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Created October 20, 2011 19:27
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  • Save Cifro/1302060 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Cifro/1302060 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. - Python module with Nao's basic positions
import time
import NaoPositions # Imports file
from naoqi import *
IP = ""
PORT = 9559
motionProxy = ALProxy("ALMotion", IP, PORT)
motionProxy.setStiffnesses("Body", 0.9)
# Init
# Stand
# Zero
## @package NaoPositions
# @author Cifro Nix (
# @version 1.0
# Contains functions for basic Nao's positions
# Requires naoqi-sdk-1.10.52 or newer
# Up to date source code is available at:
## Zero
# All motors to 0
# @param motionProxy Proxy Instance of ALMotion module
# @param maxSpeedFraction Percents of maximum joints speed
def zero(motionProxy, maxSpeedFraction = 0.5):
numBodies = len(motionProxy.getJointNames("Body"))
targetAngles = [0.0] * numBodies
motionProxy.angleInterpolationWithSpeed("Body", targetAngles, maxSpeedFraction)
## Init
# Nao is ready to do anything from this position
# @param motionProxy Proxy Instance of ALMotion module
# @param maxSpeedFraction Percents of maximum joints speed
# @param motion Motion Naoqi module
def init(motionProxy, maxSpeedFraction = 0.5, motion = None):
if motion is None:
import motion
# Define The Initial Position in degrees
HeadYawAngle = 0
HeadPitchAngle = 0
ShoulderPitchAngle = 80
ShoulderRollAngle = 20
ElbowYawAngle = -80
ElbowRollAngle = -60
WristYawAngle = 0
HandAngle = 0
HipYawPitchAngle = 0
HipRollAngle = 0
HipPitchAngle = -25
KneePitchAngle = 40
AnklePitchAngle = -20
AnkleRollAngle = 0
Head = [HeadYawAngle, HeadPitchAngle]
LeftArm = [ShoulderPitchAngle, +ShoulderRollAngle, +ElbowYawAngle, +ElbowRollAngle, WristYawAngle, HandAngle]
RightArm = [ShoulderPitchAngle, -ShoulderRollAngle, -ElbowYawAngle, -ElbowRollAngle, WristYawAngle, HandAngle]
LeftLeg = [HipYawPitchAngle, +HipRollAngle, HipPitchAngle, KneePitchAngle, AnklePitchAngle, +AnkleRollAngle]
RightLeg = [HipYawPitchAngle, -HipRollAngle, HipPitchAngle, KneePitchAngle, AnklePitchAngle, -AnkleRollAngle]
# Gather the joints together
targetAngles = Head + LeftArm + LeftLeg + RightLeg + RightArm
# Convert to radians
targetAngles = [x * motion.TO_RAD for x in targetAngles]
# We use the "Body" name to signify the collection of all joints
names = "Body"
# Ask motion to do this with a blocking call
motionProxy.angleInterpolationWithSpeed(names, targetAngles, maxSpeedFraction)
## Stand
# Standing position with low power consumption.
# @param motionProxy Proxy Instance of ALMotion module
# @param maxSpeedFraction Percents of maximum joints speed
# @param motion Motion Naoqi module
def stand(motionProxy, maxSpeedFraction = 0.5, motion = None):
if motion is None:
import motion
HeadYaw = -0.266079
HeadPitch = -10.7252
# Left arm
LHand = 0.232026
LWristYaw = 6.23791
LElbowRoll = -33.6601
LElbowYaw = -70.3158
LShoulderPitch = 91.2292
LShoulderRoll = 9.4899
# Left leg
LHipRoll = 6.4185
LHipPitch = 11.692
LHipYawPitch = -9.22623
LAnklePitch = 4.04062
LAnkleRoll = -6.15002
LKneePitch = -5.18802
# Right arm
RHand = 0.406934
RWristYaw = 9.92936
RElbowRoll = 24.9637
RElbowYaw = 67.6742
RShoulderPitch = 85.1695
RShoulderRoll = -6.4185
# Right Leg
RHipRoll = -3.86483
RHipPitch = 10.8083
RHipYawPitch = -9.22623
RAnklePitch = 3.60596
RAnkleRoll = 3.78175
RKneePitch = -4.2164
Head = [HeadYaw, HeadPitch]
LeftArm = [LShoulderPitch, LShoulderRoll, LElbowYaw, LElbowRoll, LWristYaw, LHand]
RightArm = [RShoulderPitch, RShoulderRoll, RElbowYaw, RElbowRoll, RWristYaw, RHand]
LeftLeg = [LHipYawPitch, LHipRoll, LHipPitch, LKneePitch, LAnklePitch, LAnkleRoll]
RightLeg = [RHipYawPitch, RHipRoll, RHipPitch, RKneePitch, RAnklePitch, RAnkleRoll]
# Gather the joints together
targetAngles = Head + LeftArm + LeftLeg + RightLeg + RightArm
# Convert to radians
targetAngles = [x * motion.TO_RAD for x in targetAngles]
# We use the "Body" name to signify the collection of all joints
names = "Body"
# Ask motion to do this with a blocking call
motionProxy.angleInterpolationWithSpeed(names, targetAngles, maxSpeedFraction)
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