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Last active September 17, 2017 00:35
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PowerPlug Command List

General commands

ppuserinfo - Your user info

ppavatar - Generates your avatar

pphelp - Shows commands

ppserverinfo - Shows server info

ppping - Shows the websocket ping for Discord

ppsay - Repeats what you say

ppengadget - A feed of news from

ppign - A feed from

ppsuggest - Suggests commands for PowerPlug

ppurban- Gets a random definition from

ppubsearch - Searches Urban Dictionary for definitions

ppfinduser - Finds users on Discord globally

ppmemegen [mention] [top-caption] | [bottom-caption] - Makes a meme out of avatars (use - or _ for spaces, that will be fixed soon)

Music commands

ppplay - Plays music

ppqueue - Displays the current queue

pppause - Pauses music

ppresume - Resumes music

ppclearqueue - Clears queue

These are all the commands so far, so keep updated for more commands

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