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Created June 2, 2022 19:29
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Solution to the sum_by_key exercice of the hello-cairo tutp
%builtins output range_check
from starkware.cairo.common.dict_access import DictAccess
from starkware.cairo.common.alloc import alloc
from starkware.cairo.common.squash_dict import squash_dict
struct KeyValue:
member key : felt
member value : felt
# Builds a DictAccess list for the computation of the cumulative
# sum for each key.
func build_dict(list : KeyValue*, size, dict : DictAccess*) -> (dict : DictAccess*):
if size == 0:
return (dict=dict)
if ids.list.key not in cumulative_sums:
cumulative_sums[ids.list.key] = 0
# Populate ids.dict.prev_value using cumulative_sums...
ids.dict.prev_value = cumulative_sums[ids.list.key]
# Add list.value to cumulative_sums[list.key]...
cumulative_sums[ids.list.key] += ids.list.value
# Copy list.key to dict.key...
assert dict.key = list.key
# Verify that dict.new_value = dict.prev_value + list.value...
assert dict.new_value = dict.prev_value + list.value
# Call recursively to build_dict()...
return build_dict(list + KeyValue.SIZE, size - 1, dict + DictAccess.SIZE)
# Verifies that the initial values were 0, and writes the final
# values to result.
func verify_and_output_squashed_dict(
squashed_dict : DictAccess*, squashed_dict_end : DictAccess*, result : KeyValue*
) -> (result : KeyValue*):
tempvar diff = squashed_dict_end - squashed_dict
if diff == 0:
return (result=result)
# Verify prev_value is 0...
assert squashed_dict.prev_value = 0
# Copy key to result.key...
assert result.key = squashed_dict.key
# Copy new_value to result.value...
assert result.value = squashed_dict.new_value
# Call recursively to verify_and_output_squashed_dict...
return verify_and_output_squashed_dict(
squashed_dict + DictAccess.SIZE, squashed_dict_end, result + KeyValue.SIZE
# Given a list of KeyValue, sums the values, grouped by key,
# and returns a list of pairs (key, sum_of_values).
func sum_by_key{range_check_ptr}(list : KeyValue*, size) -> (result : KeyValue*, result_size):
# Initialize cumulative_sums with an empty dictionary.
# This variable will be used by ``build_dict`` to hold
# the current sum for each key.
cumulative_sums = {}
# Allocate memory for dict, squashed_dict and res
let (local dict : DictAccess*) = alloc()
let (local squashed_dict : DictAccess*) = alloc()
let (local result : KeyValue*) = alloc()
# Call build_dict()...
build_dict(list, size, dict)
# Call squash_dict()...
let (squashed_dict_end : DictAccess*) = squash_dict(
dict_accesses_end=dict + DictAccess.SIZE * size,
# Call verify_and_output_squashed_dict()...
verify_and_output_squashed_dict(squashed_dict, squashed_dict_end, result)
return (result, (squashed_dict_end - squashed_dict) / DictAccess.SIZE)
func main{output_ptr : felt*, range_check_ptr}():
local input_list : KeyValue*
local size
input_keys = program_input['input_keys']
print('input_keys:', input_keys)
input_values = program_input['input_values']
print('input_values:', input_values)
if len(input_keys) != len(input_values):
raise ValueError(
'input_keys and input_values must have the same length'
ids.input_list = input_list = segments.add()
for i, (k, v) in enumerate(zip(input_keys, input_values)):
memory[input_list + i * ids.KeyValue.SIZE + ids.KeyValue.key] = k
memory[input_list + i * ids.KeyValue.SIZE + ids.KeyValue.value] = v
ids.size = len(input_keys)
# Allocate memory for result
let (local result : KeyValue*) = alloc()
local result_size
# Call sum_by_key()...
let (result, result_size) = sum_by_key(input_list, size)
for i in range(ids.result_size):
k = memory[ids.result.address_ + i * ids.KeyValue.SIZE + ids.KeyValue.key]
v = memory[ids.result.address_ + i * ids.KeyValue.SIZE + ids.KeyValue.value]
print(f"{k}: {v}")
return ()
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