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Save Cimbali/2aea56e01959cb4bf801 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fix assembler source for PEBS usage (in python, cf.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Fix assembler source for PEBS usage
By default, prints fixed file to stdout.
command line options:
"-o" -- output file (instead of stdout)
"-p" -- output patch instead of fixed file
"-i" -- in-place, overwrite input file(s)
"-q" -- suppress warnings
"-v" -- more verbose
command line arguments: list of .s files to process
suggested usage:
change build to produce .s files
cc [options] -c foo.c
cc [options] -S foo.c
pebsfixup -i foo.s
cc -c foo.s
suggested compiler options:
[probably only really needed if push/pop required.]
(1) use either of
-O2 -fno-optimize-sibling-calls
(2) use -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer
(3) use -mno-red-zone [probably not required in any case]
(1) red zones are only really useful for leaf functions (i.e. if fncA calls
fncB, fncA's red zone would be clobbered)
(2) pushing onto the stack isn't a problem if there is a formal stack frame
(3) the push is okay if the function has no more than six arguments (i.e.
does _not_ use positive offsets from %rsp to access them)
Credits to and original Perl implementation from Craig Estey
import getopt
import time
import sys
import os
import re
# output files, global, will be initialized in main
cmt = False # print only verbose
msg = True # print if non-quiet
err = True # always print
# Usable temp registers for our fix
reg_type = {
'11':'T', '10':'T', # temporary registers.
'9':'A6', '8':'A5', 'c':'A4', 'd':'A3', 'si':'A2', 'di':'A1', # arguments
'15':'P', '14':'P', '13':'P', '12':'P' # callee preserved
# In order of preference. Should we use %r10? -- see notes in ABI at bottom
reg_pref = ["11", "9", "8", "c", "d", "si", "di", "15", "14", "13", "12"]
# Regular expressions
# symbol declatations
# label (function entry point)
label = re.compile(r"([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_\.]*):")
# match register, return a unique identifier: a,b,c,d,di,si or numeric
rgx = re.compile(r"%[re]?([a-d]|[ds]i|[0-9]+|[sb]p)[xlhwdb]?\b")
# return (function exit point)
ret = re.compile(r"\s+(rep[a-z]*\s+)?ret")
# use stack pointer with positive offset (i.e. for argument passing)
stk = re.compile(r"\b[0-9]+\(%[re]?spl?\)\s*,")
# all types of mov instructions, from memory
memmov = re.compile(r"\s+(c?mov[a-z]*)\s+(.*\(.*\).*),(.*)")
# this does the reverse mapping from the 'rgx' regular expression
reg_name = {
"a" : ["rax", "eax", "ax", "al"],
"b" : ["rbx", "ebx", "bx", "bl"],
"c" : ["rcx", "ecx", "cx", "cl"],
"d" : ["rdx", "edx", "dx", "dl"],
"si": ["rsi", "esi", "si", "sil"],
"di": ["rdi", "edi", "di", "dil"],
"bp": ["rbp", "ebp", "bp", "bpl"],
"sp": ["rsp", "esp", "sp", "spl"],
"8" : ["r8", "r8d", "r8w", "r8b"],
"9" : ["r9", "r9d", "r9w", "r9b"],
"10": ["r10", "r10d", "r10w", "r10b"],
"11": ["r11", "r11d", "r11w", "r11b"],
"12": ["r12", "r12d", "r12w", "r12b"],
"13": ["r13", "r13d", "r13w", "r13b"],
"14": ["r14", "r14d", "r14w", "r14b"],
"15": ["r15", "r15d", "r15w", "r15b"]
def regfull(rid, bits = 64):
""" Return the full name of a register based on its identifier
as the regex 'rgx' extracts it.
Optionally specify what bit-width to be used in the register.
if bits == 64:
bid = 0
elif bits == 32:
bid = 1
elif bits == 16:
bid = 2
elif bits == 8:
bid = 3
raise ValueError("No such bit-width for registers: {}".format(bits))
return "%"+reg_name[rid][bid]
print("ERROR: no such register id: {}".format(rgx), file=err)
def regfix(fnc):
""" Given a function object, find a temporary register it doesn't use.
