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Last active November 20, 2018 18:06
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* CASE-1: Valid string contains %v -> return an object.
* checkCurrencyFormat('%v') -> { pos: '%v', neg: '-%v', zero: '%v'}
* CASE-2: Invalid string -> return defaults object/convert it.
* checkCurrencyFormat('%s') -> If its the first time that runs it will replace defaults lib.settings.currency.format
* from string '%s%v' to an object { pos: '%s%v', neg: '%s-%v', zero: '%s%v'} and return it.
* Case-3: Valid object -> Return the object without mutating it
* checkCurrencyFormat( {pos: '%v'} ) -> { pos: '%v' }
* Case-4: Invalid object -> return defaults object/convert it.
* checkCurrencyFormat({}) -> If its the first time that runs it will replace defaults lib.settings.currency.format
* from string '%s%v' to an object { pos: '%s%v', neg: '%s-%v', zero: '%s%v'} and return it.
* Case-5: Function , could be anything of the above cases.
* checkCurrencyFormat(function() {}) -> depends what the function returns.
* Case-6: Undefined or null or falsy, would return/convert { pos: '%s%v', neg: '%s-%v', zero: '%s%v'} .
function checkCurrencyFormat(format) {
var defaults = lib.settings.currency.format;
// Allow function as format parameter (should return string or object):
if ( typeof format === "function" ) format = format();
// Format can be a string, in which case `value` ("%v") must be present:
if ( isString( format ) && format.match("%v") ) {
// Create and return positive, negative and zero formats:
return {
pos : format,
neg : format.replace("-", "").replace("%v", "-%v"),
zero : format
// If no format, or object is missing valid positive value, use defaults:
} else if ( !format || !format.pos || !format.pos.match("%v") ) {
// If defaults is a string, casts it to an object for faster checking next time:
return ( !isString( defaults ) ) ? defaults : lib.settings.currency.format = {
pos : defaults,
neg : defaults.replace("%v", "-%v"),
zero : defaults
// Otherwise, assume format was fine:
return format;
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