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Last active August 17, 2020 21:44
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Zotero converter for Wikidata Quick Statements
"translatorID": "51e5355d-9974-484f-80b9-f84d2b55782e",
"label": "VandyCite QuickStatements",
"creator": "Philipp Zumstein and Chris Benda",
"target": "txt",
"minVersion": "3.0",
"maxVersion": "",
"priority": 100,
"inRepository": true,
"translatorType": 2,
"browserSupport": "gcs",
"lastUpdated": "2019-12-29 15:00:00"
Copyright © 2017 Philipp Zumstein
This file is part of Zotero.
Zotero is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Zotero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with Zotero. If not, see <>.
var typeMapping = {
// Zotero types
artwork: "Q838948",
// "attachment" : "Q17709279",
audioRecording: "Q30070318",
bill: "Q686822",
blogPost: "Q17928402",
book: "Q571",
//bookSection: "Q1980247",
bookSection: "Q21481766",
case: "Q2334719",
computerProgram: "Q40056",
conferencePaper: "Q23927052",
dictionaryEntry: "Q30070414",
document: "Q49848",
email: "Q30070439",
encyclopediaArticle: "Q17329259",
film: "Q11424",
forumPost: "Q7216866",
hearing: "Q30070550",
instantMessage: "Q30070565",
interview: "Q178651",
journalArticle: "Q13442814",
letter: "Q133492",
magazineArticle: "Q30070590",
manuscript: "Q87167",
map: "Q4006",
newspaperArticle: "Q5707594",
// note
patent: "Q253623",
podcast: "Q24634210",
presentation: "Q604733",
radioBroadcast: "Q1555508",
report: "Q10870555",
statute: "Q820655",
thesis: "Q1266946",
tvBroadcast: "Q15416",
videoRecording: "Q30070675",
webpage: "Q36774",
// additional CSL types (can be used in Zotero with a hack)
dataset: "Q1172284",
// entry
figure: "Q30070753",
musical_score: "Q187947", // eslint-disable-line camelcase
pamphlet: "Q190399",
review: "Q265158",
"review-book": "Q637866",
treaty: "Q131569"
// simple properties with string values can be simply mapped here
var propertyMapping = {
P356: "DOI",
// P953: "url",
P478: "volume",
P433: "issue",
P304: "pages"
// it is important to use here the language codes in the form
// as they are also used in Wikidata for monolingual text
var languageMapping = {
en: "Q1860",
zh: "Q7850",
ru: "Q7737",
fr: "Q150",
ja: "Q5287",
de: "Q188",
es: "Q1321",
sr: "Q9299",
pl: "Q809",
cs: "Q9056",
it: "Q652",
cy: "Q9309",
pt: "Q5146",
nl: "Q7411",
sv: "Q9027",
ar: "Q13955",
ko: "Q9176",
hu: "Q9067",
da: "Q9035",
fi: "Q1412",
eu: "Q8752",
he: "Q9288",
la: "Q397",
nb: "Q25167",
no: "Q9043",
el: "Q9129",
tr: "Q256",
ca: "Q7026",
sl: "Q9063",
ro: "Q7913",
is: "Q294",
grc: "Q35497",
uk: "Q8798",
fa: "Q9168",
hy: "Q8785",
ta: "Q5885"
var identifierMapping = {
PMID: "P698",
PMCID: "P932",
"JSTOR ID": "P888",
arXiv: "P818",
"Open Library ID": "P648",
OCLC: "P243",
"IMDb ID": "P345"
function zoteroItemToQuickStatements(item) {
var statements = ['CREATE'];
var addStatement = function () {
var args =;
statements.push('LAST\t' + args.join('\t'));
var itemType = item.itemType;
// check whether a special itemType is defined in the extra fields
if (item.extra) {
var matchItemType = item.extra.match(/itemType: ([\w-]+)($|\n)/);
if (matchItemType) {
itemType = matchItemType[1];
if (typeMapping[itemType]) {
addStatement('P31', typeMapping[itemType]);
addStatement('Len', '"' + item.title + '"');
var description = itemType.replace(/([A-Z])/, function (match, firstLetter) {
return ' ' + firstLetter.toLowerCase();
addStatement('Den', '"' + description + '"');
for (var pnumber in propertyMapping) {
var zfield = propertyMapping[pnumber];
if (item[zfield]) {
addStatement(pnumber, '"' + item[zfield] + '"');
// The following statements (from creatorType editor to will add string values from Zotero, though they will assign them to properties that may not take string values. Therefore, the string values should be replaced by appropriate qids before adding to Wikidata. The code for creatorType author uses a property that allows string values, so if you use the author's qid instead, change P2093 to P50 before adding to Wikidata.
var index = 1;
var index2 = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < item.creators.length; i++) {
var creatorValue = item.creators[i].lastName;
var creatorType = item.creators[i].creatorType;
if (item.creators[i].firstName) {
creatorValue = item.creators[i].firstName + ' ' + creatorValue;
if (creatorType == "author") {
addStatement('P2093', '"' + creatorValue + '"', 'P1545', '"' + index + '"');
if (creatorType == "editor") {
addStatement('P98', '"' + creatorValue + '"', 'P1545', '"' + index2 + '"');
if (item.publicationTitle) {
addStatement('P1433', '"' + item.publicationTitle + '"');
if (item.series) {
addStatement('P179', '"' + item.series + '"');
if (item.seriesNumber) {
addStatement('P1545', '"' + item.seriesNumber + '"');
if ( {
addStatement('P291', '"' + + '"');
if (item.publisher) {
addStatement('P123', '"' + item.publisher + '"');
if ( {
// e.g. +1967-01-17T00:00:00Z/11
var formatedDate = ZU.strToISO(;
switch (formatedDate.length) {
case 4:
formatedDate += "-00-00T00:00:00Z/9";
case 7:
formatedDate += "-00T00:00:00Z/10";
case 10:
formatedDate += "T00:00:00Z/11";
formatedDate += "/11";
addStatement('P577', '+' + formatedDate);
if (item.ISBN) {
var isbnDigits = item.ISBN.replace(/-/g, '');
if (isbnDigits.length == 13) {
addStatement('P212', '"' + item.ISBN + '"');
if (isbnDigits.length == 10) {
addStatement('P957', '"' + item.ISBN + '"');
if (item.language && (item.language.toLowerCase() in languageMapping)) {
let lang = item.language.toLowerCase();
addStatement('P1476', lang + ':"' + item.title + '"');
addStatement('P407', languageMapping[lang]);
else {
// otherwise use "en" for English as default and change as necessary
addStatement('P1476', 'en:"' + item.title + '"');
addStatement('P407', 'Q1860');
if (item.extra) {
var extraLines = item.extra.split('\n');
for (var j = 0; j < extraLines.length; j++) {
var colon = extraLines[j].indexOf(':');
if (colon > -1) {
var label = extraLines[j].substr(0, colon);
var value = extraLines[j].substr(colon + 1);
if (identifierMapping[label]) {
addStatement(identifierMapping[label], '"' + value.trim() + '"');
if (label.match(/^P\d+$/)) {
if (value.trim().match(/^Q\d+$/)) {
addStatement(label, value.trim());
else {
addStatement(label, '"' + value.trim() + '"');
return statements.join('\n') + '\n';
function doExport() {
var item;
while ((item = Zotero.nextItem())) {
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