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Created March 15, 2015 20:30
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This snippet illustrates the creation of a custom GtkTreeModel in PyGTK / Python 2 where column number is different between children and parents, and model generates fake headers in each cell
import pygtk
import gtk
data = [
[('val_a1', 'val_b1', 'val_c1', 'val_d1', 'val_e1'), ('val_x1', 'val_y1', 'val_z1'), ('val_x2', 'val_y2', 'val_z2')],
[('val_a2', 'val_b2', 'val_c2', 'val_d2', 'val_e2'), ('val_x3', 'val_y3', 'val_z3')],
[('val_a3', 'val_b3', 'val_c3', 'val_d3', 'val_e3')],
[('val_a4', 'val_b4', 'val_c4', 'val_d4', 'val_e4'), ('val_x4', 'val_y4', 'val_z4'), ('val_x5', 'val_y5', 'val_z5')],
class MyTreeModel(gtk.GenericTreeModel):
# The columns exposed by the model to the view
column_types = (str, str, str, str, str)
# Column headers
parent_headers = ("P.Col 1", "P.Col 2", "P.Col 3", "P.Col 4", "P.Col 5")
child_headers = ("C.Col 1", "C.Col 2", "C.Col 3")
def __init__(self, data):
gtk.GenericTreeModel.__init__(self) = data
def on_get_flags(self):
Get Model capabilities
def on_get_n_columns(self):
Get number of columns in the model
return len(self.column_types)
def on_get_column_type(self, n):
Get data type of a specified column in the model
return self.column_types[n]
def on_get_iter(self, path):
Obtain a reference to the row at path. For us, this is a tuple that
contain the position of the row in the double list of data.
if len(path) > 2:
return None # Invalid path
parent_idx = path[0]
if parent_idx >= len(
return None # Invalid path
first_level_list =[parent_idx]
if len(path) == 1:
# Access the parent at index 0 in the first level list
return (parent_idx, 0)
# Access a child, at index path[1] + 1 (0 is the parent)
child_idx = path[1] + 1
if child_idx >= len(first_level_list):
return None # Invalid path
return (parent_idx, child_idx)
def on_get_path(self, iter_):
Get a path from a rowref (this is the inverse of on_get_iter)
parent_idx, child_idx = iter_
if child_idx == 0:
return (parent_idx, )
(parent_idx, child_idx-1)
def on_get_value(self, iter_, column):
This is where the view asks for values. This is thus where we
start mapping our data model to a fake table to present to the view
parent_idx, child_idx = iter_
item =[parent_idx][child_idx]
# For parents, map columns 1:1 to data
if child_idx == 0:
return self.markup(item[column], column, False)
# For children, we have to fake some columns
if column == 0 or column == 4:
return "" # Fake empty text
# map 1, 2, 3 to 0, 1, 2.
return self.markup(item[column-1], column-1, True)
def markup(self, text, column, is_child):
Produce a markup for a cell with a title and a text
headers = self.child_headers if is_child else self.parent_headers
title = headers[column]
return "<b>%s</b>\n%s"%(title, text)
def on_iter_next(self, iter_):
Get the next sibling of the item pointed by iter_
parent_idx, child_idx = iter_
# For parents, point to the next parent
if child_idx == 0:
next_parent_idx = parent_idx + 1
if next_parent_idx < len(
return (next_parent_idx, 0)
return None
# For children, get next tuple in the list
next_child_idx = child_idx + 1
if next_child_idx < len([parent_idx]):
return (parent_idx, next_child_idx)
return None
def on_iter_has_child(self, iter_):
Tells if the row referenced by iter_ has children
parent_idx, child_idx = iter_
if child_idx == 0 and len([parent_idx]) > 1:
return True
return False
def on_iter_children(self, iter_):
Return a row reference to the first child row of the row specified
by iter_. If iter_ is None, a reference to the first top level row
is returned. If there is no child row None is returned.
if iter_ is None:
return (0, 0)
parent_idx, child_idx = iter_
if self.on_iter_has_child(iter_):
return (parent_idx, 1)
return None
def on_iter_n_children(self, iter_):
Return the number of child rows that the row specified by iter_
has. If iter_ is None, the number of top level rows is returned.
if iter_ is None:
return len(
parent_idx, child_idx = iter_
if child_idx == 0:
return len([parent_idx]) - 1
return 0
def on_iter_nth_child(self, iter_, n):
Return a row reference to the nth child row of the row specified by
iter_. If iter_ is None, a reference to the nth top level row is
if iter_ is None:
if n < len(
return (n, 0)
return None
parent_idx, child_idx = iter_
if child_idx == 0:
if n+1 < len([parent_idx]):
return (parent_idx, n+1)
return None
return None
def on_iter_parent(self, iter_):
Get a reference to the parent
parent_idx, child_idx = iter_
if child_idx == 0:
return None
return (parent_idx, 0)
class BasicTreeViewExample:
def delete_event(self, widget, event, data=None):
return False
def __init__(self):
self.window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
self.window.set_title("Basic TreeView Example")
self.window.set_size_request(200, 200)
self.window.connect("delete_event", self.delete_event)
# Create the model with data in it
self.model = MyTreeModel(data)
self.treeview = gtk.TreeView(self.model)
for i in range(5):
tvcolumn = gtk.TreeViewColumn('Column %s' % (i))
cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
tvcolumn.pack_start(cell, True)
tvcolumn.add_attribute(cell, 'markup', i)
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
tvexample = BasicTreeViewExample()
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