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Created October 5, 2010 07:36
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Save Clancey/611178 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Downloader with background completion/resume and progress message
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using MonoTouch.Foundation;
using System.IO;
using MonoTouch.UIKit;
/// <summary>
/// Static downloader class.
/// This class will download files one at a time.
/// If the app is closed or the lock screen is enabled, the app will continue to dowload the remaining files.
/// If the app runs out of the alloted background time, It will alert the user to reopen the app to avoid disruption.
/// Use:
/// To use just call Download.Add();
/// </summary>
public static class Downloader
private static bool _isBusy;
private static List<string> remainingFiles = new List<string> ();
private static int bgTask = 0;
private static ProgressDialog progressDialog = null;
private static bool _cancel = false;
private static bool _ShowProgress = true;
static readonly ReaderWriterLockSlim _locker = new ReaderWriterLockSlim ();
private static NSString invoker = new NSString ("");
private static UIApplication app = UIApplication.SharedApplication;
public static void StartDownload ()
// If already downloading do nothing...
if (isBusy)
//If the list is empty do nothing...
if (Remaining == 0) {
isBusy = false;
cancel = false;
isBusy = true;
Thread thread = new Thread (new ThreadStart (startDownloading));
thread.Start ();
private static void startDownloading ()
//Thread gc...
using (NSAutoreleasePool pool = new NSAutoreleasePool ()) {
Console.WriteLine ("Starting the downloading process");
downloadAllFiles ();
public static int Remaining {
get {
_locker.EnterReadLock ();
try {
return remainingFiles.Count;
} finally {
_locker.ExitReadLock ();
public static bool isBusy {
get {
_locker.EnterReadLock ();
try {
return _isBusy;
} finally {
_locker.ExitReadLock ();
private set {
_locker.EnterWriteLock ();
try {
_isBusy = value;
} finally {
_locker.ExitWriteLock ();
public static bool ShowProgress {
get {
_locker.EnterReadLock ();
try {
return _ShowProgress;
} finally {
_locker.ExitReadLock ();
set {
_locker.EnterWriteLock ();
try {
_ShowProgress = value;
} finally {
_locker.ExitWriteLock ();
private static bool cancel {
get {
_locker.EnterReadLock ();
try {
return _cancel;
} finally {
_locker.ExitReadLock ();
set {
_locker.EnterWriteLock ();
try {
_cancel = value;
} finally {
_locker.ExitWriteLock ();
private static void downloadAllFiles ()
if (Remaining == 0 || cancel) {
downloadComplete ();
if (bgTask == 0)
bgTask = app.BeginBackgroundTask (delegate {
outOfTime ();
Console.WriteLine ("Didnt update on time...");
downloadFile (getFilePath (0), delegate {
if (Remaining == 0 || cancel) {
downloadComplete ();
} else
downloadAllFiles ();
private static void downloadComplete ()
Console.WriteLine ("Downloads Complete");
setStatus (statusType.Completed, "");
isBusy = false;
app.EndBackgroundTask (bgTask);
bgTask = 0;
private static void downloadFile (string filePath, Action completed)
Console.WriteLine ("Starting: " + filePath);
try {
var fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (filePath);
setStatus (statusType.Update, fileName);
//TODO: Remote Sleeper Add your code to download the file or process it in some way.
// simulates the time it would take to download something
Thread.Sleep (6000);
//Remove after download is complete
removeFile (filePath);
} catch (Exception ex) {
setStatus (statusType.Error, ex.Message);
StopDownloading ();
//Tell the other thread your done....
Console.WriteLine ("Completed: " + filePath);
if (completed != null)
completed ();
private enum statusType
private static void setStatus (statusType status, string inStatus)
if (!ShowProgress) {
if (progressDialog != null) {
progressDialog.dispose ();
progressDialog = null;
invoker.InvokeOnMainThread (delegate {
if (progressDialog == null) {
progressDialog = new ProgressDialog ("Downloading", delegate {
progressDialog.setMessage ("Canceling...");
StopDownloading ();
if (status == Downloader.statusType.Completed) {
// successful completion
// tell the user all set
progressDialog.dispose ();
progressDialog = null;
UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView ("Success", "Finished update.", null, "OK");
alert.Show ();
} else if (status == statusType.Update) {
// no errors - normal status update
//this was s
progressDialog.setMessage (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (inStatus));
} else {
progressDialog.dispose ();
progressDialog = null;
// some error occurred
// tell the user about it
UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView ("Error", inStatus, null, "OK");
alert.Show ();
public static void StopDownloading ()
cancel = true;
public static void AddFile (string filePath)
_locker.EnterUpgradeableReadLock ();
try {
if (!remainingFiles.Contains (filePath)) {
_locker.EnterWriteLock ();
try {
remainingFiles.Add (filePath);
} finally {
_locker.ExitWriteLock ();
StartDownload ();
} finally {
_locker.ExitUpgradeableReadLock ();
private static void removeFile (string filePath)
_locker.EnterWriteLock ();
try {
remainingFiles.Remove (filePath);
} finally {
_locker.ExitWriteLock ();
private static string getFilePath (int index)
_locker.EnterReadLock ();
try {
return remainingFiles[index];
} finally {
_locker.ExitReadLock ();
/// <summary>
/// This will send a local push notification warning the user the download
/// is not complete and will be canceled if they dont reopen the app, If
/// opened on time the download will continue perfectly.
/// </summary>
private static void outOfTime ()
var notify = new UILocalNotification ();
notify.AlertAction = "Ok";
notify.AlertBody = "Your Download is about to be canceled!";
notify.HasAction = true;
notify.SoundName = UILocalNotification.DefaultSoundName;
notify.FireDate = NSDate.Now;
notify.TimeZone = NSTimeZone.DefaultTimeZone;
//NSDictionary param = NSDictionary.FromObjectsAndKeys(objs,keys);
//notify.UserInfo = param;
app.ScheduleLocalNotification (notify);
Console.WriteLine ("out of time:" + app.BackgroundTimeRemaining);
private class ProgressDialog
UIAlertView myAlert;
public ProgressDialog (string title, EventHandler<MonoTouch.UIKit.UIButtonEventArgs> Clicked)
myAlert = new UIAlertView ();
myAlert.Title = title;
myAlert.Message = "In progress...";
myAlert.Clicked += Clicked;
myAlert.AddButton ("Cancel");
myAlert.Show ();
public void dispose ()
// dismiss with button clicked so if invoked on another thread we don't die for some reason
myAlert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex (0, true);
myAlert.Dispose ();
myAlert = null;
public void setMessage (string msg)
myAlert.Message = msg;
Console.WriteLine ("setting message: " + msg);
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Best one Many thanks

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