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Last active May 6, 2017 12:49
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Machine Learning Programming Environment: python3.5 + tensorflow + keras
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# 命名尽量采用LaTex的写法
# M作为分隔符,起到空格的作用
# _作为下标,__作为上标
import numpy as np
# 读取测试数据
test_data = np.genfromtxt('test_data.csv', delimiter=',', dtype=np.double)
test_targets = np.genfromtxt('test_targets.csv', delimiter='\n', dtype=np.double)
# 读取训练数据
# train_data.shape = (3000, 400)
train_data = np.genfromtxt('train_data.csv', delimiter=',', dtype=np.double)
# train_targets.shpae = (3000,)
train_targets = np.genfromtxt('train_targets.csv', delimiter='\n', dtype=np.double)
train_targets = train_targets.reshape((train_targets.shape[0], 1))
# train_targets.shape = (3000, 1)
# 输出结果是mulLyR
def num2class(vecLyR):
mulLyR = np.zeros(shape=(0,), dtype=np.double)
for y in vecLyR:
tmp = np.zeros(shape=(10,), dtype=np.double)
tmp[] = 1
mulLyR = np.append(mulLyR, tmp)
mulLyR = mulLyR.reshape((vecLyR.shape[0], 10))
return mulLyR
# 输出结果是vecLyR
def class2num(mulLyR):
vecLyR = np.zeros(shape=(0,),
for y in mulLyR:
vecLyR = np.append(vecLyR, np.nanargmax(y))
return vecLyR
# 激活函数
def sigmoid(x):
ret = np.exp(-1 * x) + 1
return 1 / ret
# 更新公式辅助公式
# scalar -> scalar -> scalar
def return_g_j(y_j__k, hatLyR_j__k):
return hatLyR_j__k * (1 - hatLyR_j__k) * (y_j__k - hatLyR_j__k)
# 更新公式辅助公式
# scalar -> vector -> vector -> vector -> scalar
def return_e_h(b_h, vecLomega_hR, vecLyR, vecLhatLyRR):
# vecLomega_hR.shape = (10,)
# vecLyR.shape = (10,)
# vecLhatLyRR.shape = (10,)
vecLgR = np.zeros(shape=(0,), dtype=np.double)
for i in range(0, vecLyR.shape[0]):
g_j = return_g_j(vecLyR[i], vecLhatLyRR[i])
vecLgR = np.append(vecLgR, g_j)
# vecLgR.shape = (10,)
return b_h * (1 - b_h) * ,vecLgR)
# 更新公式
def return_deltaMomega_LhjR(eta, g_i, b_h):
return eta * g_i * b_h
# 更新公式
def return_deltaMtheta_j(eta, g_j):
return -1 * eta * g_j
# 更新公式
def return_deltaMupsilon_LihR(eta, e_h, x_i):
return eta * e_h * x_i
# 更新公式
def return_deltaMUpsilon_h(eta, e_h):
return -1 * eta * e_h
class Network:
def __init__(self, d, q, l):
self.d = d
self.q = q
self.l = l
self.Upsilon = np.full(shape=(self.q,), dtype=np.double, fill_value=0)
self.theta = np.full(shape=(self.l,), dtype=np.double, fill_value=0)
self.upsilon = np.full(shape=(self.q, self.d), dtype=np.double, fill_value=0)
for h in range(0, self.q):
for i in range(0, self.d):
self.upsilon[h][i] = np.random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5) = np.full(shape=(self.l, self.q), dtype=np.double, fill_value=0)
for j in range(0, self.l):
for h in range(0, self.q):
self.upsilon[j][h] = np.random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5)
# vector -> (vector, vector)
def predict(self, vecLxR):
alpha = np.zeros(shape=(0,), dtype=np.double)
for h in range(0, self.q):
# 计算隐层的输入
alpha_h =[h], vecLxR)
