vector<uint8_t> distance(aGraph.size(), inf);
distance[aStart] = 0;
// A set that contains the unvisited nodes from start node.
vector<uint8_t> unvisited;
for (uint8_t i = 0 ; i < aGraph.size() ; i++) {
while (unvisited.size()) {
// Find the nearest unvisited node from the start node.
uint8_t minIndex = 0;
for (uint8_t j = 0 ; j < unvisited.size() ; j++) {
if (distance[ unvisited[j] ] < distance[ unvisited[minIndex] ]) {
minIndex = j;
uint8_t nearest = unvisited[minIndex];
// Go to the nearest unvisited node and calculate the distances of all the
// available path via the chosen node.
unvisited.erase(unvisited.begin() + minIndex);
for (uint8_t j = 0 ; j < aGraph.size() ; j++) {
// Do nothing with the unconnected nodes.
if (aGraph[nearest][j] >= inf) {
// If distance[nearest] is infinity, then pathViaNearest must be infinity
// too. distance[j] is infinity at first. If pathViaNearest is also
// infinity, then there is no need to compare them.
// This happens when there are some unconnected nodes to start left in
// unvisited set.
if (distance[nearest] >= inf) {
// If the path via nearest is smaller than the record from start node to
// others, than we update the records.
// (Update distance when start->nearest->others < start->others.)
uint8_t pathViaNearest = distance[nearest] + aGraph[nearest][j];
// If pathViaNearest < distance[nearest] or aGraph[nearest][j], it means
// the summation is overflow!
assert(pathViaNearest >= distance[nearest] &&
pathViaNearest >= aGraph[nearest][j]);
if (pathViaNearest < distance[j]) {
distance[j] = pathViaNearest;
// Make sure all nodes have been visited.
return distance;
// Dijkstra only calculate shortest path from one source to multiple destinations.
// To get the shortest distances of whole graph, we need to use a loop to do it.
vector < vector<uint8_t> > Dijkstra(const vector < vector<uint8_t> >& aGraph)
// The graph record the results.
vector < vector<uint8_t> > graph;
// Set the start point to calculate the shortest path.
for (uint8_t start = 0 ; start < aGraph.size() ; start++) {
// Append the distance path from "start" to the result.
graph[start] = Dijkstra(aGraph, start);
return graph;
// Bellman-Ford
// ===================================
vector<uint8_t> BellmanFord(const vector < vector<uint8_t> >& aGraph, uint8_t aStart)
// Make sure the graph is not empty.
// To record the shortest distance from start node to other nodes.
vector<uint8_t> distance(aGraph.size(), inf);
distance[aStart] = 0;
// Update the distance (n - 1) times, where n is the number of nodes.
for (uint8_t i = 0 ; i < aGraph.size() - 1 ; i++) {
// Go throug all the edges to update the distance.
for (uint8_t j = 0 ; j < aGraph.size() ; j++) {
for (uint8_t k = 0 ; k < aGraph.size() ; k++) {
// No edage between node j and k. Ignore it!
if (aGraph[j][k] >= inf) {
// If distance[j] is infinity, then pathToKViaJ must be infinity too.
// distance[k] is infinity at first. If pathToKViaJ is also infinity,
// then there is no need to compare them.
if (distance[j] >= inf) {
uint8_t pathToKViaJ = distance[j] + aGraph[j][k];
// If pathToKViaJ < distance[j] or pathToKViaJ < aGraph[j][k],
// it means the summation is overflow!
assert(pathToKViaJ >= distance[j] && pathToKViaJ >= aGraph[j][k]);
if (pathToKViaJ < distance[k]) {
distance[k] = pathToKViaJ;
return distance;
vector < vector<uint8_t> > BellmanFord(const vector < vector<uint8_t> >& aGraph)
// The graph record the results.
vector < vector<uint8_t> > graph;
// Set the start point to calculate the shortest path.
for (uint8_t start = 0 ; start < aGraph.size() ; start++) {
// Append the distance path from "start" to the result.
graph[start] = BellmanFord(aGraph, start);
return graph;
int main()
// Initialize the path of two nodes in the map.
// vector < vector<uint8_t> > graph = {
// { 0, 2, 6, 4 },
// { inf, 0, 3, inf },
// { 7, inf, 0, 1 },
// { 5, inf, 12, 0 }
// };
// vector < vector<uint8_t> > graph = {
// { 0, 1, 12, inf, inf, inf },
// { inf, 0, 9, 3, inf, inf },
// { inf, inf, 0, inf, 5, inf },
// { inf, inf, 4, 0, 13, 15 },
// { inf, inf, inf, inf, 0, 4 },
// { inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, 0 }
// };
vector < vector<uint8_t> > graph = GenerateGraph(6, 0.5f);
// If the distance of two nodes is infinity,
// then it means they are unconnected.
// Print the initial path between any two nodes in the map.
cout << "Initial Distance:" << endl;
// Print the shortest path calculated by Floyd-Warshall algorithm between
// any two nodes in the map.
cout << endl << "Shortest Path by Floyd-Warshall:" << endl;
vector < vector<uint8_t> > fw = FloydWarshall(graph);
// Print the shortest path calculated by Dijkstra algorithm between
// any two nodes in the map.
cout << endl << "Shortest Path by Dijkstra:" << endl;
vector < vector<uint8_t> > dij = Dijkstra(graph);
// Print the shortest path calculated by Bellman-Ford algorithm between
// any two nodes in the map.
cout << endl << "Shortest Path by Bellman-Ford:" << endl;
vector < vector<uint8_t> > bf = BellmanFord(graph);
// The three results should be same.
assert(fw == dij && dij == bf);
return 0;
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