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Last active May 15, 2023 19:14
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  • Save Cilyan/a8117124b04b64642646 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Cilyan/a8117124b04b64642646 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#include <iostream>
#include "plugins.h"
int main()
auto &factory = PluginSystem::PluginFactory::Instance();
auto plugin = factory.GetPlugin("Plugin1");
return 0;
/* Could be also split in .h/.cpp, here kept in one file for simplicity */
#include <iostream>
#include "plugins.h"
class Plugin1: public PluginSystem::IPlugin {
void DoSomething() {
std::cout << "Plugin1" << std::endl;
#include "plugins.h"
namespace PluginSystem {
PluginFactory::Instance() {
static PluginFactory instance;
return instance;
PluginFactory::Register(IPluginRegistrar* registrar, std::string name) {
registry_[name] = registrar;
PluginFactory::GetPlugin(std::string name) {
/* throws out_of_range if plugin unknown */
IPluginRegistrar* registrar =;
return registrar->GetPlugin();
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
namespace PluginSystem {
/* Base class for plugins */
class IPlugin {
virtual void DoSomething() = 0;
* Base class for PluginRegistrar
* See PluginRegistrar below for explanations
class IPluginRegistrar {
virtual std::unique_ptr<IPlugin> GetPlugin() = 0;
* This is the factory, the common interface to "plugins".
* Plugins registers themselves here and the factory can serve them on
* demand.
* It is a Singleton
class PluginFactory {
/* Get Singleton instance */
static PluginFactory& Instance();
/* Register a new plugin */
void Register(IPluginRegistrar* registrar, std::string name);
/* Get an instance of a plugin based on its name */
/* throws out_of_range if plugin not found */
std::unique_ptr<IPlugin> GetPlugin(std::string name);
/* Holds pointers to plugin registrars */
std::map<std::string, IPluginRegistrar*> registry_;
/* Make constructors private and forbid cloning */
PluginFactory(): registry_() {};
PluginFactory(PluginFactory const&) = delete;
void operator=(PluginFactory const&) = delete;
* Helper class that registers a plugin upon construction.
* Actually, the registrar registers itself, and the proxied plugin is only
* created on-demand. This mechanism can be shortened by directly
* registering and instance of the plugin, but the assumption here is that
* instanciating the plugin can be heavy and not necessary.
template<class TPlugin>
class PluginRegistrar: public IPluginRegistrar {
PluginRegistrar(std::string classname);
std::unique_ptr<IPlugin> GetPlugin();
/* That is not really used there, but could be useful */
std::string classname_;
/* template functions in header */
template<class TPlugin>
PluginRegistrar<TPlugin>::PluginRegistrar(std::string classname): classname_(classname) {
PluginFactory &factory = PluginFactory::Instance();
factory.Register(this, classname);
template<class TPlugin>
PluginRegistrar<TPlugin>::GetPlugin() {
std::unique_ptr<IPlugin> plugin(new TPlugin());
return plugin;
* Here is the trick: upon creation of the global variable, the class created
* out of the template will get instanciated once, and will register itself.
* The template contains the information to create a plugin instance.
* An unnamed namespace is used to enclose this later unused variable in the
* compilation unit.
namespace { \
static PluginSystem::PluginRegistrar<CLASSNAME> \
_registrar( #CLASSNAME ); \
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