# self.upsilon[h].shape = (self.d,)
# vecLxR.shape = (self.d,)
# 计算隐层的输出
alpha_h = sigmoid(alpha_h - self.Upsilon[h])
# self.Upsilon.shape = (self.q,)
alpha = np.append(alpha, alpha_h)
# alpha.shape = (self.q,)
beta = np.zeros(shape=(0,), dtype=np.double)
for j in range(0, self.l):
# 计算输出层的输入
beta_j =[j], alpha)
#[j].shape = (self.q,)
# alpha.shape = (self.q,)
# 计算输出层的输出
beta_j = sigmoid(beta_j - self.theta[j])
# self.theta.shape=(self.l,)
beta = np.append(beta, beta_j)
# beta.shape = (self.l,)
# alpha是隐层的输出,也就是vecLbR
# beta是输出层的输出,也就是vecLhatLyRR
return (alpha, beta);
def predictFaster(self, vecLxR):
mu = np.mat(self.upsilon)
mx = np.mat(vecLxR.reshape((-1, 1)))
alpha = sigmoid(np.array(mu * mx).flatten() - self.Upsilon)
mo = np.mat(
ma = np.mat(alpha.reshape((-1, 1)))
beta = sigmoid(np.array(mo * ma).flatten() - self.theta)
return (alpha, beta)
def predicts(self, mulLxR):
mulLhatLyRR = np.zeros(shape=(0, self.l), dtype=np.double)
for k in range(0, mulLxR.shape[0]):
(_, vecLhatLyRR) = self.predict(mulLxR[k])
mulLhatLyRR = np.append(mulLhatLyRR, vecLhatLyRR)
mulLhatLyRR = mulLhatLyRR.reshape((mulLxR.shape[0], self.l))
return mulLhatLyRR
# 对一个数据做一次更新
# 注意输入是两个向量
def updateOnData(self, vecLxR, vecLyR, eta):
(vecLbR, vecLhatLyRR) = self.predict(vecLxR)
# vecLbR.shape = (self.q,)
# vecLhatLyRR.shape = (self.l,)
# self.theta.shape = (self.l,)
for j in range(0, self.l):
g_j = return_g_j(vecLyR[j], vecLhatLyRR[j])
# return_g_j(y_j__k, hatLyR_j__k)
deltaMtheta_j = return_deltaMtheta_j(eta, g_j)
self.theta[j] += deltaMtheta_j
# self.Upsilon.shape = (self.q,)
for h in range(0, self.q):
e_h = return_e_h(vecLbR[h],[:, h], vecLyR, vecLhatLyRR)
# return_e_h(b_h, vecLomega_hR, vecLyR, vecLhatLyRR)
deltaMUpsilon_h = return_deltaMUpsilon_h(eta, e_h)
self.Upsilon[h] += deltaMUpsilon_h
# = (self.l,, self.q)
for j in range(0, self.l):
for h in range(0, self.q):
g_j = return_g_j(vecLyR[j], vecLhatLyRR[j])
deltaMomega_LhjR = return_deltaMomega_LhjR(eta, g_j, vecLbR[h])[j][h] += deltaMomega_LhjR
# self.upsilon.shape = (self.q, self.d)
for h in range(0, self.q):
for i in range(0, self.d):
e_h = return_e_h(vecLbR[h],[:, h], vecLyR, vecLhatLyRR)
x_i = vecLxR[i]
deltaMupsilon_LihR = return_deltaMupsilon_LihR(eta, e_h, x_i)
self.upsilon[h][i] += deltaMupsilon_LihR
def updateOnDataFaster(self, vecLxR, vecLyR, eta):
(vecLbR, vecLhatLyRR) = self.predictFaster(vecLxR)
for j in range(0, self.l):
g_j = return_g_j(vecLyR[j], vecLhatLyRR[j])
self.theta[j] -= eta * g_j[j] += eta * g_j * vecLbR
for h in range(0, self.q):
vecLgR = vecLhatLyRR * (1 - vecLhatLyRR) * (vecLyR - vecLhatLyRR)
e_h = vecLbR[h] * (1 - vecLbR[h]) *[:, h], vecLgR)
self.Upsilon[h] -= eta * e_h
self.upsilon[h] += eta * e_h * vecLxR
minusVec = vecLyR - vecLhatLyRR
return, minusVec)
def updateOnDataEvenFaster(self, vecLxR, vecLyR, eta):
(vecLbR, vecLhatLyRR) = self.predictFaster(vecLxR)
vecLgR = vecLhatLyRR * (1 - vecLhatLyRR) * (vecLyR - vecLhatLyRR)
