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Last active December 29, 2019 22:43
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import 'dart:async';
import 'package:simple_auth/simple_auth.dart';
import "package:http/http.dart" as http;
import 'dart:convert' as convert;
enum AzureADEasyAuthType { aad, microsoftAccount, facebook, google, twitter }
class AzureADEasyAuthApi extends OAuthApi {
String siteUrl;
AzureADEasyAuthType authType;
AzureADEasyAuthApi(String identifier, this.authType, this.siteUrl,
{String redirectUrl = "http://localhost",
List<String> scopes,
http.Client client,
Converter converter,
AuthStorage authStorage})
: super.fromIdAndSecret(identifier, authType.toString(), "native",
client: client,
scopes: scopes,
converter: converter,
authStorage: authStorage) {
this.tokenUrl = "$siteUrl/.auth/refresh";
this.authorizationUrl = "$siteUrl/.auth/login/${fromAuthType(authType)}";
this.redirectUrl = redirectUrl;
this.scopesRequired = false;
Authenticator getAuthenticator() => AzureADEasyAuthenticator(
identifier, authType, tokenUrl, authorizationUrl, redirectUrl);
String fromAuthType(AzureADEasyAuthType type) {
switch (type) {
case AzureADEasyAuthType.aad:
return "aad";
case AzureADEasyAuthType.microsoftAccount:
return "microsoftaccount";
case AzureADEasyAuthType.facebook:
return "facebook";
return "google";
case AzureADEasyAuthType.twitter:
return "twitter";
return null;
Future<Request> authenticateRequest(Request request) async {
Map<String, String> map = new Map.from(request.headers);
map["X-ZUMO-AUTH"] = "${currentOauthAccount.token}";
return request.replace(headers: map);
Future<OAuthAccount> getAccountFromAuthCode(
WebAuthenticator authenticator) async {
try {
if (tokenUrl?.isEmpty ?? true) throw new Exception("Invalid tokenURL");
final account = OAuthAccount(identifier,
expiresIn: new Duration(hours: 1).inSeconds,
refreshToken: authenticator.authCode,
scope: authenticator.scope,
tokenType: "token",
token: authenticator.authCode);
return account;
} catch (Exception) {
throw Exception;
Future<bool> refreshAccount(Account _account) async {
try {
var account = _account as OAuthAccount;
var resp = await httpClient.get(tokenUrl, headers: {"X-ZUMO-AUTH": account.token});
account.expiresIn = new Duration(hours: 1).inSeconds;
account.created =;
currentAccount = account;
return true;
} catch (Exception) {
return false;
class AzureADEasyAuthenticator extends OAuthAuthenticator {
AzureADEasyAuthType authType;
AzureADEasyAuthenticator(String identifier, this.authType, String tokenUrl,
String baseUrl, String redirectUrl)
: super(identifier, "clientId", "clientSecret", tokenUrl, baseUrl,
redirectUrl) {
authCode = "token";
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getInitialUrlQueryParameters() async {
var data = {
"post_login_redirect_url": redirectUrl,
"session_mode": "token",
if (authType == {
data["access_type"] = "offline";
return data;
bool checkUrl(Uri url) {
if (url.hasFragment) {
final parts = url.fragment.split("=");
if (parts[0] == "token") {
final decoded = Uri.decodeComponent(parts[1]);
final Map<String, dynamic> json = convert.json.decode(decoded);
final token = json["authenticationToken"];
return true;
return super.checkUrl(url);
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