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Last active April 11, 2023 08:49
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Improved Train code cell of DFL_colab
#@title Training
Model = "SAEHD" #@param ["SAEHD", "Quick96", "XSeg"]
Archive_name_backup = "" #@param {type:"string"}
Backup_every_specified_time = False #@param {type:"boolean"}
backup_time = 1 #@param {type:"integer"}
Silent_Start = True #@param {type:"boolean"}
%cd "/content"
#Mount Google Drive as folder
from google.colab import drive
import psutil, os, time
p = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
uptime = time.time() - p.create_time()
if (Backup_every_specified_time):
if not os.path.exists(Archive_name_backup):
print("Creating workspace archive ...")
os.system('zip -r -q '+Archive_name_backup+' workspace')
print("Archive created!")
print("Archive exist!")
if (Backup_every_specified_time):
print("Time to end session: "+str(round((43200-uptime)/3600))+" hours")
backup_time = str(backup_time * 3600)
backup_cmd = " --execute-program -"+backup_time+" \"import os; os.system('zip -r -q "+Archive_name_backup+" workspace/model'); os.system('cp /content/"+Archive_name_backup+" /content/drive/My\ Drive/'); print('Backed up!') \""
elif (round(39600-uptime) > 0):
print("Time to backup: "+str(round((39600-uptime)/3600))+" hours")
backup_time = str(round(39600-uptime))
backup_cmd = " --execute-program "+backup_time+" \"import os; os.system('zip -r -q "+Archive_name_backup+" workspace'); os.system('cp /content/"+Archive_name_backup+" /content/drive/My\ Drive/'); print('Backed up!') \""
print("Session expires in less than an hour.")
backup_cmd = ""
cmd = "DeepFaceLab/ train --training-data-src-dir workspace/data_src/aligned --training-data-dst-dir workspace/data_dst/aligned --pretraining-data-dir pretrain --model-dir workspace/model --model "+Model
if Model == "Quick96":
cmd+= " --pretrained-model-dir pretrain_Q96"
if Silent_Start:
cmd+= " --silent-start"
if (backup_cmd != ""):
train_cmd = (cmd+backup_cmd)
train_cmd = (cmd)
!python $train_cmd
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Brown sugar

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