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CindyLinz/bf.hs Secret

Created December 9, 2016 12:44
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{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf, LambdaCase #-}
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as VM
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Functor
import Data.List
import Data.Char
import System.IO
import Text.Printf
shrink :: String -> String
shrink (s:ss)
| s `elem` "<>+-.,[]@" = s : shrink ss
| otherwise = shrink ss
shrink [] = []
compile :: String -> (V.Vector Char, V.Vector Int)
compile source' =
source = shrink source'
len = length source
codeMem = V.fromList source
jumpMem = runST $ do
jumpMemBuild <- VM.replicate len (-1)
build cursor stack ('[':srcs) = build (cursor + 1) (cursor : stack) srcs
build cursor (top:stack) (']':srcs) = do
VM.write jumpMemBuild cursor top
VM.write jumpMemBuild top cursor
build (cursor + 1) stack srcs
build cursor stack (_:srcs) = build (cursor + 1) stack srcs
build _ _ _ = pure ()
build 0 [] source
V.unsafeFreeze jumpMemBuild
(codeMem, jumpMem)
desugar = go 0 where
go count ('#':_) = ""
go count (c:cs)
| isDigit c = go (count * 10 + ord c - 48) cs
| c `elem` "<>+-,.[]@" = (if count >= 1 then take count (repeat c) else [c]) ++ go 0 cs
| otherwise = go count cs
go _ cs = cs
getSource = go [] where
go acc = do
eof <- isEOF
if eof then
return $ join $ reverse acc
else do
line <- desugar <$> getLine
go (line : acc)
modifyVM vec f i = do
v <- VM.unsafeRead vec i
VM.unsafeWrite vec i (f v)
main = do
memN <- read <$> getLine
input <- getLine
source <- getSource
let (codeMem, jumpMem) = compile source
putStrLn $ filter (/= '@') source
--putStrLn (show codeMem)
--putStrLn (show jumpMem)
dataMem <- VM.replicate memN 0
run ip ptr input
| ptr < 0 = putStrLn ("\nERROR: ptr = " ++ show ptr ++ " at " ++ take ip source ++ "!@!" ++ drop ip source) >> pure ptr
| ptr >= memN = putStrLn ("\nERROR: ptr = " ++ show ptr ++ " at " ++ take ip source ++ "!@!" ++ drop ip source) >> pure ptr
| ip >= V.length codeMem = pure ptr
| otherwise = do
case codeMem V.! ip of
'>' -> run (ip + 1) (ptr + 1) input
'<' -> run (ip + 1) (ptr - 1) input
'+' -> do
flip (modifyVM dataMem) ptr $ \case
255 -> 0
d -> d + 1
run (ip + 1) ptr input
'-' -> do
flip (modifyVM dataMem) ptr $ \case
0 -> 255
d -> d - 1
run (ip + 1) ptr input
'.' -> do
d <- dataMem ptr
putChar $ chr d
run (ip + 1) ptr input
',' -> do
VM.write dataMem ptr (ord (head input))
run (ip + 1) ptr (tail input)
'[' -> do
d <- dataMem ptr
if d == 0 then
run (jumpMem V.! ip) ptr input
run (ip + 1) ptr input
']' -> do
d <- dataMem ptr
if d == 0 then
run (ip + 1) ptr input
run (jumpMem V.! ip) ptr input
'@' -> do
putStrLn ""
putStrLn $ "ptr: " ++ show ptr
forM_ [0..memN-1] $ \i -> do
d <- dataMem i
if i == ptr then
printf "\x1b[1;35m%02x\x1b[m " d
printf "%02x " d
putStrLn ""
run (ip + 1) ptr input
run 0 0 input
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