Just returns None if nothing can't be found.
for reg in reg_pref:
if reg in fnc['usecount']:
elif reg_type[reg] == 'P' and len(fnc['stkargs']) == 0:
return reg
print("WARNING: unable to locate usable fixup register\n", file=msg)
def parse_file(f, lines, sym_type, functions):
""" Given a file of assembly, extracting symbols into sym_type and infos
about functions (used registers, line numbers, return points, fixes),
using a lot of regular expressions.
for lno, line in enumerate([l.rstrip("\n") for l in f]):
if line.lstrip().startswith('.'):
# look for ".type blah, @function"
type_def = symbol_type.match(line)
if type_def:
sym_type[] ='@')
print("TYPE: {} --> {}".format(,'@')), file=cmt)
# look for "label:"
symbol = label.fullmatch(line)
if symbol:
sym =
if sym_type[sym] == "function":
except KeyError:
functions[sym] = {}
usecount = {}
retlist = []
fixlist = []
stkargs = []
functions[sym]['lno'] = lno;
functions[sym]['usecount'] = usecount;
functions[sym]['retlist'] = retlist;
functions[sym]['fixlist'] = fixlist;
functions[sym]['stkargs'] = stkargs;
# remember all used registers
for reg in rgx.findall(line):
usecount[reg] += 1
except KeyError:
usecount[reg] = 1
# handle returns
if ret.match(line):
# handle positive-offset stack uses
# find mov with memory on lhs
mem = memmov.match(line)
if mem:
ins =
lhs =
rhs =
dest =
except AttributeError:
# No rgx match: a register we're not interested in, e.g. xmm*
# may use several registers to compute load address
if dest in rgx.findall(lhs):
# overlap!
fixlist.append({'lno':lno, 'ins':ins, 'lhs':lhs, 'rhs':rhs})
def fixfnc(fncname, fnc, lines, diff):
""" Fix a given function.
fixlist = fnc['fixlist']
retlist = fnc['retlist']
print("FUNCTION: {} RET: {} FIX: {}".format(fncname,
len(retlist), len(fixlist)), file=cmt)
try: # find fix register fixrid, may be None
fixrid = regfix(fnc)
fixrtype = reg_type[fixrid]
fixreg = regfull(fixrid)
print(" FIXREG --> {} (TYPE: {})".format(fixreg,fixrtype), file=cmt)
if fixlist:
print("ERROR {} fixes needed but no fix register"
.format(len(fixlist)), file=err)
# check number of return points
if len(retlist) == 0:
print("WARNING function '{}' has no return points\n" \
"Suggest recompiling with correct options."
.format(fncname), file=msg)
if len(fixlist) == 0:
print("working around because function needs no fixups",
elif fixrtype != "P":
print("working around because fixup reg does not need to be saved",
print("ERROR impossible fixup: {} fixes needed, " \
"register needs to be saved but no return points!", file=err)
# show stats on register usage in function
usecount = fnc['usecount']
for reg in sorted(usecount, key = lambda r: usecount[r]):
use = usecount[reg]
typ = reg_type[reg]
except KeyError:
typ = "?"
print(" {:2} used {} times (TYPE: {})".format(reg, use, typ), file=cmt)
# individual fixups
for fix in fixlist:
add = [ "\tlea\t{}, {}".format(fix['lhs'], fixreg),
"\t{}\t({}), {}".format(fix['ins'], fixreg, fix['rhs'])]
"Replace line {}: '{}' with:".format(fix['lno'], lines[fix['lno']])
] + add), file=cmt)
diff[fix['lno']] = ([lines[fix['lno']]], add)
lines[fix['lno']] = "\n".join(add)
if fixlist and fixrtype == "P":
# fix the function prolog
add = "\tpush\t{}".format(fixreg)
diff[fnc['lno']] = ([], [add])
print("Insert push after line {}: {}".format(fnc['lno'], add), file=cmt)
lines[fnc['lno']] += "\n" + add
# fix the function return points
for retpoint in retlist:
add = "\tpop\t{}".format(fixreg)
diff[retpoint - 1] = ([lines[retpoint]], [add, lines[retpoint]])
print("Insert pop after line {}: {}".format(retpoint, add), file=cmt)
lines[retpoint] = add + "\n" + lines[retpoint]
def fixup_file(infile, outfile, as_patch):
""" Process a given assembly file.
print("processing {} ...".format(infile), file=msg)
print("-" * 78, file=cmt)
print("FILE: {}".format(infile), file=cmt)
sym_type = {}
functions = {}
lines = []
diff = {}
with open(infile, "r") as f:
parse_file(f, lines, sym_type, functions)
fixtot = sum([len(functions[fnc]['fixlist']) for fnc in functions])
if fixtot:
print("File {} needs {} fixups".format(infile, fixtot), file=msg)
for fnc in sorted(functions, key=lambda fnc: functions[fnc]['lno']):
fixfnc(fnc, functions[fnc], lines, diff)
if as_patch:
print("--- {} {}".format(infile, time.ctime(os.stat(infile).st_mtime)), file=outfile)
print("+++ {} {}".format(infile, time.ctime()), file=outfile)
if diff:
print_patch(outfile, lines, diff)
print("\n".join(lines), file=outfile)
def print_patch(outfile, lines, diff):
""" Given context lines (lines) and diff a mapping:
first modified lno (on old file) -> ([old lines], [new lines]),
print the patch that transforms old to new.
