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Last active April 30, 2019 11:00
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Programmatically interact with an Excel spreadsheet from R, allowing inputs to be modified and results from dependent cells exported. Useful for sensitivity analyses using existing Excel spreadsheet calculations
#' R_interact_Excel
#' Allows a spreadsheet to be modified programatically and the
#' output from any number of dependent cells returned as a \code{tibble}.
#' Uses the \code{RDCOMClient}, \code{dplyr} and \code{stringr} packages
#' @param file_location file location of the spreadsheet to modify. The
#' spreadsheet should be \code{.xls} format
#' @param input_values a vector of values corresponding to the cells to be modified
#' @param input_cells a character vector of the input cells
#' in the form c('A1', 'A2')
#' @param output_cells the cells from which the output will be read
#' @param sheet the sheet name. Defaults to \code{Sheet1}
#' @param save_spreadsheet if ' ' then will overwrite the current spreadsheet.
#' If \code{NULL} will not save. If any other name, will save the file as an
#' \code{.xls} object
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # input format
#' file_location <- "** FULL PATH TO SPREADSHEET**.xls"
#' input_cells <- c('A1', 'A2')
#' input_values = c(4, 9)
#' output_cells = c('B1', 'B2')
#' save_spreadsheet <- 'new_spreadsheet.xls'
#' }
#' @export
update_spreadsheet <-
file_location = NULL,
input_values = NULL,
input_cells = NULL,
output_cells = NULL,
sheet = 'Sheet1',
save_spreadsheet = NULL) {
if (is.null(input_cells)) {
stop(message('input_cells is empty'))
if (is.null(input_values)) {
stop(message('input_values is empty'))
if (is.null(output_cells)) {
stop(message('output_cells is empty'))
# load spreadsheet
xlApp <- RDCOMClient::COMCreate("Excel.Application")
wb <- xlApp[["Workbooks"]]$Open(file_location)
sheet <- wb$Worksheets(sheet)
# change the value of the input cells
for (i in 1:length(input_cells)) {
alpha <- gsub('[[:digit:]]', '', input_cells[i])
num <- readr::parse_number(input_cells[i])
#id <- stringr::str_split(input_cells[i], '')[[1]]
cell <- sheet$cells(num, which(LETTERS == alpha))
cell[["Value"]] <- input_values[i]
# read outputs
output <- c()
for (i in 1:length(output_cells)) {
alpha <- gsub('[[:digit:]]', '', output_cells[i])
num <- readr::parse_number(output_cells[i])
cell <- sheet$cells(num, which(LETTERS == alpha))
output[i] <- cell[["Value"]]
if (!is.null(save_spreadsheet)) {
if (save_spreadsheet == ' ') {
} else {
if (file.exists(save_spreadsheet)) {
wb$SaveAS(save_spreadsheet) # save as a new workbook
xlApp$Quit() # close Excel
# return output
output <- dplyr::tibble(
cells = output_cells,
value = output)
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