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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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  • Save CliffordAnderson/123ca93cbffe3d523d32 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save CliffordAnderson/123ca93cbffe3d523d32 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
XQuery to clean up data from an Excel-generated webpage & generate an EAD document
xquery version "3.1";
(: Extracts data from Excel website and packages information as JSON map :)
declare function local:get-data($url as xs:string) as map(*)* {
let $request :=html:parse(fetch:text($url,'windows-1254'), map { 'encoding': 'UTF-8' })//table/tr
for $item in $request[position() = 2 to last()-1]
let $title := fn:normalize-space(fn:string-join($item/td[1]/a/text()))
let $category := $item/td[2]/text()
let $translation := $item/td[3]/text()
let $image := $item/td[4]/text()
let $info := fn:normalize-space(fn:string-join($item/td[5]/text()))
let $entry := map { 'title': $title, 'category': $category, 'translation': $translation, 'image': $image, 'info': $info }
return $entry
(: Packages data into C02 elements :)
declare function local:build-dao($image-url as xs:string, $entries as array(*)*) as element(c02)* {
for $entry in $entries?*
<c02 level="item">
<daoloc href="{$image-url || $entry?image}" role="thumbnail"/>
(: Rebuilds the EAD document with new C02 elements :)
declare function local:build-ead($ead as document-node(), $c02s as element()*) as element(ead) {
element ead {
element archdesc {
element dsc {
element c01 {
(: Main expression body :)
let $finding-aid := ""
let $ead-url := ''
let $image-url := ''
let $ead := fn:doc($finding-aid)
let $data := local:get-data($ead-url)
let $entries := array { $data }
let $c02s := local:build-dao($image-url,$entries)
return local:build-ead($ead,$c02s)
xquery version "3.1";
let $data :=
let $request :=html:parse(fetch:text('','windows-1254'), map { 'encoding': 'UTF-8' })//table/tr
for $item in $request[position() = 2 to last()-1]
let $title := fn:normalize-space(fn:string-join($item/td[1]/a/text()))
let $category := $item/td[2]/text()
let $translation := $item/td[3]/text()
let $image := $item/td[4]/text()
let $info := fn:normalize-space(fn:string-join($item/td[5]/text()))
let $entry := map { 'title': $title, 'category': $category, 'translation': $translation, 'image': $image, 'info': $info }
return $entry
let $data := map {'values': array { $data } }
return $data
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Lancret. L'Attache du patin.</unittitle>
<p>Lancret. (</p>
<daoloc href=""
<eadheader langencoding="iso639-2b" scriptencoding="iso15924" relatedencoding="dc" repositoryencoding="iso15511" countryencoding="iso3166-1" dateencoding="iso8601" id="a0">
<eadid countrycode="us" encodinganalog="identifier">morris-wachs-lantern-slides.xml</eadid>
<titleproper encodinganalog="title">Guide to the Morris Wachs Lantern Slide
Collection<date encodinganalog="date">18th Century</date>
<titleproper type="filing" altrender="nodisplay">Wachs, Morris (Lantern Slides)
<author encodinganalog="creator">Finding aid prepared by Yvonne Boyer and Kathy
<!--To link to your logo, click on the diamond in the <extptr> tag below and enter the full
URL of the digital logo file in the HREF attribute. Describe image in TITLE attribute, eg., University of
Oregon logo-->
<publisher encodinganalog="publisher">Vanderbilt University Library. W.T. Bandy
Center for Baudelaire and Modern French Studies.<extptr actuate="onload" show="embed" role="image/jpeg" href=""/>
<date encodinganalog="date" normal="2015">©2015</date>
<addressline>Jean and Alexander Heard Library, Vanderbilt
<addressline>419 21st Avenue South</addressline>
<addressline>Nashville, TN 37203-2427</addressline>
<addressline>Phone: (615) 343-0372</addressline>
<creation>Finding aid encoded by Cliff Anderson<date normal="05-2015">May
<langusage>Finding aid written in<language langcode="eng" encodinganalog="language" scriptcode="latn">English</language>.</langusage>
<descrules>Finding aid based on DACS (<title render="italic">Describing Archives: A
Content Standard</title>).</descrules>
<!--Enter date of substantial revision of finding aid, if any-->
<!--Describe the revision(s)-->
<archdesc level="collection" type="inventory" relatedencoding="marc21">
<did id="a1">
<corpname encodinganalog="852$a">Vanderbilt University<subarea encodinganalog="852$b">W.T. Bandy Center for Baudelaire and Modern French
<unitid encodinganalog="099" countrycode="us">Wachs 2004</unitid>
<persname encodinganalog="100" role="creator">Wachs, Morris</persname>
<unittitle encodinganalog="245$a">French Lantern Slides</unittitle>
<unitdate type="inclusive" encodinganalog="245$f">unknown</unitdate>
<!-- May need to recount slides -->
<extent encodinganalog="300$a">118 slides</extent>
<physfacet encodinganalog="300$b">Glass slides in wooden storage box</physfacet>
<dimensions encodinganalog="300$c">3-3/8" x4"</dimensions>
<abstract encodinganalog="5203_">These slides contain images related to the eighteenth
century and the Enlightenment, including book covers, portraits,
<physloc>Library Annex</physloc>
<language encodinganalog="546" langcode="FR"/>
<phystech encodinganalog="340">
<p>The glass lantern slides require a magic lantern or lantern slide projector. They
have been digitized.</p>
<originalsloc encodinganalog="535">
<p>These lantern slides are reproductions from various eighteenth century French
<bioghist encodinganalog="545" id="a2">
<!--Enter ENCODINGANALOG value of 5450_ for biog. or 5451_ for historical note, or use
<head> element-->
<head>Morris Wachs, 1921-2001</head>
<p>Morris Wachs (1921-2001) was born in Brooklyn, New York on December 24, 1921 and died
in Nashville on August 8, 2001. He was a graduate of Brooklyn College. He received
his doctorate at the University of Wisconsin in 1959. He initially taught at DePauw
University in Indiana, and then joined Vanderbilt University as associate professor
in 1962, retiring in 1992 as Professor Emeritus, after 30 years of service.