# number of (possibly merged) context lines
ctx = 3
shift = 0 # Cumulative difference of lines between old and new.
out = [] # Lines (context and modified) of the current patch block.
add = 0 # Difference of lines removed and inserterd in out.
past = 0 # 1 past the last item shown, i.e. the first non-shown.
modln = sorted(diff) # Sorted list of modified lines.
for l, show in [(l, nextl > l + 2 * ctx) for l, nextl
in zip(modln, modln[1:] + [sys.maxsize])]:
# remove context lines of the previous modification
# if they clash with the current modification
while past > l:
past -= 1
# context lines before
for ll in range(max(l - ctx, past), l):
out.append(' ' + lines[ll])
# one (atomic) set of removed lines, and added lines
old, new = diff[l]
add += len(new) - len(old)
for o in old:
if new and o == new[0]:
c = ' '
c = '-'
out.append(c + o)
for n in new:
out.append('+' + n)
# context lines after, until past (excluded)
past = l + add + ctx + 1
for ll in range(past - ctx, past):
out.append(' ' + lines[ll])
# print iff next set of lines is not contiguous
if show:
print("\n".join(["@@ -{},{} +{},{} @@".format(
past - len(out) + 1, len(out),
past - len(out) + 1 + shift, len(out) + add)
] + out), file=outfile)
shift += add
out, add = ([], 0)
def usage():
""" Explain how to use this script. It's all in the docstring.
print("\nUsage: {} [[-o|--output] file] [-p|--patch] [-i] [-v | -q] " \
"file.s [file.s [...]]\n".format(sys.argv[0]))
def main():
""" Parse arguments, set output streams, and start processing files.
global cmt, msg, err
inplace = False
mkpatch = False
outfile = "-"
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ho:piqv", ["help", "output=", "patch"])
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
print(err, file=sys.stderr)
for o, a in opts:
if o in ("-h", "--help"):
elif o == "-q":
msg = False
elif o == "-v":
cmt = True
elif o in ("-p", "--patch"):
mkpatch = True
elif o in ("-o", "--output"):
outfile = a
elif o in ("-i"):
inplace = True
if not args:
elif set(ext for basename, ext in map(os.path.splitext, args)) != {".s"}:
print("Pass only assembly files (*.s) as arguments", file=sys.stderr)
elif inplace and (outfile != "-" or mkpatch):
print("Can't use -i with -o or -p!", file=sys.stderr)
elif cmt and not msg:
print("Can't be both quiet and verbose!", file=sys.stderr)
with open(os.devnull, 'w') as silent:
# set output streams
cmt = sys.stderr if cmt else silent
msg = sys.stderr if msg else silent
err = sys.stderr if err else silent
# different approach based on output strategy
if not inplace:
with open(outfile, "w") if outfile != "-" else sys.stdout as out:
for f in args:
fixup_file(f, out, mkpatch)
for f in args:
with open(f + ".tmp", "w") as out:
fixup_file(f, out, mkpatch)
os.rename(f + ".tmp", f)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# x86 ABI register usage in function calls:
# %rax temporary register;
# with variable arguments passes information about the number of vector
# registers used; 1st return register
# Preserved: No
# %rbx callee-saved register; optionally used as base pointer
# Preserved: Yes
# %rcx used to pass 4th integer argument to functions
# Preserved: No
# %rdx used to pass 3rd argument to functions; 2nd return register
# Preserved: No
# %rsp stack pointer
# Preserved: Yes
# %rbp callee-saved register; optionally used as frame pointer
# Preserved: Yes
# %rsi used to pass 2nd argument to functions
# Preserved: No
# %rdi used to pass 1st argument to functions
# Preserved: No
# %r8 used to pass 5th argument to functions
# Preserved: No
# %r9 used to pass 6th argument to functions
# Preserved: No
# %r10 temporary register, used for passing a function's static chain pointer
# Preserved: No
# %r11 temporary register
# Preserved: No
# %r12-r15 callee-saved registers
# Preserved: Yes
# %xmm0-%xmm1 used to pass and return floating point arguments
# Preserved: No
# %xmm2-%xmm7 used to pass floating point arguments
# Preserved: No
# %xmm8-%xmm15 temporary registers
# Preserved: No
# %mmx0-%mmx7 temporary registers
# Preserved: No
# %st0,%st1 temporary registers; used to return long double arguments
# Preserved: No
# %st2-%st7 temporary registers
# Preserved: No
# %fs Reserved for system (as thread specific data register)
# Preserved: No
# mxcsr SSE2 control and status word partial
# x87 SW x87 status word
# Preserved: No
# x87 CW x87 control word
# Preserved: Yes
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