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Last active December 9, 2023 22:04
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Powder Snow effect in löve2d using geometry instancing
-- Author: C. Cords (
-- licensed MIT, see
rt = {}
rt.snow_effect_shader_source = [[
#pragma language glsl3
// GPU-side random generator
vec3 mod289(vec3 x) {
return x - floor(x * (1.0 / 289.0)) * 289.0;
vec2 mod289(vec2 x) {
return x - floor(x * (1.0 / 289.0)) * 289.0;
vec3 permute(vec3 x) {
return mod289(((x*34.0)+1.0)*x);
float random(vec2 v)
const vec4 C = vec4(0.211324865405187, // (3.0-sqrt(3.0))/6.0
0.366025403784439, // 0.5*(sqrt(3.0)-1.0)
-0.577350269189626, // -1.0 + 2.0 * C.x
0.024390243902439); // 1.0 / 41.0
vec2 i = floor(v + dot(v, C.yy) );
vec2 x0 = v - i + dot(i, C.xx);
vec2 i1;
i1 = (x0.x > x0.y) ? vec2(1.0, 0.0) : vec2(0.0, 1.0);
vec4 x12 = x0.xyxy + C.xxzz;
x12.xy -= i1;
i = mod289(i);
vec3 p = permute( permute( i.y + vec3(0.0, i1.y, 1.0 ))
+ i.x + vec3(0.0, i1.x, 1.0 ));
vec3 m = max(0.5 - vec3(dot(x0,x0), dot(x12.xy,x12.xy), dot(,, 0.0);
m = m*m ;
m = m*m ;
vec3 x = 2.0 * fract(p * C.www) - 1.0;
vec3 h = abs(x) - 0.5;
vec3 ox = floor(x + 0.5);
vec3 a0 = x - ox;
m *= 1.79284291400159 - 0.85373472095314 * ( a0*a0 + h*h );
vec3 g;
g.x = a0.x * x0.x + h.x * x0.y;
g.yz = a0.yz * x12.xz + h.yz * x12.yw;
return 130.0 * dot(m, g);
float random(float x)
return random(vec2(x, x));
// triangle wave with same period and amplitude as sine
float triangle_wave(float x)
float pi = 2 * (355 / 113); // 2 * pi
return 4 * abs((x / pi) + 0.25 - floor((x / pi) + 0.75)) - 1;
#ifdef VERTEX // vertex shader
uniform int _instance_count;
uniform float _time;
flat varying int _instance_id;
vec4 position(mat4 transform, vec4 vertex_position)
_instance_id = love_InstanceID;
float speed = 70; // fall-speed of snow
float amplitude = 8; // maximum left-right movement of snowflake
float frequency = 5; // speed of left-right movement
float wind_offset = (sin(_time / 20) + triangle_wave(_time / 20)) * 750 / 2;
// shift all snowflakes slightly over time, as if wind was blowing them to one side
// randomize speed for each snowflake based on instance id
speed += random(vec2(_instance_id * 2 * _instance_count)) * 50;
// scale to whole screen
vertex_position.xy *= love_ScreenSize.xy;
// snowflake movement
vertex_position.y += _time * speed;
vertex_position.x += sin((_time + _instance_id) * frequency) * amplitude;
vertex_position.x += wind_offset;
// wrap along edges
vertex_position.xy = mod(vertex_position.xy, love_ScreenSize.xy);
return transform * vertex_position;
#ifdef PIXEL // fragment shader
uniform float _time;
flat varying int _instance_id;
vec4 effect(vec4 vertex_color, Image texture, vec2 texture_coords, vec2 vertex_position)
vec2 screen_size = love_ScreenSize.xy;
// randomize alpha of each snowflake
float alpha = (random(_instance_id) + 0.4) / 1.4;
return vec4(1, 1, 1, alpha);
--- @class SnowEffect
--- @field _n_snowflakes Number number of snowflakes, this is the absolute number, larger areas need more snowflakes for the same density
--- @field _data love.Mesh holds position information
--- @field _shape love.Mesh the actual dot-shape that will be rendered
--- @fiedl _shader love.Shader
--- @field _elapsed Number in seconds
rt.SnowEffect = function(n_snowflakes)
local out = {
_n_snowflakes = n_snowflakes,
_data =
n_snowflakes, "points", "static"
_shape =
{{0, 0}}, "points", "static"
_shader =,
_elapsed = 0
-- set up attribute attachment so _shape can use the data in _data
out._shape:attachAttribute("VertexPosition", out._data, "perinstance")
-- randomize initial position of each snowflake in [0, 1]
-- later scaled to screen resolution in shader
for i = 1, n_snowflakes do
out._data:setVertexAttribute(i, 1,
--- @brief update time uniform
--- @param delta Number in seconds
function out:update(delta)
self._elapsed = self._elapsed + delta
self._shader:send("_time", self._elapsed)
--- @brief draw to screen
function out:draw()
self:update(love.timer.getDelta()), self._n_snowflakes)
-- initialize shader uniforms
out._shader:send("_instance_count", out._n_snowflakes)
return out
-- usage
snow = rt.SnowEffect(3000)
function love.draw()
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Clemapfel commented Nov 30, 2023

To demo it, in a bash shell, copy paste:

mkdir snow_effect
cd snow_effect
love .
cd ..

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