Professor Wachs was an eighteenth century specialist, with a focus on the poetry of
Denis Diderot (1713-1784). Wachs was the descendent of the great rabbinic Cohn
family. He was fluent in Yiddish and Hebrew and took an interest in the development
of the Judaica Collections in the Divinity School Library at Vanderbilt, playing a
role in the acquisition of the Yiddish holdings. He created the annual Jacqueline
Wachs Essay Prize for undergraduates in the French and Italian Writing Competition
in memory of his wife. Jacqueline Touret Wachs was a long-time senior lecturer with
the Department of French &amp; Italian at Vanderbilt. Wachs was well known for his
knowledge of the French Enlightenment. As a bibliophile, he helped build the
library’s collection of eighteenth-century French literature. He served as a member
and chair of the executive committee of the Modern Language Association of America
on the French Literature of the Eighteenth Century section.</p>
<scopecontent encodinganalog="5202_" id="a3">
<p>Morris Wachs was a great book collector, focusing on eighteenth century French
literature. His collection is particularly rich in rare popular fiction, providing
an insight into the literary tastes of the eighteenth-century. His collection
represents material of the Enlightenment, ranging from orientalism, satire, novels,
epistolary fiction, almanacs, and fictional travel accounts. The book collection is
housed at the Library Annex in separate Microclimate boxes and occupies 116 linear
feet of space. The collection also includes 118 lantern slides housed in an old
wooden box, each slide labeled individually. These slides contain images related to
the eighteenth century and the Enlightenment, including book covers, portraits,
paintings. Wachs may have purchased the lantern slides along the Seine River from
the bouquinistes of Paris. The lantern slides were digitized by the Visual Resource
Center at Vanderbilt and linked to the Bandy Center site.</p>
<odd encodinganalog="500" id="a5">
<!--Text of additional general note(s); optional; if used for
interpretive/background essay, enter "hist" in <odd> TYPE attribute-->
<arrangement encodinganalog="351" id="a4">
<p>They are organized as they were when purchased.</p>
<fileplan id="a37">
<!--Info about original arrangement system; optional-->
<altformavail encodinganalog="530" id="a9">
<p>. The lantern slides were digitized by the Visual Resource Center at Vanderbilt and
linked to the Bandy Center site.</p>
<accessrestrict encodinganalog="506" id="a14">
<!--Summary of access restrictions or lack of restrictions; required-->
<userestrict encodinganalog="540" id="a15">
<!--Summary of use restrictions or lack of restrictions-->
<prefercite encodinganalog="524" id="a18">
<p>Morris Wachs Lantern Slide Collection of the W. T. Bandy Center for Baudelaire and
Modern French Studies at Vanderbilt University</p>
<custodhist encodinganalog="561" id="a16">
<p>The collection of about 700 monograph titles and 118 glass lantern slides was donated
(purchase/donation) to the W.T. Bandy Center for Baudelaire and Modern French
Studies, Vanderbilt University in 2004 by Sol and Frieda Shaviro, the sister of
Morris Wachs.</p>
<acqinfo encodinganalog="541" id="a19">
<!--Details concerning the immediate acquisition of the material by the repository -->
<accruals encodinganalog="584" id="a10">
<!--Describe expected additions; optional-->
<processinfo encodinganalog="583" id="a20">
<!--Actions taken during accessioning, arranging, preserving, etc.-->
<separatedmaterial encodinganalog="5440_" id="a7">
<!--Describe materials related by provenance but physically separated from the collection-->
<bibliography encodinganalog="581" id="a11">
<p>Paul Kingsbury, “Wachs Collection Is World Class,” Acorn Chronicle, Fall, 2004, p.
<otherfindaid encodinganalog="555" id="a8">
<!--Additional guides to the material-->
<relatedmaterial encodinganalog="5441_" id="a6">
<!--Describe materials that are related, but not by provenance-->
<index id="a38">
<!--Index to key name(s) and/or term(s) in finding aid; optional. Linking
references to related locations in finding aid may be given-->
<!--Or use <subject> to index a topic-->
<ref show="replace" actuate="onrequest">
<!--Use TARGET attribute to point to the ID of
the referenced element-->
<appraisal id="a39" encodinganalog="583">
<!--Info on archival value/disposition of records; optional-->
<controlaccess id="a12">
<p>This collection is indexed under the following headings in the online catalog.
