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Last active July 17, 2022 01:56
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XQuery Puzzles from Week 1, Day 5, Session 4 of the Advanced Digital Editions NEH Institute at the University of Pittsburgh
xquery version "3.1";
let $date := "July 15, 2022"
let $tokens := fn:tokenize($date, " ")
let $month :=
switch ($tokens[1])
case "January" return "01"
case "February" return "02"
case "March" return "03"
case "April" return "04"
case "May" return "05"
case "June" return "06"
case "July" return "07"
case "August" return "08"
case "September" return "09"
case "October" return "10"
case "November" return "11"
case "December" return "12"
default return "01"
let $day := $tokens[2] => translate(",","")
let $year := $tokens[3]
return xs:date($year || "-" || $month || "-" || $day )
xquery version "3.1";
for $date in ("July 15, 2022", "January 5, 2023")
let $tokens := fn:tokenize($date, " ")
let $month :=
switch ($tokens[1])
case "January" return "01"
case "February" return "02"
case "March" return "03"
case "April" return "04"
case "May" return "05"
case "June" return "06"
case "July" return "07"
case "August" return "08"
case "September" return "09"
case "October" return "10"
case "November" return "11"
default return "01"
let $day := ($tokens[2] => translate(",","")) ! (if (fn:string-length(.) < 2) then "0" || . else .)
let $year := $tokens[3]
return xs:date($year || "-" || $month || "-" || $day )
xquery version "3.1";
declare function local:char-to-int($roman as xs:string) as xs:integer {
switch ($roman)
case "I" return 1
case "V" return 5
case "X" return 10
case "L" return 50
case "C" return 100
case "D" return 500
case "M" return 1000
default return 0
declare function local:roman-to-integer($roman as xs:string) as xs:integer{
let $symbols := string-to-codepoints($roman) ! codepoints-to-string(.) ! local:char-to-int(.)
for $symbol at $index in $symbols
if ($index lt fn:count($symbols))
let $next-symbol := $symbols[$index + 1]
if ($symbol ge $next-symbol) then $symbol
else -$symbol
else $symbol
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@djbpitt , I like your alternative versions of the first two queries. The map provides an elegant alternative to switch. And your string functions will no doubt prove more robust than my "string surgery."

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As for fold-left, good to see Joe's version for Roman numerals. As I mentioned to you and @gabikeane, here's my version of the Luhn algorithm in XQuery. I wrote the first version in 2013 in XQuery 3.0 and had to rewrite it a few years later after the signature changed in XQuery 3.1.

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Just for fun, here's a recursive version of the Roman numeral conversion:

xquery version "3.1";

module namespace r = "";

declare variable $r:numerals := map {"I": 1, "V": 5, "X": 10, "L": 50, "C": 100, "D": 500, "M": 1000 };

declare function r:convert($num as xs:string, $sum as xs:integer) as xs:integer {
  if (string-length($num) eq 0) then 
    if ($r:numerals(substring($num, string-length($num))) le $sum div 5) then
      r:convert(substring($num, 1, string-length($num) - 1), $sum - $r:numerals(substring($num, string-length($num))))
      r:convert(substring($num, 1, string-length($num) - 1), $sum + $r:numerals(substring($num, string-length($num))))

declare function r:convert($num as xs:string) as xs:integer { 
  r:convert($num, 0)

Roman numerals can most easily be summed from right to left. If the next number is much smaller than the sum so far (to be exact, less than or equal to the sum divided by 5), then it should be subtracted from the sum, otherwise added. So, with "XIV", you start with 5, then 1 is less than or equal to 5/5, so you subtract 1 from 5 and get 4, then 10 is greater, so you add 4 + 10, and you're done.

(For the students) Recursion is what it's called when a function calls itself. In this case, r:convert() calls r:convert(), each time adding to the sum and whittling down the number string, character by character, from the right.

Recursion is fun, and a little bit dangerous. Fun because it allows you to write much simpler code. Notice how short the function is. Dangerous because you have to be sure there's a way out, or you'll cause an impressive looking error. The computer manages code execution by keeping what's called a "stack" that tracks what function has called what. Stack depth is limited, so if your recursive function gets too deep, it will throw an error. There always has to be an "exit condition". Here, it's when the $num parameter has zero length—that means we're done. Also note that I haven't added any error handling—an exercise for the reader.

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Thanks for this excellent write-up of a recursive solution, @hcayless !

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CliffordAnderson commented Jul 17, 2022

Just to add to the fun, here's a solution that uses windowing. As I mentioned briefly yesterday, XQuery 3.0 added window as a clause to FLWOR expressions. A window allows you to partition your tuple streams. You can use windows to inflect your data, giving structure to data that would otherwise be flat. I use a window clause in this function to capture any pairwise Roman numerals like IV or IX.

xquery version "3.1";

declare function local:convert-roman($roman as xs:string) as xs:integer {
    let $symbols as map(xs:string, xs:integer) := map {"I": 1, "V": 5, "X": 10, "L": 50, "C": 100, "D": 500, "M": 1000 }
    let $tokens as xs:string+ := string-to-codepoints($roman) ! codepoints-to-string(.)
    let $values as xs:integer+ :=  $tokens ! $symbols(.)
    for tumbling window $w in fn:reverse($values)
        start $start when true() 
        end $end next $next when $next ge $end
        case xs:integer return $w
        default return $w[1] - $w[2]


Right now, window clauses are available in BaseX and Saxon, but not eXistDB. But hopefully, they'll be coming to eXistDB soon!

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