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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Mixing and Matching Type Class Instances for Nested Objects
package com.serialization
trait CanSerialize[A] {
def serialize0(a: A): String
package object compact {
import com.model._
val compactBlogSerializer = new CanSerialize[Blog] {
def serialize0(b: Blog) = s"{ COMPACTBLOG }"
def compactAuthorSerializer(sb: CanSerialize[Blog]) = new CanSerialize[Author] {
def serialize0(a: Author) = s"{ COMPACTAUTHOR, blog: ${serialize(sb)(} }"
def compactPostSerializer(sa: CanSerialize[Author]) = new CanSerialize[Post] {
def serialize0(p: Post) = s"{ COMPACTPOST, author: ${serialize(sa)(} }"
package com.main
import com.model._
import com.serialization._
object Main extends App {
val blog = Blog(1, "My Blog")
val author = Author(1, "John Doe", blog)
val post = Post(1, "First Post", author)
import com.serialization.compact._
println("The result is: " + serialize(
package com.model
import com.serialization._
case class Blog(id: Int, name: String)
object Blog {
implicit val blogSerializer = new CanSerialize[Blog] {
def serialize0(b: Blog) = s"{ id: ${}, name: ${} }"
case class Author(id: Int, name: String, blog: Blog)
object Author {
def authorSerializer(sb: CanSerialize[Blog]) = new CanSerialize[Author] {
def serialize0(a: Author) = s"{ id: ${}, name: ${}, blog: ${serialize(sb)(} }"
case class Post(id: Int, title: String, author: Author)
object Post {
def postSerializer(sa: CanSerialize[Author]) = new CanSerialize[Post] {
def serialize0(p: Post) = s"{ id: ${}, title: ${p.title}, author: ${serialize(sa)(} }"
package com
package object serialization {
def serialize[A](instance: CanSerialize[A])(a: A): String = instance.serialize0(a)
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