Researchers desiring materials about related topics, persons, or places should
search the catalog using these headings.</p>
<persname role="subject" encodinganalog="600">
<!--Additional personal name-->
<persname role="creator" encodinganalog="700">
<!--Additional creator, personal-->
<famname role="subject" encodinganalog="600">
<!--Family name-->
<famname role="creator" encodinganalog="700">
<!--Additional creator, family-->
<corpname role="subject" encodinganalog="610">
<!--Corporate body name-->
<corpname role="subject" encodinganalog="610">
<!--Corporate body name-->
<corpname role="creator" encodinganalog="710">
<!--Additional creator, corporate-->
<geogname role="subject" encodinganalog="651">
<!--Place name-->
<subject encodinganalog="650">France--18th century</subject>
<subject encodinganalog="650">
<!--Subject term-->
<subject encodinganalog="650">
<!--Subject term-->
<subject source="nwda" altrender="nodisplay" encodinganalog="690">
browsing term; at least one is required-->
<subject source="nwda" altrender="nodisplay" encodinganalog="690">
<!--NWDA browsing term-->
<genreform encodinganalog="655">
<!--Form or genre term-->
<genreform encodinganalog="655">
<!--Form or genre term-->
<occupation encodinganalog="656">
<!--Occupation term-->
<occupation encodinganalog="656">
<!--Occupation term-->
<function encodinganalog="657">
<function encodinganalog="657">
<title encodinganalog="630">
<!--Title of publication included/described in collection-->
<dsc type="combined" id="a23">
<c01 level="series">
<unitid encodinganalog="099">
<!--Unique identifying number or code-->
<!--Enter container number if applicable at this level; use TYPE attribute for type of
<!--Use nested persname or corpname to give name of creator if different from parent-level creator-->
<unittitle encodinganalog="245$a">
<!--Title of component-->
<unitdate type="inclusive" encodinganalog="245$f">
<!--Date or range of dates of component material, or "undated"; repeatable-->
<extent encodinganalog="300$a">
<!--Quantity of component material-->
<physfacet encodinganalog="300$b">
<!--Appearance, materials, or techniques if applicable-->
<dimensions encodinganalog="300$c">
<!--Dimensions if applicable-->
<language encodinganalog="546">
<!--Language(s) of the materials if
different from collection level-->
<scopecontent encodinganalog="5202_">
<!--Brief description of component being described, such as series-->
<arrangement encodinganalog="351">
<!--Describe arrangement of component materials-->
<accessrestrict encodinganalog="506">
<!--Summary of access restrictions, or lack of restrictions, on component material-->
<userestrict type="540">
<!--Summary of use restrictions, or lack of restrictions, on component material-->
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Le Barbier de Séville</unittitle>
<abstract>French play by Pierre Beaumarchais, with original music by Antoine-Laurent Baudron, written 1773, first performed 23 Feb, 1775</abstract>
<p>The Barber of Seville</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Madame de Pompadour</unittitle>
<abstract>1764 Augustin de Saint-Aubin engraving based on a drawing by Charles-Nicolas Cochin Fils, with quattrain by Montmartel</abstract>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Manuscrit du Mariage de Figaro Planche XV</unittitle>
<materialspec>Engraved plate</materialspec>
<p>Manuscript of The Marriage of Figaro Plate XV</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Voltaire couronné dans loge</unittitle>
<abstract>Engraving showing Voltaire being crowned at the Académie in his box 30 March 1778 ata perfo</abstract>
<p>Voltaire crowned in box</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>La réception de l'electeur de Saxe au chatea</unittitle>
<materialspec>Print (Engraving?/Painting?)</materialspec>
<p>The reception of the Elector of Saxony in the castle of Fontainebleau</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Duquelne - gr. de Edelinck</unittitle>
<p>Duquelne - engraved by Edelinck</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Factum de Beaumarchais</unittitle>
<materialspec>Front Page- Trial narrative</materialspec>
<p>Trial narrative of Beaumarchais</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>L'abbé Delille</unittitle>
<abstract>Engraved by Benoist; painted by Monnier</abstract>
<p>Abbé Delille</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Le tombeau de Rousseau à Ermenonville</unittitle>
<abstract>Rousseau originally buried at Ermenonville upon his death there in 1778; Moved to Pantheon in Paris in 1794</abstract>
<p>Rousseau's tomb at Ermenonville</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Camille Desmoulins</unittitle>
<abstract>Camille Desmoulins- member of the National Convention</abstract>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>La Juene Captive d'André Chénier</unittitle>
<abstract>Conveyed by M. Antoine Guillois after a watercolor made by Hubert Robert during his imprisonment</abstract>
<p>The </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Portrait de la mère d'André Chénier</unittitle>
<p>Portrait of André Chénier's mother</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Madame Geoffrin dans son cabinet</unittitle>
<materialspec>Print (Charcoal Drawing?)</materialspec>
<p>Madame Geoffrin in his office (exhibition room?)</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Maison de Bernardin de St. Pierre à Essonnes</unittitle>
<p>House of Bernardin de St. Pierre at Essonnes</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>autographe de Voltaire</unittitle>
<abstract>Note containing Voltaire's signature</abstract>
<materialspec>Handwritten note</materialspec>
<p>Voltaire's autograph</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Caricature de Voltaire</unittitle>
<p>Charicature of Voltaire</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Hubert Robert. Le Saoln de Madame Geoffrin</unittitle>
<materialspec>Print (Charcoal Drawing?)</materialspec>
<p>Hubert Robert. The Salon of Madame Geoffrin.</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Watteau, J. A. Amusement champêtre. Acad.</unittitle>
<materialspec>Print (Painting?)</materialspec>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<abstract>Portrait of Benjamin Franklin with inscription</abstract>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Moreau le Jeune. Les Adieux.</unittitle>
<abstract>1777. Jean-Michel Moreau le Jeune. Engraved by Robet Delaunay</abstract>
<materialspec>Etching and engraving</materialspec>
<p>Moreau the Younger. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<abstract>Portrait of Christophe Gluck with inscription</abstract>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Vernet. Les Lavandières.</unittitle>
<abstract>(I believe it is Claude-Joseph Vernet.)</abstract>
<materialspec>Print (Painting?)</materialspec>
<p>Vernet. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Pater. Le colin-maillard.</unittitle>