self.theta -= eta * vecLgR += eta * vecLgR.reshape((-1, 1)) * vecLbR
e = vecLbR * (1 - vecLbR) * np.array(np.mat(vecLgR.reshape((1, -1))) * np.mat(
self.Upsilon -= eta * e
self.upsilon += eta * e.reshape((-1, 1)) * vecLxR
minusVec = vecLyR - vecLhatLyRR
return, minusVec)
# 对所有数据做一次更新
def updateOnDatum(self, mulLxR, mulLyR, eta):
error = 0.0
for k in range(0, mulLxR.shape[0]):
error += self.updateOnDataEvenFaster(mulLxR[k], mulLyR[k], eta)
return error / 2
# 对所有数据做count次更新,算法停止的条件比较简单
def updates(self, mulLxR, mulLyR, eta, count):
for i in range(0, count):
error = self.updateOnDatum(mulLxR, mulLyR, eta)
# 算法停止条件的改进,以及步长的自动调整
def updatesSmarter(self, mulLxR, mulLyR, eta, maxCount):
i = 1
stepRate = 1
errorLast = self.updateOnDatum(mulLxR, mulLyR, eta * stepRate)
while True:
i += 1
errorNow = self.updateOnDatum(mulLxR, mulLyR, eta * stepRate)
rate = (errorLast - errorNow) / errorLast
if rate > 0.015:
stepRate = np.log(rate / 0.015)
elif rate > 0.009:
stepRate = 1 / np.log(rate / 0.009)
# print(stepRate)
# print(errorNow)
if i >= maxCount:
errorLast = errorNow
network = Network(400, 100, 10)
network.updatesSmarter(train_data, num2class(train_targets), 0.007, 60)
predicts = network.predicts(test_data)
predicts = class2num(predicts)
predicts = predicts.astype(
test_targets = test_targets.astype(int)
np.savetxt("test_predictions_library.csv", predicts, fmt='%d', delimiter="\n")
print(sum(test_targets==predicts) * 1.0 /predicts.shape[0])
FROM python:3.5
ADD sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN apt-get update
RUN pip install tensorflow -i
RUN pip install keras -i
RUN apt-get install -y curl git
RUN apt-get install -y vim
RUN mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload ~/.vim/bundle && curl -LSso ~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim
RUN mkdir -p ~/.vim/bundle && cd ~/.vim/bundle && git clone
ADD vimrc ~/.vimrc
RUN apt-get install --assume-yes zsh
# RUN sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
FROM continuumio/anaconda:latest
ADD sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install --assume-yes git curl
RUN apt-get install --assume-yes vim
RUN git clone ~/.vim_runtime
RUN sh ~/.vim_runtime/
RUN apt-get install --assume-yes zsh
# RUN sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
deb jessie main non-free contrib
deb jessie-updates main non-free contrib
deb jessie-backports main non-free contrib
deb-src jessie main non-free contrib
deb-src jessie-updates main non-free contrib
deb-src jessie-backports main non-free contrib
deb jessie/updates main non-free contrib
deb-src jessie/updates main non-free contrib
" Pathogen load
filetype off
call pathogen#infect()
call pathogen#helptags()
filetype plugin indent on
syntax on
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Clcanny commented Apr 19, 2017

machine learning homework environment

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