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Created October 13, 2016 05:01
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Using the idea of caesar cipher, we create our own custom caesar cipher.
Author: Rafeh Qazi
Program: Encryption and Decryption
KEY = 17
def caesar_encryption(letter, key):
Letter in the first 256 ascii is shifted 'key' positions.
:param letter: str
:param key: int
:return: int
# mod 256 to create a world of [0,255] integers.
return (ord(letter) + key) % 256
def caesar_decryption(encrypted_letter, key):
Used to reverse the destruction caused by caesar_encryption.
:param letter: int
:param key: int
:return: str
return chr((encrypted_letter - key) % 256)
# decrypt(encrypt(x)) should give you back x.
assert caesar_decryption(caesar_encryption('e', 20), 20) == 'e'
encrypted_message = []
for letter in 'bananas':
encrypted_message.append(caesar_encryption(letter, KEY))
decrypted_message = []
for encrypted_letter in encrypted_message:
decrypted_message.append(caesar_decryption(encrypted_letter, KEY))
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