<abstract>Jean-Baptiste Pater (1695-1736)</abstract>
<materialspec>Print (Painting?)</materialspec>
<p>Pater. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Frontispice des Études de la nature</unittitle>
<abstract>Book by Bernardin de St. Pierre, first published 1784</abstract>
<p>Frontispiece of </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Soldat en 1720</unittitle>
<materialspec>Print (Drawing?)</materialspec>
<p>Soldier in 1720</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Nattier. Une fille de Louis XV.</unittitle>
<abstract>By Jean-Marc Nattier noted for his portraits of the ladies of King Louis XV's court in classical mythological attire.</abstract>
<p>Nattier. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Pater. Concert dans un parc.</unittitle>
<abstract>Jean-Baptiste Pater (1695-1736)</abstract>
<p>Pater. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Moreau le jeune. Marie-Antoinette allant à</unittitle>
<materialspec>Print (Etching?)</materialspec>
<p>Moreau the Younger. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Le Baquet de Mesmer</unittitle>
<materialspec>Print (Drawing?)</materialspec>
<p>Mesmer's Baquet</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Zrianon(?). Chambre de Marie-Antionette.</unittitle>
<p>Marie-Antionette's bedroom.</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Chenavard P. Une réception chez Voltaire.</unittitle>
<abstract>Paul-Marc-Joseph Chenavard (1808-1895)</abstract>
<materialspec>Print (Drawing?)</materialspec>
<p>Chenavard, P. (</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Watteau, J. A. Les fiançailles au village. Coll.</unittitle>
<materialspec>Print (Painting?)</materialspec>
<p>Watteau, J. A. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Watteau, J. A. La lecture à la chandelle. Coll.</unittitle>
<materialspec>Print (Charcoal Drawing?)</materialspec>
<p>Watteau, J. A. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Fournier. Washington et sa mère.</unittitle>
<materialspec>Print (Painting?)</materialspec>
<p>Fournier. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Watteau, J. A. Savoyard avec sa marmotte. Er</unittitle>
<p>Watteau, J. A. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>La bour - Jean-Jacques Rousseau</unittitle>
<materialspec>Print (Portrait)</materialspec>
<p>The Bourgeoisie- Jean-Jacques Rousseau</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<materialspec>Print (Etching?)</materialspec>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Greuse. L'accordée de village.</unittitle>
<materialspec>Print (Painting?)</materialspec>
<p>Greuse. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Chardin. Le Bénédicité.</unittitle>
<materialspec>Print (Painting?)</materialspec>
<p>Chardin. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Petit trianon. Le Hameau.</unittitle>
<abstract>Located withing the Versailles park. Built for Marie-Antionette</abstract>
<p>Petit Trianon. The Hamlet.</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<materialspec>Print (Etching?)</materialspec>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Bureau de Louis XV</unittitle>
<p>Louis XV's desk.</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Le Petit Trianon.</unittitle>
<p>Petit Trianon.</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Watteau. La Danse. - Berlin.</unittitle>
<materialspec>Print (Painting?)</materialspec>
<p>Watteau. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Nattier, J. M. Le point de jour.Angl.</unittitle>
<materialspec>Print (Painting?)</materialspec>
<p>Nattier, J. M. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Les Halles au XVIIIe Siècle</unittitle>
<materialspec>Print (Painting?)</materialspec>
<p>Halls of the 18th Century</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Oudry, Jean-Baptiste. La chasse au loup. Lou</unittitle>
<p>Oudry, Jean-Baptiste. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>G.-J. de Saint-Aubin. Les dimanches de St Clo</unittitle>
<materialspec>Print (Drawing?)</materialspec>
<p>G.-J. de Saint-Aubin. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Jeaurat.Le Carnaval des ?? de Paris.</unittitle>
<materialspec>Print (Painting?)</materialspec>
<p>Jeaurat. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Callet. Louis XVI.</unittitle>
<p>Callet. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Wertmuller. Marie-Antoinette ???. 1617.</unittitle>
<p>Wertmuller. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Bs. Saint Aubin. Jeune mère et ses enfants.</unittitle>
<materialspec>Print (Drawing?)</materialspec>
<p>Bs. Saint Aubin. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Boilly. La Fayette jeune.</unittitle>
<p>Boilly. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Chardin. La mère laborieuse.</unittitle>
<materialspec>Print (Painting?)</materialspec>
<p>Chardin. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Greuse. La dame bienfaisante.</unittitle>
<materialspec>Print (Painting?)</materialspec>
<p>Greuse. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Pater. Fête dans un parc.</unittitle>
<p>Pater. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Boucher. La marchande de modes.</unittitle>
<p>Boucher. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Aubry. La visite à la nourrice.</unittitle>
<p>Aubry. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Lavreince. L'Ecole de danse.</unittitle>
<materialspec>Print (Drawing?)</materialspec>
<p>Lavreince. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Swebach.Le promenade publique.</unittitle>
<p>Swebach. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Jeaurat. La mère laborieuse.</unittitle>
<p>Jeaurat. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Pater. La (t?)oilette.</unittitle>
<p>Pater. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Vigée Le Brun. Marie-Antoinette à la rose.</unittitle>
<p>Vigée Le Brun. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Caricature contre Rousseau</unittitle>
<p>(Charicature against Rousseau?)</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Le Vieux Cordelier</unittitle>
<p>The Old Cordelier.</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Discours de la lanterne aux Parisiens</unittitle>
<p>(Speech of the Lantern to the Parisians?)</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Les derniers moments de Rousseau</unittitle>
<p>The last moments of Rousseau</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Portrait de Robespierre</unittitle>
<p>Portrait of Robespierre</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Jeaurat. Le transport à l'Hôpital</unittitle>
<materialspec>Print (Painting?)</materialspec>
<p>Jeaurat. </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Titre des Lettres Persanes</unittitle>
<p>Title of </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Les auteurs de l'encyclopédie</unittitle>
