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Created May 3, 2016 03:44
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  • Save Cinderhaze/6d0a9d2cbd3804218d5e25e4c08e4e48 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Cinderhaze/6d0a9d2cbd3804218d5e25e4c08e4e48 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
FROM ubuntu:15.10
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
build-essential \
git \
libxml2 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev \
ruby2.2 \
ruby2.2-dev \
RUN update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/ruby ruby /usr/bin/ruby2.2 500 --slave /usr/bin/ri ri /usr/bin/ri2.2 --slave /usr/bin/irb irb /usr/bin/irb2.2 --slave /usr/bin/gem gem /usr/bin/gem2.2
RUN mkdir /git && git clone /git/puppet-vault
#USER stuff here
WORKDIR /git/puppet-vault
RUN gem install bundler -v 1.12.1
RUN bundle config build.nokogiri '--use-system-libraries --with-xml2-include=/usr/include/libxml2'
root@7b854ec4d408:/git/puppet-vault# bundle install
Don't run Bundler as root. Bundler can ask for sudo if it is needed, and installing your bundle as root
will break this application for all non-root users on this machine.
Fetching gem metadata from
Fetching version metadata from
Fetching dependency metadata from
Resolving dependencies.........
Installing rake 11.1.2
Installing CFPropertyList 2.2.8
Installing addressable 2.4.0
Installing json 1.8.3 with native extensions
Installing mini_portile2 2.0.0
Installing backports 3.6.8
Installing require_all 1.3.3
Installing stringify-hash 0.0.2
Installing excon 0.49.0
Installing builder 3.2.2
Installing formatador 0.2.5
Installing multi_json 1.11.3
Installing ipaddress 0.8.3
Installing inflecto 0.0.2
Installing multipart-post 2.0.0
Installing jwt 1.5.4
Installing little-plugger 1.1.4
Installing memoist 0.14.0
Installing os 0.9.6
Installing httpclient 2.8.0
Installing hurley 0.2
Installing mime-types 2.99.1
Installing uber 0.0.15
Installing retriable 2.1.0
Installing thor 0.19.1
Installing hocon 0.9.5
Installing inifile 2.0.2
Installing minitest 5.8.4
Installing net-ssh 2.9.4
Installing open_uri_redirections 0.2.1
Installing trollop 2.1.2
Installing rsync 1.0.9
Installing unf_ext with native extensions
Installing rspec-support 3.1.2
Installing diff-lcs 1.2.5
Installing net-telnet 0.1.1
Installing sfl 2.2
Installing coderay 1.1.1
Installing ffi 1.9.10 with native extensions
Installing facter 2.4.6
Installing net-http-persistent 2.9.4
Installing net-http-pipeline 1.0.1
Installing rb-fsevent 0.9.7
Installing ruby_dep 1.2.0
Installing lumberjack 1.0.10
Installing nenv 0.3.0
Installing shellany 0.0.1
Installing method_source 0.8.2
Installing slop 3.6.0
Installing json_pure 1.8.3
Installing highline 1.7.8
Installing stomp 1.3.5
Installing systemu 2.6.5
Installing metaclass 0.0.4
Installing spdx-licenses 1.1.0
Installing netrc 0.11.0
Installing puppet-lint 1.1.0
Installing websocket 1.2.3
Installing vagrant-wrapper 2.0.3
Using bundler 1.12.1
Installing puppet-syntax 2.1.0
Installing fission 0.5.0
Installing launchy 2.4.3
Installing jgrep 1.4.0
Installing travis-lint 2.0.0
Installing nokogiri with native extensions
Installing beaker-answers 0.4.2
Installing beaker-hiera 0.1.1
Installing beaker-pe 0.1.2
Installing docker-api 1.28.0
Installing fog-core 1.38.0
Installing faraday 0.9.2
Installing logging 2.1.0
Installing representable 2.3.0
Installing net-scp 1.2.1
Installing unf 0.1.4
Installing rspec-core 3.1.7
Installing rspec-mocks 3.1.3
Installing rspec-expectations 3.1.2
Installing ethon 0.9.0
Installing rb-inotify 0.9.7
Installing notiffany 0.0.8
Installing pry 0.10.3
Installing hiera 1.3.4
Installing mcollective-client 2.8.4
Installing mocha 1.1.0
Installing metadata-json-lint 0.0.11
Installing pusher-client 0.6.2
Installing facterdb 0.3.5
Installing aws-sdk-v1 1.66.0
Installing rbvmomi 1.8.2
Installing fog-xml 0.1.2
Installing fog-json 1.0.2
Installing fog-local 0.3.0
Installing fog-vmfusion 0.1.0
Installing signet 0.7.2
Installing faraday_middleware 0.10.0
Installing gh 0.14.0
Installing specinfra 2.57.1
Installing domain_name 0.5.20160310
Installing rspec 3.1.0
Installing rspec-its 1.2.0
Installing typhoeus 0.8.0
Installing listen 3.1.2
Gem::InstallError: listen requires Ruby version >= 2.2.4, ~> 2.2.
Installing puppet 3.8.7
Installing aws-sdk 1.66.0
Installing fog-atmos 0.1.0
Installing fog-ecloud 0.3.0
Installing fog-profitbricks 0.0.5
Installing fog-terremark 0.1.0
Installing fog-voxel 0.1.0
Installing fog-aws 0.9.2
Installing fog-brightbox 0.10.1
Installing fog-dynect 0.0.3
Installing fog-google 0.0.9
Installing fog-powerdns 0.1.1
Installing fog-radosgw 0.0.5
Installing fog-riakcs 0.1.0
Installing fog-sakuracloud 1.7.5
Installing fog-serverlove 0.1.2
Installing fog-softlayer 1.1.0
Installing fog-storm_on_demand 0.1.1
Installing googleauth 0.5.1
Installing http-cookie 1.0.2
Using rspec-puppet 2.4.0 from (at master@79d5373)
Installing serverspec 2.33.0
Installing travis 1.8.2
An error occurred while installing listen (3.1.2), and Bundler cannot continue.
Make sure that `gem install listen -v '3.1.2'` succeeds before bundling.
Copy link

root@7b854ec4d408:/git/puppet-vault# ruby --version
ruby 2.2.3p173 (2015-08-18) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
root@7b854ec4d408:/git/puppet-vault# bundle exec ruby --version
ruby 2.2.3p173 (2015-08-18) [x86_64-linux-gnu]

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