<p>The authors of the encyclopædia</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Vue de la chambre de Montesquieu</unittitle>
<p>View of Montesquieu's room</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Portrait de Marivaux</unittitle>
<materialspec>Print (Painting?)</materialspec>
<p>Portrait of Marivaux</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Mandementde l'archevêque de Paris brulé</unittitle>
<p>Mandate of the Archbishop of Paris burned by act of parliament</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Défense de l'esprit des Loix</unittitle>
<p>Defense of the Spirit of Laws</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Caricature contre Diderot</unittitle>
<p>(Charicature against Diderot?)</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Le neveu de Romeau</unittitle>
<p>Romeau's nephew</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Lettre sur les aveugles</unittitle>
<p>Letter on the Blind</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>De l'esprit par Helvétius</unittitle>
<materialspec>Page from book with notes</materialspec>
<p>From the mind by Helvetius</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Président Des Brosses</unittitle>
<p>President de Brosses</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Discours de l'Académie Française</unittitle>
<p>Speech by the French Academy</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Marie-Antoinette en costume villageois</unittitle>
<p>Marie-Antoinette in Village Dress</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Frontispice de l'encyclopédie</unittitle>
<p>Frontispiece of the encyclopædia</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Portrait d'Helvétius</unittitle>
<p>Portrait of Helvetius</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Portrait de Marmontel</unittitle>
<p>Portrait of Marmontel</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Vue du Château de Ferney</unittitle>
<abstract>Voltaire's home</abstract>
<p>View of Chateau Ferney</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Lever du Philosophie de Ferney</unittitle>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Vue du Château de Cirey</unittitle>
<p>View of Chateau de Cirey</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Voltaire à sa table de travail</unittitle>
<p>Voltaire at his desk</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Portrait de Crébillon</unittitle>
<p>Portrait of Crebillon</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Portrait de J. B. Rousseau</unittitle>
<p>Portrait of J. B. Rousseau</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Voltaire jeune</unittitle>
<materialspec>Print (Painting?)</materialspec>
<p>Volatire young.</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Les lettres philosophiques de Voltaire</unittitle>
<p>Voltaire's philosophical letters</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Portrait de Le Sage</unittitle>
<p>Portrait of Le Sage</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>François d'Aguesseau</unittitle>
<p>François d'Aguesseau</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Un page du Carnet de Voltaire</unittitle>
<materialspec>Handwritten page</materialspec>
<p>A page from Voltaire's notebook</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Translation des un ches de Voltaire</unittitle>
<p>(Translation of Voltaire's tasks?)</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>L'ermitage de Rousseau à Montmorency</unittitle>
<p>Rousseau's hermitage at Montmorency</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Discours qui a remporté le prix à l'exposition</unittitle>
<p>The speech that won the exhibition in Dijon</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Rousseau herborisant à Ermenonville</unittitle>
<p>Rosseau gardening in Ermenonville</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Masque mortuaire de Rousseau</unittitle>
<p>Rousseau's Death Mask</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Vue des Charmettes</unittitle>
<p>View of Charmettes</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Lancret. L'Attache du patin.</unittitle>
<p>Lancret. (</p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
<c02 level="item">
<unittitle>Manuscrit de l'Émile</unittitle>
<materialspec>Page of manuscript</materialspec>
<p>Manuscipt of </p>
<daoloc href="" role="thumbnail"/>
"values": [
"info": "French play by Pierre Beaumarchais, with original music by Antoine-Laurent Baudron, written 1773, first performed 23 Feb, 1775",
"translation": "The Barber of Seville",
"title": "Le Barbier de Séville",
"image": "IMG_0446.jpg",
"category": "Frontispiece"
"info": "1764 Augustin de Saint-Aubin engraving based on a drawing by Charles-Nicolas Cochin Fils, with quattrain by Montmartel",
"translation": null,
"title": "Madame de Pompadour",
"image": "IMG_0447.jpg",
"category": "Engraving"
"info": "",
"translation": "Manuscript of The Marriage of Figaro Plate XV",
"title": "Manuscrit du Mariage de Figaro Planche XV",
"image": "IMG_0448.jpg",
"category": "Engraved plate"
"info": "Engraving showing Voltaire being crowned at the Académie in his box 30 March 1778 ata perfo",
"translation": "Voltaire crowned in box",
"title": "Voltaire couronné dans loge",
"image": "IMG_0449.jpg",
"category": "Engraving"
"info": "",
"translation": "The reception of the Elector of Saxony in the castle of Fontainebleau",
"title": "La réception de l'electeur de Saxe au chatea",
"image": "IMG_0450.jpg",
"category": "Print (Engraving?/Painting?)"
"info": "",
"translation": "Duquelne - engraved by Edelinck",
"title": "Duquelne - gr. de Edelinck",
"image": "IMG_0451.jpg",
"category": "Engraving"
"info": "",
"translation": "Trial narrative of Beaumarchais",
"title": "Factum de Beaumarchais",
"image": "IMG_0452.jpg",
"category": "Front Page- Trial narrative"
"info": "Engraved by Benoist; painted by Monnier",
"translation": "Abbé Delille",
"title": "L'abbé Delille",
"image": "IMG_0453.jpg",
"category": "Engraving"
"info": "Rousseau originally buried at Ermenonville upon his death there in 1778; Moved to Pantheon in Paris in 1794",
"translation": "Rousseau's tomb at Ermenonville",
"title": "Le tombeau de Rousseau à Ermenonville",
"image": "IMG_0454.jpg",
"category": "Engraving"
"info": "Camille Desmoulins- member of the National Convention",
"translation": null,
"title": "Camille Desmoulins",
"image": "IMG_0455.jpg",
"category": "Engraving"
"info": "Conveyed by M. Antoine Guillois after a watercolor made by Hubert Robert during his imprisonment",
"translation": "The ",
"title": "La Juene Captive d'André Chénier",
"image": "IMG_0456.jpg",
"category": "Engraving"
"info": "",
"translation": "Portrait of André Chénier's mother",
"title": "Portrait de la mère d'André Chénier",
"image": "IMG_0457.jpg",
"category": "Painting"
"info": "",
"translation": "Madame Geoffrin in his office (exhibition room?)",
"title": "Madame Geoffrin dans son cabinet",
"image": "IMG_0458.jpg",
"category": "Print (Charcoal Drawing?)"
"info": "",
"translation": "House of Bernardin de St. Pierre at Essonnes",
"title": "Maison de Bernardin de St. Pierre à Essonnes",
"image": "IMG_0459.jpg",
"category": "Engraving"
"info": "Note containing Voltaire's signature",
"translation": "Voltaire's autograph",
"title": "autographe de Voltaire",
"image": "IMG_0460.jpg",
"category": "Handwritten note"
"info": "",
"translation": "Charicature of Voltaire",
"title": "Caricature de Voltaire",
"image": "IMG_0461.jpg",
"category": "Engraving"
"info": "",
"translation": "Hubert Robert. The Salon of Madame Geoffrin.",
"title": "Hubert Robert. Le Saoln de Madame Geoffrin",
"image": "IMG_0463.jpg",
"category": "Print (Charcoal Drawing?)"
"info": "",
"translation": "(",
"title": "Watteau, J. A. Amusement champêtre. Acad.",
"image": "IMG_0464.jpg",
"category": "Print (Painting?)"
"info": "Portrait of Benjamin Franklin with inscription",
"translation": null,
"title": "Franklin",
"image": "IMG_0465.jpg",
"category": "Engraving"
"info": "1777. Jean-Michel Moreau le Jeune. Engraved by Robet Delaunay",
"translation": "Moreau the Younger. ",
"title": "Moreau le Jeune. Les Adieux.",
"image": "IMG_0466.jpg",
"category": "Etching and engraving"
"info": "Portrait of Christophe Gluck with inscription",
"translation": null,
"title": "Gluck",
"image": "IMG_0467.jpg",
"category": "Engraving"
"info": "(I believe it is Claude-Joseph Vernet.)",
"translation": "Vernet. ",
"title": "Vernet. Les Lavandières.",
"image": "IMG_0468.jpg",
"category": "Print (Painting?)"
"info": "Jean-Baptiste Pater (1695-1736)",
"translation": "Pater. ",
"title": "Pater. Le colin-maillard.",
"image": "IMG_0469.jpg",
"category": "Print (Painting?)"
"info": "Book by Bernardin de St. Pierre, first published 1784",
"translation": "Frontispiece of ",
"title": "Frontispice des Études de la nature",
"image": "IMG_0470.jpg",
"category": "Frontispiece(Engraving)"
"info": "",
"translation": "Soldier in 1720",
"title": "Soldat en 1720",
"image": "IMG_0471.jpg",
"category": "Print (Drawing?)"
"info": "By Jean-Marc Nattier noted for his portraits of the ladies of King Louis XV's court in classical mythological attire.",
"translation": "Nattier. ",
"title": "Nattier. Une fille de Louis XV.",
"image": "IMG_0472.jpg",
"category": "Painting"
"info": "Jean-Baptiste Pater (1695-1736)",
"translation": "Pater. ",
"title": "Pater. Concert dans un parc.",
"image": "IMG_0473.jpg",
"category": "Painting"
"info": "",
"translation": "Moreau the Younger. ",
"title": "Moreau le jeune. Marie-Antoinette allant à",
"image": "IMG_0474.jpg",
"category": "Print (Etching?)"
"info": "",
"translation": "Mesmer's Baquet",
"title": "Le Baquet de Mesmer",
"image": "IMG_0475.jpg",
"category": "Print (Drawing?)"
"info": "",
"translation": "Marie-Antionette's bedroom.",
"title": "Zrianon(?). Chambre de Marie-Antionette.",
"image": "IMG_0476.jpg",
"category": "Photo"
"info": "Paul-Marc-Joseph Chenavard (1808-1895)",
"translation": "Chenavard, P. (",
"title": "Chenavard P. Une réception chez Voltaire.",
"image": "IMG_0478.jpg",
"category": "Print (Drawing?)"
"info": "",
"translation": "Watteau, J. A. ",
"title": "Watteau, J. A. Les fiançailles au village. Coll.",
"image": "IMG_0479.jpg",
"category": "Print (Painting?)"
"info": "",
"translation": "Watteau, J. A. ",
"title": "Watteau, J. A. La lecture à la chandelle. Coll.",
"image": "IMG_0480.jpg",
"category": "Print (Charcoal Drawing?)"
"info": "",
"translation": "Fournier. ",
"title": "Fournier. Washington et sa mère.",
"image": "IMG_0481.jpg",
"category": "Print (Painting?)"
"info": "",
"translation": "Watteau, J. A. ",
"title": "Watteau, J. A. Savoyard avec sa marmotte. Er",
"image": "IMG_0482.jpg",
"category": "Print"
"info": "",
"translation": "The Bourgeoisie- Jean-Jacques Rousseau",
"title": "La bour - Jean-Jacques Rousseau",
"image": "IMG_0483.jpg",
"category": "Print (Portrait)"
"info": "",
"translation": "??",
"title": "???",
"image": "IMG_0484.jpg",
"category": "Print (Etching?)"
"info": "",
"translation": "Greuse. ",
"title": "Greuse. L'accordée de village.",
"image": "IMG_0485.jpg",
"category": "Print (Painting?)"
"info": "",
"translation": "Chardin. ",
"title": "Chardin. Le Bénédicité.",
"image": "IMG_0486.jpg",
"category": "Print (Painting?)"
"info": "Located withing the Versailles park. Built for Marie-Antionette",
"translation": "Petit Trianon. The Hamlet.",
"title": "Petit trianon. Le Hameau.",
"image": "IMG_0487.jpg",
"category": "Print"
"info": "",
"translation": "Diderot",
"title": "Diderot",
"image": "IMG_0488.jpg",
"category": "Print (Etching?)"
"info": "",
"translation": "???",
"title": "????",
"image": "IMG_0494.jpg",
"category": "Print"
"info": "",
"translation": "Louis XV's desk.",
"title": "Bureau de Louis XV",
"image": "IMG_0495.jpg",
"category": "Photograph?"
"info": "The",
"translation": "Petit Trianon.",
"title": "Le Petit Trianon.",
"image": "IMG_0490.jpg",
"category": "Photograph?"
"info": "",
"translation": "Watteau. ",
"title": "Watteau. La Danse. - Berlin.",
"image": "IMG_0491.jpg",
"category": "Print (Painting?)"
"info": "",
"translation": "Nattier, J. M. ",
"title": "Nattier, J. M. Le point de jour.Angl.",
"image": "IMG_0492.jpg",
"category": "Print (Painting?)"
"info": "",
"translation": "Halls of the 18th Century",
"title": "Les Halles au XVIIIe Siècle",
"image": "IMG_0493.jpg",
"category": "Print (Painting?)"
"info": "",
"translation": "Oudry, Jean-Baptiste. ",
"title": "Oudry, Jean-Baptiste. La chasse au loup. Lou",
"image": "IMG_0496.jpg",
"category": "Painting"
"info": "",
"translation": "G.-J. de Saint-Aubin. ",
"title": "G.-J. de Saint-Aubin. Les dimanches de St Clo",
"image": "IMG_0497.jpg",
"category": "Print (Drawing?)"
"info": "",
"translation": "Jeaurat. ",
"title": "Jeaurat.Le Carnaval des ?? de Paris.",
"image": "IMG_0498.jpg",
"category": "Print (Painting?)"
"info": "",
"translation": "Callet. ",
"title": "Callet. Louis XVI.",
"image": "IMG_0499.jpg",
"category": "Painting"
"info": "",
"translation": "Wertmuller. ",
"title": "Wertmuller. Marie-Antoinette ???. 1617.",
"image": "IMG_0500.jpg",
"category": "Painting"
"info": "",
"translation": "Bs. Saint Aubin. ",
"title": "Bs. Saint Aubin. Jeune mère et ses enfants.",
"image": "IMG_0501.jpg",
"category": "Print (Drawing?)"
"info": "",
"translation": "Boilly. ",
"title": "Boilly. La Fayette jeune.",
"image": "IMG_0502.jpg",
"category": "Painting"
"info": "",
"translation": "Chardin. ",
"title": "Chardin. La mère laborieuse.",
"image": "IMG_0503.jpg",
"category": "Print (Painting?)"
"info": "",
"translation": "Greuse. ",
"title": "Greuse. La dame bienfaisante.",
"image": "IMG_0504.jpg",
"category": "Print (Painting?)"
"info": "",
"translation": "Pater. ",
"title": "Pater. Fête dans un parc.",
"image": "IMG_0505.jpg",
"category": "Painting"
"info": "",
"translation": "Boucher. ",
"title": "Boucher. La marchande de modes.",
"image": "IMG_0506.jpg",
"category": "Painting"
"info": "",
"translation": "Aubry. ",
"title": "Aubry. La visite à la nourrice.",
"image": "IMG_0507.jpg",
"category": "Painting"
"info": "",
"translation": "Lavreince. ",
"title": "Lavreince. L'Ecole de danse.",
"image": "IMG_0508.jpg",
"category": "Print (Drawing?)"
"info": "",
"translation": "Swebach. ",
"title": "Swebach.Le promenade publique.",
"image": "IMG_0509.jpg",
"category": "Print"
"info": "",
"translation": "Jeaurat. ",
"title": "Jeaurat. La mère laborieuse.",
"image": "IMG_0510.jpg",
"category": "Painting"
"info": "",
"translation": "Pater. ",
"title": "Pater. La (t?)oilette.",
"image": "IMG_0511.jpg",
"category": "Painting"
"info": "",
"translation": "Vigée Le Brun. ",
"title": "Vigée Le Brun. Marie-Antoinette à la rose.",
"image": "IMG_0512.jpg",
"category": "Painting"
"info": "",
"translation": "(Charicature against Rousseau?)",
"title": "Caricature contre Rousseau",
"image": "IMG_0551.jpg",
"category": "Print"
"info": "",
"translation": "The Old Cordelier.",
"title": "Le Vieux Cordelier",
"image": "IMG_0552.jpg",
"category": "Frontispiece"
"info": "",
"translation": "(Speech of the Lantern to the Parisians?)",
"title": "Discours de la lanterne aux Parisiens",
"image": "IMG_0553.jpg",
"category": "Frontispiece"
"info": "",
"translation": "The last moments of Rousseau",
"title": "Les derniers moments de Rousseau",
"image": "IMG_0554.jpg",
"category": "Print"
"info": "",
"translation": "Portrait of Robespierre",
"title": "Portrait de Robespierre",
"image": "IMG_0555.jpg",
"category": "Print"
"info": "",
"translation": "Jeaurat. ",
"title": "Jeaurat. Le transport à l'Hôpital",
"image": "IMG_0556.jpg",
"category": "Print (Painting?)"
"info": "",
"translation": "Title of ",
"title": "Titre des Lettres Persanes",
"image": "IMG_0550.jpg",
"category": "Frontispiece"
"info": "",
"translation": "The authors of the encyclopædia",
"title": "Les auteurs de l'encyclopédie",
"image": "IMG_0549.jpg",
"category": "Print"
"info": "",
"translation": "View of Montesquieu's room",
"title": "Vue de la chambre de Montesquieu",
"image": "IMG_0548.jpg",
"category": "Print"
"info": "",
"translation": "Portrait of Marivaux",
"title": "Portrait de Marivaux",
"image": "IMG_0547.jpg",
"category": "Print (Painting?)"
"info": "",
"translation": "Mandate of the Archbishop of Paris burned by act of parliament",
"title": "Mandementde l'archevêque de Paris brulé",
"image": "IMG_0546.jpg",
"category": "Print"
"info": "",
"translation": "Defense of the Spirit of Laws",
"title": "Défense de l'esprit des Loix",
"image": "IMG_0545.jpg",
"category": "Frontispiece"
"info": "",
"translation": "(Charicature against Diderot?)",
"title": "Caricature contre Diderot",
"image": "IMG_0544.jpg",
"category": "Print"
"info": "",
"translation": "Romeau's nephew",
"title": "Le neveu de Romeau",
"image": "IMG_0543.jpg",
"category": "Print"
"info": "",
"translation": "Letter on the Blind",
"title": "Lettre sur les aveugles",
"image": "IMG_0542.jpg",
"category": "Frontispiece"
"info": "",
"translation": "From the mind by Helvetius",
"title": "De l'esprit par Helvétius",
"image": "IMG_0541.jpg",
"category": "Page from book with notes"
"info": "",
"translation": "President de Brosses",
"title": "Président Des Brosses",
"image": "IMG_0540.jpg",
"category": "Engraving"
"info": "",
"translation": "Speech by the French Academy",
"title": "Discours de l'Académie Française",
"image": "IMG_0539.jpg",
"category": "Frontispiece?"
"info": "",
"translation": "Marie-Antoinette in Village Dress",
"title": "Marie-Antoinette en costume villageois",
"image": "IMG_0538.jpg",
"category": "Print"
"info": "",
"translation": "Frontispiece of the encyclopædia",
"title": "Frontispice de l'encyclopédie",
"image": "IMG_0537.jpg",
"category": "Frontispiece"
"info": "",
"translation": "Portrait of Helvetius",
"title": "Portrait d'Helvétius",
"image": "IMG_0536.jpg",
"category": "Print"
"info": "",
"translation": "Raynal",
"title": "Raynal",
"image": "IMG_0535.jpg",
"category": "Print"
"info": "",
"translation": "Portrait of Marmontel",
"title": "Portrait de Marmontel",
"image": "IMG_0534.jpg",
"category": "Print"
"info": "Voltaire's home",
"translation": "View of Chateau Ferney",
"title": "Vue du Château de Ferney",
"image": "IMG_0533.jpg",
"category": "Print"
"info": "",
"translation": "???",
"title": "Lever du Philosophie de Ferney",
"image": "IMG_0532.jpg",
"category": "Print"
"info": "",
"translation": "???",
"title": "(Vanvenarques??)",
"image": "IMG_0531.jpg",
"category": "Print"
"info": "",
"translation": "View of Chateau de Cirey",
"title": "Vue du Château de Cirey",
"image": "IMG_0530.jpg",
"category": "Print"
"info": "",
"translation": "Voltaire at his desk",
"title": "Voltaire à sa table de travail",
"image": "IMG_0529.jpg",
"category": "Photograph"
"info": "",
"translation": "Portrait of Crebillon",
"title": "Portrait de Crébillon",
"image": "IMG_0528.jpg",
"category": "Print"
"info": "",
"translation": "Portrait of J. B. Rousseau",
"title": "Portrait de J. B. Rousseau",
"image": "IMG_0527.jpg",
"category": "Painting"
"info": "",
"translation": "Volatire young.",
"title": "Voltaire jeune",
"image": "IMG_0526.jpg",
"category": "Print (Painting?)"
"info": "",
"translation": "Voltaire's philosophical letters",
"title": "Les lettres philosophiques de Voltaire",
"image": "IMG_0525.jpg",
"category": "Frontispiece"
"info": "",
"translation": "Piron",
"title": "Piron",
"image": "IMG_0524.jpg",
"category": "Print"
"info": "",
"translation": "Portrait of Le Sage",
"title": "Portrait de Le Sage",
"image": "IMG_0523.jpg",
"category": "Print"
"info": "",
"translation": "François d'Aguesseau",
"title": "François d'Aguesseau",
"image": "IMG_0522.jpg",
"category": "Print"
"info": "",
"translation": "A page from Voltaire's notebook",
"title": "Un page du Carnet de Voltaire",
"image": "IMG_0521.jpg",
"category": "Handwritten page"
"info": "",
"translation": "(Translation of Voltaire's tasks?)",
"title": "Translation des un ches de Voltaire",
"image": "IMG_0520.jpg",
"category": "Print"
"info": "",
"translation": "Rousseau's hermitage at Montmorency",
"title": "L'ermitage de Rousseau à Montmorency",
"image": "IMG_0519.jpg",
"category": "Print"
"info": "",
"translation": "The speech that won the exhibition in Dijon",
"title": "Discours qui a remporté le prix à l'exposition",
"image": "IMG_0518.jpg",
"category": "Frontispiece"
"info": "",
"translation": "Rosseau gardening in Ermenonville",
"title": "Rousseau herborisant à Ermenonville",
"image": "IMG_0517.jpg",
"category": "Print"
"info": "",
"translation": "Rousseau's Death Mask",
"title": "Masque mortuaire de Rousseau",
"image": "IMG_0516.jpg",
"category": "Photograph"
"info": "",
"translation": "View of Charmettes",
"title": "Vue des Charmettes",
"image": "IMG_0515.jpg",
"category": "Print"
"info": "",
"translation": "Lancret. (",
"title": "Lancret. L'Attache du patin.",
"image": "IMG_0514.jpg",
"category": "Painting"
"info": "",
"translation": "Manuscipt of ",
"title": "Manuscrit de l'Émile",
"image": "IMG_0513.jpg",
"category": "Page of manuscript"
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Encoding issues fixed thanks to Christian Grün's Advice here.

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